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Out of Bounds Forum, version 2.0
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  2. Which begs the question. Did he inherit 1 million or 10 million from his dad? Doesn't matter. He took it and turned it into an billion dollar empire. I'm starting to believe that you struggle with understanding money. Hopefully you're not one of those people who tout, "but, but he bankrupted three companies." NO ONE can own as many businesses as Trump does without having a few failures along the way. If you know someone, help me out. It would be a pleasure to meet God in person. Lol, 1.6 million won't do it. I must have a better idea than you. And I'm sorry, but speaking engagements and book deals don't qualify you for 20 million dollars in real estate and the money it takes to maintain it. Obama and Biden are shady and they became rich at the expense of American tax payers. You're naive if you don't believe that.
  3. Which Is why I also made this statement: No, I don't. Do you? No, he just used his Dad.
  4. Seriously Muda, look at that kind of homes both Biden and Obama live in. You can't sustain that kind of lifestyle with 1.6 million dollars in the bank. Someone with that kind of money lives in a $750,000 dollar home. The Obama's paid 11.5 million back in 2020 for their home in Martha's Vineyard. The property taxes alone are over 6 figures a year. Any idea what it takes to maintain an estate like that? He even had a private cook. Then there's his 8 million dollar home in DC that he purchased when he left the White House. To my knowledge, he still owns both. This man owns roughly 20 million in real estate. It wasn't until last year that he sold his 1.5 million dollar apartment in NY. Before he became president, he resided in the Hyde Park area of Chicago. So maybe he lived in a Townhome valued between $750,000 and 1.5 million? Connect the damn dots. 1.6 million = chump change (to guys like Obama and Biden). They roll with the elites. Elites are shady as f***. And as the president or vice president of America, you're privy to a lot of cash from other countries when you give them what you want. I doubt the Bush's are innocent. I have a lot of respect for you Muda being the 3rd party guy that you are. I'm a Trump supporter because he didn't use his power as the president to become "rich."
  5. You and I must live in different financial worlds.
  6. Are you serious right now? That's not near enough money to buy and maintain the kind of homes they live in, let alone the property taxes. That's chump change if you look at their current lifestyle. Hell, Obama had a personal cook. Is that a perk of past presidents as well? Lol, maybe it is.
  7. Well, for starters the current yearly salary for the POTUS is $400,000. And the POTUS has virtually no living expenses. Room, board, insurance, etc. are 100% covered. I don't know about you but I would think earning $1.6 million dollars over four years would earn one the title of "rich". And of course that doesn't count the under handed schemes, advances for book deals once the POTUS leaves office, future speaking engagements, etc. A number of possible revenue streams open up once one sits in the Oval Office.
  8. I don't think Kamala is very smart. She'd be better served visiting the border. Showing up to Netanyahu's address to Congress. Or a live reaction to the protest in DC yesterday. Instead she's speaking to a sorority in Indianapolis? Some things just don't make any sense to me.
  9. Boy, you really don't know how things work in Washington, D.C. do you?
  10. I don't know? Do you know? Probably. Do you know if she has been asked to "chime in"? I assume fulfilling her constitutional duties as vice president, like Mr. Pence did before her. Yeah, but tell that to the members of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, I believe they are the ones who invited her to speak.
  11. Anyone with a morsal of common sense knows that two of our last three presidents became rich somehow over night. The other one already had money to the point where he considered the White House a dump.
  12. Isn't Biden still in the basement? Shouldn't Harris chime in when needed? What's she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She's wasting her time in Indiana. We're a red state.
  13. Yes, X is a cesspool which is why I come to the GID OOB forum for my political talk, lol. Gen Z, which will once again play a large role in selecting the next POTUS, lives and dies with social media. ”Mr. Biden is still the commander in chief” may be your best line yet.
  14. How she handles them? Exactly what kind of decision making power does she currently have regarding these "conflicts"? Last I heard Mr. Biden is still Commander In Chief, not Ms. Harris. Any kind of statement or rhetoric she makes regarding them is worthless IMHO. Why people give a damn about anything posted on X is beyond me. It's a vapid wasteland.
  15. The way she handles these two conflicts and how the public sees her role in them will play a role in determining whether or not she will be the nominee. It only took her approximately 20 hours to make a public statement condemning yesterday’s destruction and she did so less than an hour after Vance called her out on X, lol.
  16. Because this is a thread about whether of not Ms. Harris will be the democratic nominee, not about the duties of the next POTUS.
  17. Biden Brags That 'the United States Is Not at War' As He Bombs Yemen: https://reason.com/2024/07/25/biden-brags-that-the-united-states-is-not-at-war-as-he-bombs-yemen/ Endless war. Endless destruction. Endless death. It is what the military-industrial complex wants as it ensures good profits. And who here wants their children or grandchildren to have go to Ukraine to fight a war against Russia? Not this American.
  18. Why? It’s a huge part of the duties of the next president of the United States.
  19. Let the bullcrap and infighting begin: https://apnews.com/article/olympics-2024-doping-salt-lake-wada-2788597f9f5e16e5afdb940bd60d38b7 I may try and catch the opening ceremonies, mostly I just like to watch the athletes parade in, but probably won't watch anything else. I actually prefer the sports in the winter olympics.

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