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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. You have no idea what my 'vision' is. Your blinders prevent you from even paying attention to anyone else's views. Good day!
  2. Do like the Millenials do and just buy lottery tickets. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-millennials-would-rather-buy-lottery-tickets-than-invest-in-the-stock-market-203011209.html
  3. You're correct with this statement, because actions by the private sector before that date necessitated the creation of laws to protect the environment since the private sector was incapable of accomplishing it voluntarily.
  4. I comprehend just fine. I recognize that the private companies polluted the river in the first place with no regard for the damage they were doing to the environment. That's the bottom line and addresses your original claim that there is no need for government intervention because the private companies will protect the environment on their own. History has proven this to be false. Maybe since it was before you were born, you don't believe it happened, I'm not sure? And the Cuyahoga River is just one example of negligence regarding environmental destruction by unchecked actions of the private sector.
  5. So they formed a committee in 1963, and failed so miserably by 1968, that they needed government assistance to actually clean it up. Pitiful.
  6. In the first place, it was the blatant disregard of the environment BY THE POLLUTERS.
  7. Interesting that you provide proof that Capitalism failed in protecting the environment when you began earlier in the thread claiming that Capitalism was the answer to protecting it. Flipflopflipflopflipflop
  8. This must have failed miserably because government still had to step in. Citation needed that business tried to clean up the river.
  9. Thanks for reinforcing my point. That Capitalism failed to prevent pollution of the river. The private sector chose to continue polluting the river because no one had the authority to stop them.
  10. They were able to stop the Cuyahoga river fire where Capitalism failed. Baby steps.
  11. How Capitalism handled the protection of the environment before Government had to get involved:
  12. I don't know, I haven't paid too much attention to what he's saying about Pence, nor what Pence has said about him. Pence is not currently his opponent directly, nor do I expect him to be anything other than a Vice-Presidential candidate. But I would agree that he should concentrate on the real issues and not get sidetracked too deeply on the LGBTQ subject. I'm not giving much attention to any of the multitude of candidates the Democrats are trotting out. If the D's continue on the path they're on right now, I think they're doing everything they can to lose the 2020 election.
  13. I read the entire post. I'm not sure he's been painted into that corner. Unless it's just by being honest and talking about being gay. If he had not have talked about it, he would have faced criticism for that also.
  14. Keep in mind that to several on this Forum it's important that the world we leave for our children and grandchildren insures that they have money as they roam a desolate barren landscape searching for food, water and breatheable air.
  15. Goes to show you shouldn't believe everything you see in a meme. 😂
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