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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. China also has 3 times as many people as the USA, so I don't know what the author is getting at.
  2. ...which means it didn't include enough for those things. This was clearly written by someone who has never used satellite internet. rAilrOaD CoMPaNIEs arE PriVAte bUsInESseS AnD SHouLd paY FOR THEir oWN upGRades
  3. It certainly hasn’t happened yet, saying this from experience as someone who has taught at two charter schools.
  4. Do you own a house? In 2010, my family bought shares of a company that made electric cars. The rest is history.
  5. If you are concerned about gas prices, here's something that can help- https://www.tesla.com
  6. The planet is cooking. Your gas prices can go to Hell.
  7. Nothing involving race is in this statement-
  8. I wanted to use this for Northview, but it'll do here-
  9. The comment regarding her sanity was not derived from her race or her sex.
  10. ...probably because she looks absolutely insane.
  11. And you are like a land whale who hid away from here for almost a year after Trump failed in his coup attempt. Yup.
  12. He was already the former Governor of Virginia, since Virginia doesn't allow their Governors to serve consecutive terms.
  13. My favorite comment from the Reddit thread about this photo-
  14. The dictionary picture for "insecure lunatic".
  15. Please spread the COVID anti-vax messaging, I want to teach from home again.
  16. I find it so funny that I am finally able to see the Reagan Coalition fall apart within my lifetime. If a nation has no enemies (the USSR is no longer here), where's the justification for the war machine? If people stop attending church (only 1/3rd of Millennials do, which means the children raised by my generation aren't being raised in a church environment), who is the Religious Right going to appeal to? The only ones left to vote GOP will be the Klansmen.
  17. Probably should have not left the Breton Woods system if "inflation" is so scary.
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