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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Donnie Baker

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Donnie Baker

  1. Don’t know much about them but I know CP was looking forward to this game to build on for their young team
  2. That’s kinda deceptive and you know it is. A normal season they would’ve been 2nd
  3. I think it’s the contact thing not an actual positive for the Gophers
  4. Bummer. A CP assistant toad me earlier and I added it to the canceled games thread. He didn’t say they had to because of Carrolls
  5. Traders Point Christians at Clinton Prairies in 1A another victim of the covids. Was just toad by a CP assistant. I swear to God I was
  6. I’m sure. It’s a bummer you’d see Lutherans at regional and not semi state
  7. My Attica source toad me the Ramblers are still playing
  8. I’ve seen 2 Turkey Run games stopped before halftime because of injuries. They still had at least 11 players left but the refs and coach from the team beating them convinced them to call the game. I don’t think they allow 11 on 10. State law!
  9. I’ve said South Putnams almost all season. I still think Attica puts up a little fight before the bottom falls out.
  10. This weeks exciting matchups. Cloverdale Clovers 0-8 @ The Woofs of Parke Heritage 6-1 Attica Red Ramblers 5-2 @ South Putnams 10-0. Both games will probably get ugly but I think the Ramblers will keep it tight for a while.
  11. I was gonna say that but changed my mind! I swear to God I did!
  12. Personally I think he was trying to make Johnny Footballs look like a buttho
  13. You’ve lurked on WRC and other threads from this area for years. You’re not that naive. 2nd and foremost you don’t need to look through 5 pages when all the schools are listed in the first post. STATE LAW!
  14. It would be helpful to read the name of the thread. Then you might know who’s playing. I swear to God it would
  15. South Putnams 41 Fountain Centrals 0 final. The Woofs of Parke Heritage 21 Riverton Parkes 0 end of 1st
  16. South Putnams 41 Fountain Centrals 0 final. Looks like they backed off early
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