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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Swearing is healthy, who knew? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/27/smarter-living/the-case-for-cursing.html?fbclid=IwAR3JhFEA7B4gqn4WgNoUc1I6oxfPQUuQvfl1k1hu-qDnvobEpd6L1bQV4n8
  2. Ok, I’ll rephrase my response- all of you stupid enough to think a President can change voting rules for felons need it explained to them. One down. Journalists, news outlets and candidates to go.
  3. And the stupid journalist who brought the question up to begin with. And all the news outlets who are repeating it. And all the U.S. citizens who aren't aware of it. Until then, Fake News!
  4. This is a States issue to begin with. Not determined by a President.
  5. There are times when I wish I could "laugh vote" my own posts!
  6. Nope, neither of those is me. I don't have that many teeth. Try again. I don't have a buddy named Night Hawk either. You lose all around. Again.
  7. I have in the past. Never could find anything on Mr. Beal
  8. Cute drawing. Is that a caricature of Mr. Beal?
  9. Thanks! No need to take it on the road, though. I have a captive audience right here on the OOB that reacts or responds to every post I make. So what if they're hecklers? It's an audience that gives me laughs. A mudarater seems to be my #1 fan, but don't feel bad, you're #2!
  10. Isn't it against the rules to post personal details of GID members?
  11. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2019/05/07/warren-central-hires-kristof-kendrick-boys-basketball-coach/3651008002/
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