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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. https://www.the74million.org/article/democracy-preps-expansion-woes-raise-questions-about-whether-civics-education-can-be-brought-to-scale/ I will be re-posting the article, with my commentary in italics FTA: Maybe school choice isn't the panacea of American schools? Just saying.
  2. I have not advocated for a monarchy as a replacement system of government for the USA.
  3. I have advocated the parliamentary system, but it’s possible to have a parliamentary system without a monarch.
  4. This happened in Australia and Canada. The Crown got involved, and the issue was settled.
  5. That’s what Adult Ed is for- to teach them when they finally care.
  6. Public schools can expel students, and not suffer financial consequences. Charter schools suffer financial consequences for expelling students, even if in the best interest of the other students.
  7. The bottom deserve access to a quality education as much as the best and brightest. And who are also the least likely to support classroom discipline.
  8. As someone who taught in a charter network based out of NYC, DeBlasio has good reasons to oppose charter schools. For the record, I’m not anti-Charter school, but some of those ideas are just wrong.
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