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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. Yes it does, particularly for these culture war issues. KS-GOP put abortion on the ballot; the KS-GOP lost.
  2. @Irishman @Wabash82 @Bobref If we ever have a Magdalene Laundry in the USA, you're to blame.
  3. You'd only be sitting through one game. Each class had its own playing site. Speaking of that, if the State Championship game is still to be played in Indianapolis, no more than three classes should be able to use a site.
  4. You were created by an amendment?
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/08/02/us/elections/results-kansas-abortion-amendment.html @Impartial_Observer @swordfish @Bobref @Muda69 @Irishman
  6. In my opinion, State Championship games should be hosted at one of the participant schools, just like it was before 1977.
  7. Just in our important industries. Yes, ultimately. Did you film at the Long Beach Container Terminal? Do you you have a TWIC? When you do, let me know, then you'll know.
  8. But they didn't. And they don't unless they are made to. And we saw what happens when the FrEe aNd oPeN MaRkEt controls electricity prices- https://www.texastribune.org/2021/03/16/griddy-bankruptcy-electricity-bills/
  9. Looks like everyone's favorite Tory really did gut America. Hey @swordfish and @Impartial_Observer you got what you voted for. Enjoy your inflation.
  10. tHe mArKeT isn't going to change the fact that those boats can't get through the Panama Canal and reach the Eastern Seaboard. Getting rid of the Jones Act will not do anything at all for shipping costs.
  11. Physics permits it. FIFY Yes, it is. There is one civilian shipbuilder in the USA. What nation abandons their own industries?
  12. @Muda69 a better article- https://www.npr.org/2022/01/14/1073215489/with-western-port-backups-ships-are-getting-cargo-to-the-u-s-via-the-great-lakes
  13. We have railroads to move goods cheaply in the USA.
  14. An ignorant read. What use would it be to transport goods between US ports on boats? The biggest ocean-going vessels can't go through the Panama Canal. This is what plies the ocean today- https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/benjamin-franklin-giant-ship-1.3382129 It can't go anywhere other than San Pedro!
  15. Okay, so take it from someone with lived experience and something to contribute: our supply chain problems are caused by the terminal companies and the steamship lines. Paid protestors. Better part of the article:
  16. And rightfully so. You would have thought 2008 would have ended discussions on abolishing Social Security, but here we are.
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