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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2021 in Posts

  1. Interesting.... personal observation ?
    1 point
  2. This is a really good topic and interesting topic. I am a 30 year old public educator and here are my observations. 1. It gets more difficult every year for kids entering college to justify spending $40k on a college degree to make $40k as a starting salary. I don't think a lot of parents are telling their kids: "Hey, I think you'd be a good teacher - you should go do that". 2. Because of point #1 the candidate pool in many subject areas is almost non-existent. Math, Science, Foreign Language Teachers are very limited. And it seems like it is pretty rare to hire a teacher nowadays who is also an all-in coach/sponsor for anything. It's hard to find teachers and coaches, but finding a student council sponsor isn't a cake walk either. 3. At a smaller school, you're not going to have a 5-6 coaches that are in the building nowadays - if you do, you're very lucky. Having a lot of lay coaches is fine, but whoever is in the building has to be a pretty dynamic person in terms of recruiting the hallways, monitoring offseason work, grades, behavior etc.
    1 point
  3. Since we're in a teacher shortage, I'd say that it's not silly to say that it carries over to the coaching side.
    1 point
  4. Biden's Infrastructure Plan Would Overturn 'Right-To-Work' Laws in 27 States https://reason.com/2021/04/01/bidens-infrastructure-plan-would-overturn-right-to-work-laws-in-27-states/ That is one of the mantra's of democrats and progressives: "This is for your own good, because you are too stupid to know otherwise."
    0 points
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