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Posts posted by CaptainHook

  1. 1 minute ago, DT said:

    Is the MV transfer going to go down in history as one of the all time greats in Indiana High School Football?

    Never once have I said that NP recruited CS.  Frankly, I put the blame for this entire situation on Bobby Cox and the IHSAA.  They were asleep at the wheel.  

    They have should have disallowed the transfer on the grounds that it would disrupt the competitive balance within the conference, within the class and within the entire state, which it did. It doesnt take a rocket science to combine the New Pal of 2018 plus the addition of the states likely new all time rushing and scoring champion to figure out what the end result will be.


    just laughable. You are a 🤡. Have a great day.

    1 minute ago, hhpatriot04 said:

    Stay away from forum violations, it's gameday. The thread will be closed and posters warned/suspended if it continues to need constant moderation oversight.

    my bad

  2. 1 minute ago, DT said:

    Is it right that a school is allowed to accumulate talent to a level where it so completely dominates its competition that the games are rendered useless and unwatchable?

    The IHSAA has responsibility to works towards the maintainence of competitive balance.  These issues happen in basketball all the time.  This is really the first time where a single student athlete had such a huge impact within the conference that it destabilized the entire league for two years.  yes, you can make the argument that it forced other schools to go out and get better, but many are still struggling.  

    All the way back to the spring of 2004 when I joined this site, my primary focus has been the maintenance of compoetitive balance.  That can be achieved thru the use of many tools and mechanisms :

    * Class structure

    * Conference alignment

    * OOC scheduling strategies

    * Multipliers

    * Success Factors

    * Failure Factors

    * Contraction

    * Minimum roster requirements

    * Transfer management




    I wish the old forum was available. I remember the day I broke the news that Spegal had transferred to NP. It was generally met with a lot of “Who?” and a lot of collective yawns. 

    What I do not remember on that day, is DT stating that the power in the HHC and 5A had been drastically shifted and this should not be allowed by the IHSAA. You did not say the IHSAA should not allow a family to move and enroll their children in the school district they now lived in. You did not say that the Dragons would win their next 28 games and two state championships, thus his transfer should be blocked. Why? Most likely because you’d never heard of Charlie Spegal before.  But certainly because NOBODY could have predicted it.

    In a forum where you make a lot of ridiculous statements, expecting the IHSAA to predict the future takes the cake.

    Maybe this afternoon you can claim you invented the question mark?

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  3. 9 minutes ago, DT said:

    I get that.  BUt dont try to tell us that CS just fell out of the transfer apple tree and landed in the NP backfield.  Thats preposterous.  This was a calculated family move.  Im aware that these moves happen fairly regularly.  But this move absolutely decimated the competitive balance in the conference.   Do you really think it was good and healthy for the HHC to watch one of its schools physically destroy  all the others over a two year period?

    I dont think so.


    Nobody said they didn’t choose to move here. He was not recruited to do so. Period. So stop making that accusation. 

    The Dragons were dominating the HHC long before Charlie got there. And that motivated some schools to go out and hire some real coaches. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, DT said:

    I find this very hard to believe.  You really think that the vast majority of readers on this forum believe that suddenly the states all time leading rusher just showed up out of nowhere?  Cmon.  get real my man.  This was a highly thought out, targeted and calculated move.  It did indeed destroy the equilibrium in the conference.  The IHSAA should have considered denying the transfer request due to reasons of upsetting competitive balance in the conference.  CS could have statyed at DElta and achieved many of the same results.  Not all, but many, certainly most of the individual accolades. 

    When you run a good program, football players move in or transfer. Why is that hard to understand?

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/29/2020 at 5:00 PM, DT said:

    Maybe a little karma at play.  NP was the bully of the conference when they poached CS away from a solid Delta program.  It completely destroyed the competitive nature of the conference and whatever equilibrium and competitive balance existed at the time.



    I know who the poster is, but this is such an uneducated and frankly stupid post, I am going to reply.

    Transfer happen. ALL THE TIME. At ALL schools. Three of Mt. Vernon’s top players are transfers. Two from inside the conference. Including their QB. Their top WR transferred from IL so he could play football his senior year. I have no problem with it. Play ball.

    The fact DT chooses this one example to complain about not only shows how little he know about the HHC, but the state of high school football across the state.

    • Like 1
  6. High school football at a public school with 4A enrollment is cyclical.  The Dragons graduated 22 seniors last year, including the state's all-time leading rusher that had D1 offers and chose to walk on at IU.  They also graduated 3 starting OL, including Michigan State's Kyle King.  They graduated their ENTIRE secondary and 7 of their top 8 WR.

    Everyone knew this would be a rebuilding year at NP.  I had hoped the sophomore class would be ready to step in, but the virus ruined that.  Less weight training and conditioning, no 7 v 7, no scrimmages.  And it's shown.  Not a great year to be inexperienced in a lot of key spots.

    Finally, injuries . . . the Dragons have been very fortunate with injuries the last two years.  And seem to be paying the piper this year.  NP has lost three starters for the season.  8 more starters have missed multiple games due to injury.  That's 11 starters that have missed significant part of the season.  Some significant depth is also injured.  In the GF game, the Dragons were missing 7 starters.  The QB for the Dragons in the JV game hasn't played QB since third grade.  It's been just a MASH unit.  But that's just the way football is.  You strap up and play with what you've got.

    That being said, the Dragons have been competitive in every game and are 4-1 for goodness sake.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Acestrack said:

    I am not surprised by any of this. New Pal is struggling and for good reason. 14 starters no longer available from last year including Mr. Football. A minimum of 5-7 starters that are sidelines for the season with injuries. And even with those facts they still remain competitive. The game with Fortville was awful. Both teams were not sharp but Fortville was clearly above the talent level that New Pal fielded. The officiating was awful not to say that this would have made a difference in the outcome but it would have made for a closer game. The sidelines showed that New Pal has a numbers issue compared to Fortville and that is not a health situation. New Pal is well coached and will remain competitive throughout the rest of the year but I don't look to see them advance very far in post season. Yes, teams do get better as the season progresses but without a roster that provides good secondary (back-up) talent when injuries and graduation present themselves, you won't being seeing Lucas Stadium for some time.

    part of the roster size disparity is the Dragons are only traveling/dressing 50.  I think there are more kids in the Dragons program this year than any point since I've been here.

  8. 1 hour ago, oldtimeqb said:

    I would guess most coaches would rather their teams are playing their best in October and not August. It takes a bit for individuals to change their behaviors and adapt to the current situation. Which makes the Honda plant comparison somewhat a moot point. The workers have had several months in the current environment, while the schools are still adjusting.  This why I thought summer workouts should have started mid- June instead of post July 4, but that is past history now.   

    We know so much more about this virus than we did 6 months ago.  Hancock County has 70,000 residents, which means 7 cases per day ~ 10 per 100k.  That's an acceptable number based on the most recent rules of thumb.  So I'm sure Hancock County, and all counties for that matter, want to keep or improve (decreased cases) that level of community activity.   Fourteen day quarantine is excessive and overly cautious, but it's far from idiotic.  Data is showing the virus is much? less lethal than we thought in March, but it can still be lethal.  When it's a blanket quarantine policy though, they are erring on the side of caution. 

    Sorry, I think it’s idiotic.

  9. We have had one case on the team early. Everyone else is out due to contact tracing. Or they were out to contact tracing and don’t have the 10 practice minimum in. At NPHS, if you sit next to someone who tests positive, you are out 14 days. Even though both are masked. And the positive student can return after 10 days. The Hancock County Health Department will not allow you to go get a negative test to return. It’s a mess. Several position groups just wiped out.

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