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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Donnie Baker

Booster 2023-24
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    Faith Christian
  • Affiliation
    Just some creepy stalker

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. That boy from Winamacs knows more about stats than anyone I know. I swear to God he does
  2. My source toad me 24. Max preps usually isn’t accurate. I swear to God they aren’t
  3. There’s a lot of schools on 231. I swear to God there is
  4. Since Mudas opened another can of worms what schools had a juice reputation back in the days?
  5. Dan was a badass basketball player too. I watched him throw down a bunch of dunks on Lafayette Jeffs in a regional game. They couldn’t stop him and after a while just kinda stood and watched. He was like a vanilla Charles Barkley, I swear to God he was!
  6. Give me a case of Zimas and some boner pills and I’ll show you performance enhancement. I swear to God I will
  7. I need one of those Wagon Masters. I swear to God I do
  8. So you’re saying the only WRC team that could hang with South Putnams is the one that was in 3A 2 cycles ago?
  9. They’ll prolly win 1A south and I’ll say it right to your face!
  10. None with South Putnams in the bracket
  11. Open enrowment doesn’t guarantee athletic eligibility. I swear to God it doesn’t. STATE LAW
  12. Congrats to Isaac Gaylor of Fountain Central for making the North team at TE for this summer’s North/South game. He’s the 10th Mustang to play in the series
  13. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day and I’ll say it right to your face
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