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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. It wasn't, thus the crickets. Red Hat Brigade must have missed that one. Maybe Rush or FoxNews failed to mention it.
  2. Step 2: Educate those who mistakenly believe that Social Security and Medicare increase the Federal Deficit or the National Debt
  3. Beat me to it. Funny how there were crickets on this Forum about this incident when it occurred.
  4. Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements. The place to start would be a balanced Federal budget. Only 1 President/Congress combination in my adult lifetime has accomplished this. My solution would not include cutting Social Security and Medicare, since they do not contribute to the deficit, or the National Debt. Cutting these programs would have zero effect on the debt.
  5. Good points. I don’t know what percentage are calling for reparations, but I imagine it’s pretty low. Most people I know would certainly rather see an end to racism instead. i doubt that either is likely to happen. Ever.
  6. Social Security and Medicare do not contribute to the National Debt. Goal post moved. I do believe it's a problem.
  7. The first part of the comment you bolded shows how poorly educated the commenter is.
  8. Convention just in time. Pepe' Lepierre was just whining about needing to shut down due to lack of funds because of Democrats. Everyone take your checkbook.
  9. That top one was proven wrong by Troj over on the pussy grabber thread.
  10. Trump says his father was 'born in a very wonderful place in Germany' — but Fred Trump was actually born in New York City https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-father-fred-born-germany-2019-4?fbclid=IwAR3a6CJiqu7SZ8bqNKZ7BK80QP1w_7Wr3R-wpSgFjwR0wMA_WVgZQnGUfsU
  11. About everything. Your information is sorely lacking. Which makes sense if you received it from someone's blog on reason.com
  12. My children and grandchildren are doing just fine. I have children in 3 different generations, X, Y, and Z. And you are blinded by your own biases on everything you stated here. It's sad that you feel the need to lie to make a point. And you might just be a bigger hypocrite than Troj.
  13. Nope, I'm not a hypocrite. I don't have much use for them. Hence the reason you and I have never gotten along.
  14. Is that how your Flipflopertarian Party does it?
  15. While posse isn't necessarily a bad word, a group of men riding out to string up the bad guy, I prefer lib patnaz. Please use that going forward. Not deflecting. Pointing out the hypocrisy of you Trump Groupies. As it should be. The morally bankrupt Trump gets a free pass from his party. No, they aren't. Biden and Warren will be non-factors in this race. Along with Sanders. It's time to let the younger generations run this country. Nothing is ever going to change until these old men and old ideas die off.
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