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Follow the Science? How COVID Authoritarians Get It Wrong


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Gov. Eric Holcomb directs state to file lawsuit over federal vaccine mandate



Gov. Eric Holcomb released a statement Thursday directing the Indiana Department of Labor to work with Attorney General Todd Rokita on a lawsuit over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for large employers.

"This is an overreach of the government’s role in serving and protecting Hoosiers," Holcomb said in a statement. "While I agree that the vaccine is the tool that will best protect against COVID-19, this federal government approach is unprecedented and will bring about harmful, unintended consequences in the supply chain and the workforce.

President Joe Biden announced in September that he would be requiring vaccination mandates for businesses with more than 100 employees. Those who don't get vaccinated will have to be tested weekly. 

On Thursday his administration released details on the vaccine requirement. Workers will have until Jan. 4, 2022 to get vaccinated or face weekly testing.

The mandate applies to state and local governments in Indiana too, because Indiana has its own federally approved occupational safety and health regulatory program. States with their own plans must adopt requirements that are at least as effective as federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements. 

When asked about this rule, an Indiana Department of Workforce Development spokesperson said the Holcomb administration would make no comment beyond the governor's statement.

After the mandate was announced in September, Rokita said he was preparing for potential legal action.

“My team and I, along with other like-minded attorneys general, are reviewing all legal action on how to stand against these authoritarian actions by the Biden administration,” Rokita said.  “We will be prepared to file suit if Biden seeks illegal actions restricting Hoosiers' liberties.

Sen. Braun to Chicago police officers:Come work in Indiana, no vaccine required

The Indiana Democratic Party criticized Holcomb and Rokita's threat of legal action. 

“Hoosiers are right. It is their freedom and choice to receive a life-saving COVID-19 vaccine. It’s also the responsibility of state and federal government leaders to help Hoosier families put the pandemic behind us," Lauren Ganapini, executive director of the Indiana Democratic Party said in a statement. "Unfortunately, the culture war Indiana Republicans created about vaccines and its benefits consistently put Indiana steps away from returning to pre-COVID normal life."

Other Hoosier Republicans have slammed Biden for the vaccine mandate. 

On Wednesday, Sen. Mike Braun announced he is leading a group of 40 other Senate Republicans to challenge Biden's vaccine mandate under the Congressional Review Act.  Fellow Hoosier Republican Sen. Todd Young, who is up for reelection in 2022, also joined the effort.

Good move by Mr. Holcomb.


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OSHA Halts Enforcement of Biden Vaccine Mandate, Pending Litigation



The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will not enforce the Biden administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, at least until the mandate's legal status is resolved.

The announcement came on Wednesday. OSHA's website now stipulates that while the agency "remains confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the [COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard] pending future developments in the litigation."

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit halted Biden's vaccine mandate, which applies to all private businesses that employ at least 100 people, last week. A three-judge panel described the mandate as "fatally flawed" and "staggeringly broad." Reason Senior Editor Jacob Sullum dove into the legal arguments against the mandate here, while I tackled some of the broader philosophical objections here.

Despite OSHA's certainty that the mandate falls under its authority to keep workplaces safe, it remains to be seen whether the U.S. Supreme Court will agree. This mandate, after all, extends to remote workers who might rarely come into contact with their coworkers, and thus be at little risk of encountering COVID-19 as a workplace hazard (if the disease can even be classified as such).

It's not completely clear that the Biden administration expects the vaccine mandate to hold up in court, but the federal government is clearly keen to push businesses to require vaccination for as long as it possibly can. At least OHSA is standing down—for now.

Good to hear.  A lot of businesses are breathing a sigh of relief right now.


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When the absurd or unbelievable becomes reality - Remember - this "universal flu vaccine" experiment was planned.

On 10/26/2021 at 1:43 PM, swordfish said:



The links are from October, 2019 - C-SPAN (original and full length) and InfoWars (edited and much less time).  OK - "Tin foil cap level" I get it, but watching this video has me LITERALLY believing that Covid 19 was planned and executed to get around the US rules and regs to create an enforceable "Universal Flu Vaccine" that would actually be worldwide.  These people (experts in the field - scientists) actually talked about a "novel avian virus occurring in China somewhere" and "that they needed a global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new MRNA vaccine to be tested on the public".

Yes - the virus is real, but I have from the onset always felt this was a planned event, but for what reason......This suggests it was always about the almighty dollar.....

FTA:  They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine. And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that “terrifying virus” that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus.

And so now we know why the flu just “disappeared” in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned “pandemic” to roll out the world’s first universal mRNA vaccines.

This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other “viruses” were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal vaccine to inject into the entire world’s population.

Margaret Hamburg stated regarding getting a “Universal Vaccine” into the market: “It’s time to stop talking, and it’s time to act… I think it is also because we haven’t had a sense of urgency.”

Michael Specter asked: “Do we need lots of people to die for that sense of urgency to occur?”

Hamburg replied that: “There are already lots of people dying” from the flu each year.

Bruce Gellin stated that basically people just are not afraid enough of the term “the flu.”

There are so many things that are revealed about how Big Pharma and government health authorities think in this panel discussion. For example, they bemoan the fact that if they do too good of a job in public health, then they lose funding to develop products that fight viruses.

Michael Specter states: “It seems to me that one of the curses of the public health world is, if you guys do your job well, everyone goes along well and healthy.”

Hamburg: “And they cut your funding.”

Rick Bright complains that the yearly distribution of flu vaccines is inefficient in terms of collecting data, and in the process actually admits that some vaccines just don’t work well:

“We distribute 150 million doses of the seasonal (flu) vaccines every year, we don’t even know how many people are being vaccinated from the doses that are delivered to the people, which doses they got, and what the real outcome was, so that we can learn from that knowledge base on how to optimize or improve our vaccine. So there are opportunities that we have today…

I think if we uncloaked the poorest performing vaccines in the market place today, it might be very revealing to tell us which of the technologies we have, and allow us to go deeper into those technologies to determine why they are more effective. There are vaccines licenses today that are more effective. I think that we’re just afraid to admit the truth.”






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Looks like even these touted vaccine boosters are somewhat worthless:  https://cqrcengage.com/causeaction/app/document/36534049;jsessionid=node0d566jz43fyrt1cyd1vf9g37kx708461.node0



Gibraltar; the most vaccinated region on Earth (100% fully vaccinated, 40% boosted) has now cancelled Christmas due to "exponential" rise in cases.



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Try this - The director of Engineering at my company WAS scheduled for a heart by-pass surgery last week that was pushed to next week (11/23) because of staffing issues at the hospital.  He tested Negative for Covid for the prior, but today just got the results back for his pre-surgery test as "Not Positive, but Not Negative"????  He is fully vaccinated since spring.  His question is - WTF is "Not Positive, but Not Negative" and why (TF) do I have to now wait for another 3 weeks to re-schedule and then be re-tested?  (The abbreviations were actually spoken in a raised tone of voice)

He is sure glad he spent the past 2 weeks wearing a mask everywhere.

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14 hours ago, swordfish said:

Try this - The director of Engineering at my company WAS scheduled for a heart by-pass surgery last week that was pushed to next week (11/23) because of staffing issues at the hospital.  He tested Negative for Covid for the prior, but today just got the results back for his pre-surgery test as "Not Positive, but Not Negative"????  He is fully vaccinated since spring.  His question is - WTF is "Not Positive, but Not Negative" and why (TF) do I have to now wait for another 3 weeks to re-schedule and then be re-tested?  (The abbreviations were actually spoken in a raised tone of voice)

He is sure glad he spent the past 2 weeks wearing a mask everywhere.

Good story illustrating the madness of all this.  And more evidence that masks are worthless,  they are just virtue signalling.


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Hate to be an "I told you so" but.....

In order for this pandemic (experiment) to get any major attention the maximum loss of life had to occur - noticeably and fast.  Enter the "Granny Killer" team(s).  (s) - because I think more Governors are going to be found to have aided Dr. Fauci in this "entity of excitement" event.


Cuomo team talked lowballing COVID-19 nursing home deaths

November 22, 2021 5:48pm 
We don’t want to say we told you so, but …

After disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo spent more than a year blaming everyone but himself for the nursing home controversy – including The Post — the state Assembly’s damning impeachment probe revealed both Cuomo and his top aides hid nursing home data from the public while negotiating his $5.1 million book deal.

According to a report released Monday, Cuomo was aware as early as March 2020 that nursing home deaths were being undercounted, and a special Department of Health team was assigned to reevaluate the figures following discussions with DOH and COVID-19 Task Force officials.

In addition, the report shows Cuomo was directly involved in editing and reviewing the DOH’s supposedly exculpatory July 2020 report on the COVID-19 count in nursing homes in order to “strengthen” his defense of the notorious March 25 directive that required nursing homes to readmit residents who tested positive for the coronavirus. 

The infamous COVID-19 readmission policy was adopted March 25 and detailed in a Health Department directive that reads, “No resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”

Notably, that July 6 report claiming the policy was not responsible for increasing COVID-19 deaths among medically vulnerable patients was released the same day Cuomo and an Executive Chamber official met with reps from Penguin Random House. Four days later, the $5.1 million book deal for what became the then-gov’s pandemic memoir “American Crisis” was finalized.  

The deal that was sealed in July 2020 began to take shape nearly four months earlier, as COVID-19 spread across the tri-state area. The Assembly report states that Cuomo began engaging with Penguin Random House employees on March 19 — just three weeks after New York identified its first COVID-19 case, and one day before Cuomo announced a shutdown of so-called “non-essential” businesses.

The March 20 announcement followed days of the then-governor belittling and scoffing at Mayor Bill de Blasio when Hizzoner called for shutting down schools and non-essential businesses.

In April and May 2020, after the Health Department had been publishing fatality data for “several weeks,” investigators found that Cuomo’s Executive Chamber staffers were aware that “certain fatalities in nursing home facilities due to COVID-19 were not included in the published data.”

The lowballing was the topic of “multiple discussions” among Cuomo’s top staffers and members of the governor’s COVID-19 Task Force. Those high-level government employees exhibited a “reluctance to admit error” when their number-fudging was discovered, lawmakers say.

The Assembly report shows the governor’s aides and task force members deliberately opted to publicize the smaller figure of 6,000 deaths — which included only fatalities in care facilities — instead of the larger number of 10,000, which represented all COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents.

Witnesses told investigators that the same Executive Chamber official who was the “key point person” for Cuomo’s book deal also made the call that only in-facility deaths would be included in the health department report.  

Sources identified that “key point person” as Melissa DeRosa, a former top Cuomo aide who the report found “sent and received at least 1,000 emails” about the book between July and December 2020. 

While Cuomo claimed to be working 24/7 on managing New York State’s COVID-19 pandemic response, he and his employees were in fact spending time and resources to earn a profit for himself by authoring the memoir, which the Assembly investigators determined “detracted from their state duties during the intense period.”

Meanwhile, an unnamed “senior DOH” official — who sources identified to the Post as state health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker — attempted to release the true number of nursing home resident deaths to the state Legislature in August 2020 and even prepared a letter with the figure in it. But that letter was not allowed to be released by the Executive Chamber.

Also in August 2020, DeRosa attempted to coerce Zucker into testifying that the Chamber was not involved in the controversial March 25 directive, but the DOH boss refused to do so.

“The evidence obtained in our investigation indicates that the former Governor and his senior staff were not fully transparent with the public regarding the number of COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents,” the Assembly probe concludes.

Cuomo has blamed “politics” for the scandals, despite DeRosa’s acknowledgement that the administration “froze” and refused requests from the US Department of Justice to make the nursing home data public because they feared retribution from then-President Donald Trump, The Post exclusively reported in February.

Andrew Cuomo Andrew Cuomo has blamed “politics” for his scandals. Mark Lennihan/AP Photo/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Cuomo himself blamed The Post for the backlash he faced, writing in “American Crisis”: “On April 25, conservative columnist Michael Goodwin published a piece in Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post aimed at New York with the headline, ‘State lacked common sense in nursing homes’ coronavirus approach” … It was an orchestrated strategy and a Fox News drumbeat.”

But independent reports, including those authored by the Empire Center for Public Policy, have found the March order did in fact contribute to an increase in nursing home facility deaths. A January report by state Attorney General Letitia James found that the nursing-home death toll from COVID-19 may have been more than 50 percent higher than state officials had claimed.

Since March 2020, more than 15,000 nursing home residents have been confirmed or presumed to have died from COVID-19 in facilities or hospital.

Cuomo and his former aides are being investigated by the FBI and the Brooklyn US Attorney’s Office in connection with both the nursing home scandal and the book deal.

The probe’s executive summary notes that “several law enforcement agencies” are undertaking investigations of Cuomo “that overlap with the Committee’s mandate.” The Assembly Judiciary Committee, which released the report, promised that it is “cooperating with law enforcement with respect to these issues.”

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I like this one: https://babylonbee.com/news/white-smoke-emanates-from-wuhan-lab-chimney-signaling-a-new-variant-has-been-named





WUHAN—Thousands gathered outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology with faces of anxious anticipation over the weekend, as rumors had been circulating that a new COVID-19 variant would soon be named. The hopeful pilgrims' hours of waiting were not in vain. Cheers erupted as white smoke began pouring out of the chimney early Sunday morning, signaling the creation and naming of a new COVID-19 variant.

"It was a lively debate," said one source from inside the Wuhan lab. "Yuhang suggested we just keep following the Greek alphabet and name it Xi. We haven't heard from him in a few days, come to think of it."

"Nu" was also floated as a possibility, but scientists wanted to avoid the stigma of being associated with nu-metal, generally acknowledged as the worst musical genre on the planet. One guy kept wanting to call it "The One-Der Variant" but this was confusing as everyone kept pronouncing it as Oh-NEE-der instead of Wonder. Finally, there was a last-ditch effort to name it the Trump variant, but this was finally defeated in favor of the safer "Omicron variant" according to sources within the lab.

After the celebration died down, the pilgrims shuffled away, their faces full of cheer. But they'll be back in a few weeks for the next one.


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Omicron Shows Why It’s Time to Move On from COVID Restrictions



Now that the Omicron variant has been confirmed to have made landfall in the United States, there’s been an all too familiar public debate over whether it should lead to a new wave of restrictions.

Already, the Washington Post reported that the Biden administration is considering more draconian rules for Americans returning from abroad, including additional testing and quarantine requirements — neither of which is enforceable. President Biden himself has claimed that more lockdowns were off the table “for now” — which means that they are not, in fact, off the table. Meanwhile, New York governor Kathy Hochul is not even waiting; she already declared a state of emergency and said that the state may limit non-urgent hospital procedures if necessary.

While there are some early signs that Omicron results in mild illness, there is currently not much to go on. Anthony Fauci has assured us that within two weeks, we’ll have a lot more information — specifically, on how transmissible it is, how fatal it is, and whether the current vaccines offer protection from the new variant.

Of course, it would be preferable if the variant turned out to be mild and blunted by our current vaccines. But this whole discussion rests on a fundamentally flawed premise: the idea that we need to be waiting with bated breath for the results of current Omicron studies to determine whether we can go on with our lives. In reality, the Omicron variant demonstrates that COVID-19 is not going to disappear anytime soon. We should recalibrate based on that assumption.

At the start of the pandemic, when we had no vaccines or treatments and very little understanding of the coronavirus, there was a ferocious debate about the tradeoffs between imposing widespread COVID-19 restrictions and risking more deaths. While I think the case for lockdowns has weakened over time (especially when it comes to school closures), it’s important to draw a distinction between the debate as it stood in March 2020 and the debate as it stands now.

In March 2020, the debate was over whether to impose restrictions and tell people to hunker down for a matter of weeks or maybe a few months. Whatever one’s opinion on the debate over restrictions back then, it’s different from the debate we now find ourselves in — the debate over how we want to live our lives, assuming that COVID-19 is here with us forever.


Sacrifices that may have been manageable or policies that may have been defensible for a short period of time are much more unrealistic when the time frame becomes indefinite. And the existence of Omicron suggests that “indefinite” is now the reality.

A year ago, vaccines were supposed to be the natural endpoint. But since vaccines have become widely available, we’ve learned that their ability to prevent infection wanes over time, even though they are safe and remain effective at reducing the chances of severe illness. This means that people require boosters to reestablish their immunity. But what if boosters, too, become less effective over time?

That brings us to the variants. The number of COVID-19 cases was winding down in the spring, before the Delta wave hit in the summer and fall and helped trigger another surge. Now Omicron is on the march. We have every reason to believe that there will be additional variants to follow.

What we’ve learned during a pandemic that is approaching the two-year mark is that health authorities are reluctant to ease restrictions or loosen guidance until they are very confident that a COVID-19 wave has subsided, and also that they begin to reimpose new restrictions once a new variant is on the loose. But we’re perpetually either coming off a surge from one variant or bracing for the spread of new one, so this is a recipe for never truly going back to normal.

The same goes for vaccines. Fauci claimed on Wednesday that the lesson from Omicron is that “if we had the overwhelming majority of the people in this country vaccinated and those who needed to be boosted, boosted, our vulnerability would be much less than it is now.” It’s an odd thing to say given that the one confirmed case of Omicron in the U.S. is somebody who was double vaccinated and, as Fauci notes, we have no solid evidence on whether the vaccines are effective against Omicron. It’s true that the more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities the virus has to pass from one person to another and mutate. But the fact that this variant arose in South Africa means that it probably still would have developed even if the U.S. were 100 percent vaccinated.

Fauci went on to say,

The endgame — which we hope and I think will occur — is that as we get more people vaccinated, not only in this country but globally, we will see a situation where viruses will not have the opportunity. What they have right now is to essentially freely distribute and freely circulate in society, both domestic society and global society.

But during the same press conference, Fauci reiterated that the definition of “fully vaccinated” could change so it would include only people who had received their boosters. If that’s the case, and we need boosters every six months, and on top of that there may be updated mRNA boosters aimed at specific variants, and new variants keep cropping up every few months, how could it possibly be realistic to expect that we’re going to keep a critical mass of the world fully vaccinated? We aren’t talking about something like the MMR vaccine, which creates lifetime immunity. We’re talking about a constantly moving target.

So there is not likely to be any sort of “endpoint” as Fauci would define it. COVID-19 is endemic and will likely be here for quite a long time. Making sacrifices for a few months to a year is a lot different from living a certain way for many years, or even decades. Policy-makers should get out of the way, and people should live their lives not as if they are one variant or one booster away from the end of COVID-19, but as if COVID-19 is here forever.


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The emergence of the omicron strain of COVID-19 is raising new questions about the still undetermined origin of the coronavirus outbreak and whether it leaked from a Chinese research laboratory in Wuhan in 2019.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief Biden administration pandemic response official, said the virus mutations in the omicron variant indicate an unusual, rapid evolution. The mutations are “very different” from earlier virus offshoots, although some of the mutations can be found in the delta variant and are linked to increased transmissibility and immune evasion, he said.

“There’s a very unusual constellation of changes across the SARS-CoV-2 genome, with greater than 30 of them in the important spike protein which is the business end of the virus, particularly in its receptor-binding domain where there are about 10 mutations there,” Dr. Fauci told reporters on Tuesday.

SARS-CoV-2 is the formal name of the virus that causes COVID-19.

The large number of mutations is raising new concerns about whether the virus was laboratory-derived or spread naturally from infected animals.


According to a former military medical doctor, there are significant mutations close to what is called the “furin cleavage site,” the area that can increase the virulence of the virus, that are sparking new concerns among public health officials.

An article from August in the journal Lancet Microbe states: “The presence of a furin cleavage motif at the SARS-CoV-2 S1–S2 interface is therefore highly unusual, leading to the smoking-gun hypothesis of manipulation that has recently gained considerable attention as a possible origin” of COVID-19.

Viruses, according to medical experts, tend to evolve from existing viruses that are already circulating, such as the delta variant, not from the first virus strain that emerged in China. Beijing has thwarted efforts by U.S. and international investigators to obtain details of the original strain.

However, the omicron variant appears to have derived directly from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, one that has not been observed in the wild in months.

The online outlet Science: The Wire stated in a post on Monday that “the omicron variant has virologists in particular worried because it seems to be very different from the ‘original’ strain of the virus — the strain that the current COVID-19 vaccines were designed to fight.”

The report said omicron has 50 mutations in all and 32 are linked to the spike protein that allows it to gain entry into host cells. The spike protein is the target of most current vaccines.

This has raised worries that the strain will have an extraordinary ability to infect humans, although reports so far say that most cases of the omicron strain of COVID-19 have been mild.

“Omicron’s genetic profile has raised legitimate concerns – but at the same time there is a marked shortage of real-world data to make sure. As a result, nobody has the complete picture of what the omicron variant is and isn’t capable of. We don’t know the magnitude of the threat posed by omicron,” the Science post said.

The unusual evolution of omicron and the timing of its emergence — just as the world is coming to grips with the delta variant — should fuel new investigations of whether the virus was manufactured in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. U.S. intelligence agencies remain divided over whether the virus originated in a laboratory or emerged naturally from an infected animal carrier such as a bat or a pangolin.

FTA - However, the omicron variant appears to have derived directly from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, one that has not been observed in the wild in months.

The latest & greatest variant coming directly from the original that was introduced almost 2 years ago?  Does anyone still think this virus is a "natural" event?  Does Dr. Fauci really think we are that stupid?  Or does he feel the walls of evidence closing tighter on him? 


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Illinois Democrat files measure to punish unvaccinated for 'clogging up health care system': https://www.foxnews.com/us/illinois-democrat-unvaccinated-coronavirus-bill


An Illinois Democrat who claims the unvaccinated are "clogging up the health care system" has proposed a bill that would force them to pay all of their medical expenses out of pocket if they become hospitalized with the coronavirus

The measure, set forth by State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, comes alongside news that the average coronavirus hospitalization cost is now $24,033, according to data from the government-run Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services

"The vaccine is proven to be the one thing that is stopping the severity of COVID-19, and we are seeing more variants popping up," Carroll told WCIA. "The experts are telling us, ‘This is now becoming a disease of the unvaccinated.’ The people that are choosing to get vaccinated are not the ones that are clogging up the health care system, it’s the ones that aren’t." 

Carroll’s proposed bill states that "a person who is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and chooses not to be vaccinated shall pay for health care expenses out-of-pocket if the person becomes hospitalized because of COVID-19 symptoms." 

If passed into law, the changes wouldn’t affect Illinois residents until January 2023. 



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On 9/23/2020 at 11:18 AM, swordfish said:

So, before this year, what was the standard protocol for someone that had pneumonia?  Just as dangerous to basically the same demographics and pretty much the same spread rate.  Your sick, you stay home until you feel better.  The rest of the world goes on.  My point is, what changed?  The introduction of COVID, followed by the crazy increase in deaths in New York following the panic signaled from the Governor after he put COVID positive patients in nursing homes among the elderly which inflated the death numbers, followed by including "probable" data from patients not even tested, which brought the numbers higher and instilled a level of fear that is dictating the "new normal".  You don't hear anymore about the NY Governor screaming for the help that he actually didn't need.

Notre Dame has postponed a game this weekend because 7 players tested positive yesterday (they have daily tests btw) not one has symptoms, but they and there contacts have to be quarantined.  One year ago, a player gets sick and has symptoms bad enough he just doesn't play, gets back in the game when he gets over whatever he had, but the rest of the team goes on.  Not anymore.


On 9/23/2020 at 11:30 AM, Muda69 said:

It's all about control.   If covid-19 and pneumonia had switched places in the timeline of communicable diseases we all be having pneumonia lockdowns right now.  

The illuminati saw their chance and they took it. Seems to be a pretty good success so far.


As we are nearing the 2 YEAR point of "2 weeks to flatten the curve" I am remembering when this thread started back in 2020.  My tin foil hat remains firmly ensconced to this day as there is literally no other way to die in the US except by Covid.  This thing came from a lab and is doing exactly what it was intended to do.

According to the CDC, 61% of the US population has been vaccinated as of 12/14/21 (yesterday).  The Northeast has the highest vax rate (70 - 75%) yet is leading in Covid cases.  (Guess what - it's cold in the Northeast, viruses are going to spread at a higher rate - just they did in the South during the summer)  Also, without fail - EVERY one of my relatives and friends that had past open heart surgery have ALL since getting the vaccine had re-occurring issues.  2 have had to have pacemakers put in, and 1 is waiting for a 2nd open heart surgery.  I can't say with certainty the vaccine is the cause, but I can sure be suspicious. 

Again - The virus is real, but the orchestrated (over) reaction to this thing is so very obvious.  Someone sneezes - they have to immediately go get tested for Covid.  ANYONE can and does carry the vaccine regardless of vaccine status, but the unvaccinated are the cause of this outbreak today? 

Heading to Florida for a few weeks with the in-laws who are in their 80's now and fully, fully vaccinated as they should be.  We are driving, towing a boat and not staying in a hotel while the 2 others (vaccinated) are flying in.  I have to think that I should be more concerned of them than they should be of me?

Okay - venting is over.....

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The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health



In his must-read new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. describes how journalist Liam Scheff chronicled Fauci’s “secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City and numerous sister facilities in New York and six other states between 1988 and 2002” (p. 245). He describes in detail how “Fauci’s NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and his Big Pharma partners turned Black and Hispanic foster kids into lab rats, subjecting them to torture and abuse in a grim parade of unsupervised drug and vaccine studies” (p. 246).

The real Anthony Fauci was a greedy egomaniac hell bent on creating an image of himself as the savior of the world during the AIDS crisis while generating billions in profits for his pharmaceutical industry “partners.” The “partners” would then share some of the loot with Fauci and others in various ways, including sharing in patent rights, the “revolving door” of very highly paid jobs for former government bureaucrats, paying multimillion dollar “user fees” to the NIAID, distributing shares of stock, etc.

The pharmaceutical industry “remunerated Incarnation Children’s Center … for supplying children for the tests,” writes Kennedy. The “tests” involved giving the children experimental drugs that were “toxic—they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage, and fatal skin disorders” (p. 246). Torture is not too strong a word to describe what happened to these children. “If the children refuse the drugs,” says Kennedy, “they’re held down and force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital, where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their stomachs” (p. 246). This wasn’t science fiction or a sick horror movie, says Kennedy, but Fauci-funded “AIDS research.”

Many of these children died as a result of the “research.” Investigative journalist Vera Sharav, who spent years investigating all of this, told Kennedy that Fauci “just brushed all those dead babies under the rug. They were collateral damage in his career ambitions.” She said that at least 80 children died from Fauci’s drug torture chamber in the Manhattan foster home alone.

You probably never heard of this, but the BBC produced a documentary of “the savage barbarity of Dr. Fauci’s science projects” in 2004 entitled “Guinea Pig Kids.” A BBC investigative journalist said in the documentary that “I found the mass graves at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York…. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it…. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins … there may have been 100 of them” (p. 247).

The New York City Administration of Child Services commissioned a four-year investigation of Fauci’s Dr. Mengele–style “experiments” and found that eighty of the 532 children who participated in Fauci’s “clinical trials” died and twenty-five died while enrolled in a medication trial (p. 251). By 2003 Fauci’s NIAID was running 10,906 clinical trials involving children in ninety countries (p. 257). Today Fauci, his longtime vaccine-manufacturing billionaire partner Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the World Economic Forum are desperately campaigning to have every child in the world—even infants—injected with their latest “vaccine.” These are the same people who have publicly fantasized about all humans someday having an implanted “digital ID” in their bodies to achieve their goal of “transhumanism.” They say they want a digital ID implanted into everyone for purposes of government monitoring of all human behavior by some kind of super, international government institution. (Where is James Bond when we need him?)

Another charming fact about Fauci that Kennedy discuses is that Fauci has also funded (with your hard-earned tax dollars) experiments where Beagle puppies had their heads locked into cages where they could be eaten to death by flies. He also gave University of Pittsburgh “researchers” $400,000 to “graft the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats” (p. 253). Not exactly the type of job one would expect a good Jesuit Catholic schoolboy like Anthony Fauci to have. Fauci is a Catholic in the same sense that abortion worshipper Joe Biden is a Catholic.

The man is in reality “a sociopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism” writes Kennedy (p. 253). Who else but a criminal sociopath would have any involvement at all in such things? (Or for that matter in dropping atomic bombs on helpless Japanese civilians; firebombing entire European cities occupied by civilians; lobbing thousands of artillery shells a day on your own country’s cities also occupied only by civilians, i.e., Atlanta, Charleston, and Vicksburg during 1861–65; killing four hundred thousand Filipinos for refusing to be occupied and conquered by your government; mass murdering fifty thousand Plains Indians “to make way for the railroads,” as General Sherman once announced, etc., etc. ad infinitum? But I digress).

The Lying Man

Government bureaucrats love crises like wars, hurricanes, depressions, pandemics, etc. because in times of crises millions of average citizens become childlike, their IQs seem to be cut in half (at least), and they beg for a substitute mommy and daddy to protect them, their new mommy and daddy being the state. All of a sudden they are willing to abandon all of their civil liberties and embrace totalitarianism like a drowning man embraces the side of a lifeboat. This is exactly the behavior of millions of Americans since March of 2020.

The absence of a crisis, on the other hand, creates a crisis for government bureaucrats. To the bureaucrat there is a crisis crisis whenever there is no real crisis. It is imperative, therefore, that every government bureaucrat becomes a hysteric who is constantly trying to alarm the public with the perception of a crisis or an impending crisis. He is professional liar, in other words, and can rely on the socialist indoctrination organs known as “the media” to hype his crises. After all, it’s perceptions that count in politics, not reality.

Fauci is no more than your ordinary, run-of-the-mill bureaucratic crisis monger and serial liar, as Kennedy documents in chapter 11, “Hyping Phony Epidemics: Crying Wolf.” Early in his government career Fauci was involved in promoting hysteria over what was called the “swine flu.” NIAID and its pharmaceutical industry puppet masters told Congress and the White House that the swine flu was the same strain of virus that caused the infamous 1918 Spanish flu epidemic that is said to have killed 50 million people worldwide. The government poured money into Fauci’s NIAID and Big Pharma made big bucks by getting President Ford (in 1976) to give them $135 million to supposedly inoculate 140 million Americans. In the end, writes Kennedy, “the actual number of pandemic swine flu casualties in 1976 was not 1 million but 1” (p. 358).

Patients injured by the experimental swine flu vaccine filed 1,604 lawsuits forcing the government to pay out over $80 million in damages and incur tens of millions in legal fees. Kennedy hits the nail on the head when he concludes that “At the dawn of Dr. Fauci’s career, he learned that both pandemics and fake pandemics provide an opportunity to expand the bureaucracy’s power and to multiply the wealth of its pharma partners” (p. 360, emphasis added).

Then there was the 2005 “bird flu” hysteria where Fauci once again predicted “unprecedented carnage.” This time he partnered with Bill Gates and hired the now disgraced and discredited British conman statistician Neil Ferguson to construct “models” that predicted up to 150 million people could die from the bird flu. In the end, about 100 people died from it, and most probably had comorbidities that were the real causes of death. That was after President Bush asked Congress for $1.2 billion for Big Pharma to come up with another of its experimental vaccines.

The 2009 Hong Kong swine flu caper was a carbon copy of the earlier ones. Fauci promised to “fast track” a vaccine once again, and the media dutifully poured on the government-sponsored hysteria. 

By the Fall of 2009 thousands of Americans were complaining about devastating side effects of the new Fauci shot. Fauci promised the public that Big Pharma’s new drug was “perfectly safe” but in reality there was “an explosion of grave side effects, including miscarriages, narcolepsy, and febrile convulsions” as well as “severe neurological injuries, paralysis from Guillian-Barre syndrome … and cataplexy” as well as brain damage (p. 365). Some things never change. The epidemic never materialized and “As usual, there was no investigation of Dr. Fauci or the other medical officials who choreographed this multi-billion-dollar fraud” (p. 366). Congress would never “investigate” it because too many fingers would be pointed at them for funding the whole charade. They just collect their millions in “campaign contributions” from Big Pharma as a form of kickback for the millions in taxpayer dollars given to these corporations and then move on to the next phony health crisis for which they will also take no responsibility.

In 2016 Fauci diverted billions from taxpayer-funded research on malaria, influenza, and tuberculosis to his newest scam, the “zika virus.” Right on cue, he enriched his Big Pharma partners with $2 billion to produce yet another vaccine to prevent microcephaly, a supposed effect of the zika virus. In the end, there were fifteen cases of the virus in the US and none of them was associated with microcephaly. “Dengue fever” was another Fauci scam in that same year that funneled additional billions to Big Pharma with—surprise!—the exact same scenarios and results.

In every single instance, Kennedy writes, Fauci and others at National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention load up the committees that vote for permission to market all of these experimental drugs with people who have Big Pharma connections or who are current executives for one or another pharmaceutical company. It is all rigged, all permeated by mountains of lies repeated over and over by the lying lapdog media which pockets millions or billions in advertising revenue from Big Pharma. (Have you watched network television lately?). It is not about public (or private) health at all, but to make more billions for Big Pharma, to bloat the NIAID budget even more than it already is, while throwing a few crumbs to Big Pharma’s supporting cast of house pets in the “public health” bureaucracy and academic world. They fully intend to keep this racket going forever—even if it kills you.


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Against Faucism



Last week, the CEOs of American Airlines and Southwest Airlines told Congress that they do not think mask requirements make much sense on airplanes, where the air filtration systems are superior to what is typically found in an intensive care unit.

"I think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment," said Gary Kelly, CEO of Southwest. "It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting."

Unwilling to let anyone undermine the case for keeping a government mandate in place, White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci threw cold water on the idea.

"You have to be wearing a mask on a plane," he said bluntly on television Sunday.

When ABC News' Jon Karl asked Fauci specifically if he thought we would ever reach the point where we did not need to wear masks on planes, he responded: "I don't think so. I think when you're dealing with a closed space, even though the filtration is good, that you want to go that extra step when you have people—you know, you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco, it's well over a five-hour flight. Even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do, and we should be doing it."

This is Faucism distilled down to its very essence. For the government health bureaucrats who have given themselves sole authority over vast sectors of American life—from travel to education to entertainment to housing—it doesn't matter what the CEOs of these companies think. It doesn't matter what their customers want. It doesn't matter if maskless air travel is, for the most part, quite safe (especially for the vaccinated). It doesn't matter if the mask mandate makes air travel impossible for families with young children. All that matters is the calculus of the most risk-averse people: unelected public health experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Like Fauci, NIH Director Frances Collins said this past weekend that air passengers should be masked—and should think twice about large gatherings, and even about going anywhere at all.

"I'm not going to say you shouldn't travel, but you should do so very carefully," he said, before adding that the unvaccinated should definitely remain at home.

These pronouncements come during another pivotal moment in the pandemic: the rise of omicron variant, which appears to be at least as infectious as delta, capable of evading some amount of prior protection, but perhaps less lethal. Taking their cues from the public health establishment, political leaders are rushing to reimpose punitive mitigation efforts. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ended the city's "brief experiment with letting people make their own choices about masks," even though the mayor herself has flouted the mandate at various social gatherings throughout the summer. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul initially said that the state would not enforce the new mask mandate, but as cases continue to rise she abruptly reversed course and promised to send out inspectors.

These efforts reflect government officials' need to appear like they are doing something to battle COVID-19, even though it is no longer clear that mandates, lockdowns, and closures are doing much to prevent death. After D.C. reimposed the mask mandate over the summer in response to the delta wave, cases continued to rise due to the variant's increased infectiousness, but the death rate remained exactly the same—probably because vaccination rates are quite high.

Indeed, the vaccine is the only public health innovation doing much to save people's lives from COVID-19, but it's obviously not the case that we are just one more round of booster shots away from triumphing over the disease. The reality is that COVID-19 will be with us for years to come, no matter how faithfully people wear masks, practice social distancing, and get boosted.

Yet the Faucists talk about COVID-19 as if the pandemic is still some kind of we're-all-in-this-together civilizational struggle that justifies and necessitates the suspension of civil liberties, whole industries, and school time. In his ABC interview, Fauci told Karl that he's never walking away from his position of authority until COVID-19 is defeated.

"You know, we're in a war, Jon," he said. "It's kind of like we're halfway through World War II, and you decide, well, I think I've had enough of this. I'm walking away. You can't do that. You've got to finish it—and we're going to finish this and get back to normal."

But the U.S. government is unlikely to ever defeat COVID-19 in the same sense that it defeated Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. In the meantime, the government is claiming more and more power for itself; this power is being wielded by the agencies least accountable to the democratic process, and it is being used to enact harmful restrictions on people's lives that will apparently last for years, for decades, or forever. Americans still remove their shoes and belts in order to board air planes, even though the event that inspired this policy happened more than 20 years ago—and even though the evidence against this policy is overwhelming.

The Faucists clearly want to make masks just as permanent as the TSA: Indeed, they have said so explicitly, as Fauci just did. At every stage of the pandemic, public health bureaucrats have uttered some version of the sentence Now is not the time to ease up. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Not as long as they are in charge.


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Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds




Nearly $100 billion at minimum has been stolen from COVID-19 relief programs set up to help businesses and people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, the U.S. Secret Service said Tuesday.

The estimate is based on Secret Service cases and data from the Labor Department and the Small Business Administration, said Roy Dotson, the agency’s national pandemic fraud recovery coordinator, in an interview. The Secret Service didn’t include COVID-19 fraud cases prosecuted by the Justice Department.

While roughly 3% of the $3.4 trillion dispersed, the amount stolen from pandemic benefits programs shows “the sheer size of the pot is enticing to the criminals,” Dotson said.

Most of that figure comes from unemployment fraud. The Labor Department reported about $87 billion in unemployment benefits could have been paid improperly, with a significant portion attributable to fraud.


Fraud and corruption in the federal government?  Color me shocked.


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