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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Frozen Tundra

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Frozen Tundra

  1. Yeah I knew we took second in team state. The Columbus East wrestling Facebook page had talked about how winning conference avenged the loss to Floyd Central at team state. Not sure I necessarily agree it was an eye-for-an-eye vengeance. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
  2. No East was HHC champs yet again in wrestling. It’s been our best sport the last few years.
  3. So what did they not win a conference title in? Wrestling, boys basketball, girls basketball, gymnastics…Is there anything else?
  4. Hearing some good things out of the Jennings County football program. New coach Jason Burton has scouted previous teams and noticed how weak they were (due to a lack of a weight program) and how tired/beat up they were (due to having multiple players go both ways). He has the kids hitting the weights hard this offseason to keep them from getting pushed around. He is also striving to get numbers on the team. There are a few new players and I’ve heard the numbers are in the 50s as of now. He really wants the numbers higher so that he has little to no players playing both sides of the ball. In addition, I’ve heard he brought in some Marine sergeants to lead the team through Marine drills to improve their conditioning. We’ll see how all of this translates on the gridiron but these seem like good steps to improving the state of Jennings County football. As @Impartial_Observer has mentioned, the biggest key is having a coach committed in the long term that will build the program up. Jennings County’s high coaching turnover rate in football and boys basketball has really stunted the growth of the programs, the excitement from the fan base, and the commitment from some players who have rightfully lost faith.
  5. As funny as that scene is, it doesn’t have me rolling quite like the scene where Walter dumps Donny’s ashes and they end up in The Dude’s face. Walter’s speech leading up to it adds to the hilarity, especially the ‘Nam references. I’m literally laughing my head off as I type this.
  6. True. Especially when everyone always uploads their highlights to Hudl or whatever it’s called. It’s easier to find recruits today than ever before thanks to technology.
  7. I just think the notion that he thinks he has to play for a 6A football program to get noticed is stupid. I can understand the thinking that it’s hard to get noticed at Jennings County. Their history and their schedule don’t help them. However, I don’t see how Columbus North is much better just because they’re in 6A. I think program prestige and location are the primary factors in getting noticed.
  8. Jennings two-sport star headed to North - The Republic News Major loss for Jennings County football and boys basketball.
  9. The new sectional assignments for the next two years have just been released. Here are the assignments for Hoosier Hills Conference teams. 6A sectional 8 (4 teams): Center Grove, Columbus North, Franklin Central, Jeffersonville 5A sectional 14 (4 teams): Columbus East, East Central, Franklin, Seymour 5A sectional 16 (4 teams): Castle, Evansville North, Floyd Central, New Albany 4A sectional 23 (8 teams): BNL, Charlestown, Connersville, Greenwood, Jennings County, Martinsville, Shelbyville, Silver Creek
  10. Lakeside Pizza, a couple minutes north of town on State Road 3, has wood fired pizza and a lot of out-of-towners go there for the good pizza, sandwiches, and Brown County wine. Can’t go wrong there. Crimson Oak is another great spot. I actually just ate there tonight. The food is fancy so it’s a little pricier but it’s so good. Heck, it’s so good that Chris Evans (a.k.a. Captain America) stopped in to eat there last fall. And, no, I’m not kidding.
  11. What would you have named it? Can’t call it the Sagamore.
  12. Haven’t heard a thing about Jennings County. As for Madison, I don’t really keep up with them anymore since they’re no longer in the HHC.
  13. Columbus North wouldn’t want to be in the MIC. Based on what I know, Columbus North and Bloomington South would be a package deal. They’ve been in the same conference going way back to the days when they were just Columbus High School and Bloomington High School. They have a lot in common and my understanding is they see the Hoosier Hills Conference as beneath them. The Mid-State Conference would be their preference. Columbus East and Bloomington North had both tried to get in the Mid-State a few years ago but Perry Meridian was ultimately chosen. Because of this, I’ve heard rumors that Bloomington North would be willing to return to the Hoosier Hills Conference if they feel they need to. They were an HHC member from the fall of 1976 to the spring of 1983.
  14. @foxbat @HoopsCoach @superjay Hypothetical scenario for you. If Conference Indiana ever falls apart as it has been rumored for the past few years, could you see a scenario where the Sagamore grabs the two Terre Haute schools? I know that’s a two hour drive from Lafayette but the overall travel for them would still be shorter per season in a Sagamore with the Terre Haute schools than in the NCC.
  15. I think Christianity is just ingrained in our nation in how we do things. It’s never been considered before. Not saying that’s right or wrong, but even I take for granted sometimes that other religions have Saturday as their holy day.
  16. Maybe not as big a deal for the Catholics but Mormons and hardcores like my family wouldn’t give up a Sunday for anything.
  17. Two problems with that: 1. Most people aren’t going to want to give up their Thanksgiving to attend, work, coach, or play a high school football game. 2. Sundays don’t work because of religious reasons. I don’t think the parochial schools would appreciate Sunday games. There are also some kids and families that wouldn’t like it even if they weren’t affiliated with a parochial school.
  18. Yeah the media would love having to figure out how to juggle and do assignments for the state championship. “Ok Jerry. You go to South Bend for the 4A championship game between Scecina and Fort Wayne Luers. We’ll send Bob to Lucas Oil Stadium to cover the 9A title game between Cathedral and Fort Wayne Snider.” Also, the IHSAA would essentially have to broadcast overlapping championship games. Not feasible.
  19. Even if we entertain that idea, there’s a three and a half hour gap between the starts of games. Still not sure how you fit five in per day. 8:00 AM 11:30 AM 3:00 PM 6:30 PM 10:00 PM?!?!
  20. How do you fit 10 state championship games in on Thanksgiving weekend at Lucas Oil Stadium?
  21. The IHSAA released the new enrollments yesterday. Figured I’d share the data as to how it pertains to Hoosier Hills Conference schools. Jeffersonville went from 2,099 students (#29) in the last cycle to 2,141 students (#30) in the new cycle. Result: +42 students, -1 spot in school size rankings Floyd Central went from 1,854 students (#43) in the last cycle to 1,823 students (#43) in the new cycle. Result: -31 students, no change in school size rankings New Albany went from 1,787 students (#49) in the last cycle to 1,814 students (#44) in the new cycle. Result: +27 students, +5 spots in school size rankings Seymour went from 1,605 students (#55) in the last cycle to 1,719 students (#51) in the new cycle. Result: +114 students, +4 spots in school size rankings Columbus East went from 1,534 students (#61) in the last cycle to 1,518 students (#58) in the new cycle. Result: -16 students, +3 spots in school size rankings BNL went from 1,397 students (#69) in the last cycle to 1,242 students (#79) in the new cycle. Result: -155 students, -10 spots in school size rankings Jennings County went from 1,181 students (#84) in the last cycle to 1,169 students (#86) in the new cycle. Result: -12 students, -2 spots in school size rankings
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