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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. Except in infant mortality; Canada has a lower infant mortality than the USA.
  2. They are decent people. Pahranagat Valley HS had a 104-game win streak in football a few years ago.
  3. But this is ultimately about me teaching at Andre Agassi’s charter school, correct?
  4. I thought about going, but I really don’t like the travel conditions out that way. US-93 is a two-lane road, and if there was an accident, I could be in Lincoln County for far longer than what would be pleasant.
  5. Yes, I interviewed for a teaching position in Lincoln County. I also go to the Pahranagat Wildlife Refuge once a year.
  6. When you receive a check from the payroll department of an insurance company, as opposed to your usual checks from claims, you may question my credentials.
  7. Some Dutch randos made it past security- https://www.rgj.com/story/news/2019/09/12/dutch-youtuber-seeking-area-51-charged-trespassing-nevada-national-security-site/2300133001/
  8. I’m still better connected than you; and the ADs of the HHC changed the schedule of the conference, which is more than enough to give a rumor credence.
  9. http://www.therepublic.com/2017/02/09/olympians_staying_put_in_hoosier_hills_conference/
  10. Instead they were able to threaten to leave, and the conference accommodated them. Doesn’t the bulk of the district live in the area near Silver Creek?
  11. I’m not denying this point, but conference members can’t make other conference members “pull their weight”.
  12. Exactly as I wrote it- the conference, for the betterment of all members, should not play a full conference schedule in football; it’s something that should have been done a decade ago.
  13. The HHC is finally doing what it should have done a decade ago!
  14. Highlight the text. The burden of proof is on he who accuses, not he who denies.
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