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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2023 in Posts

  1. Not football related but congrats to Silver Creek on the state title in baseball. Mitchell got a semi state appearance. Good showings by the conferences.
    1 point
  2. BR finds a way yet again to call me an idiot utilizing his always eloquent prose.......Impressive as always my friend. Actually prior to the 2016 election I had hoped there could be a candidate that had no political ties, was not corrupted and easily influenced by the lobbyists and easy money, but was principled in management terms focused on cleaning up. After he was elected, every interaction I had with his administration and the personnel (Dr. Ben Carson at HUD) was at the utmost professional level and actually with people experienced in getting results. Much, much more than the 2 previous administrations. Again - the only President that personally lost money for being our President, and the establishment continues to fire volley after volley to keep him away from DC. My level of skepticism that either party (for the most part) is able to accomplish anything meaningful other than occupying an office and tossing a few minor league bills around I think is very warranted. You want to tackle a real issue like abortion, put some real legislation that could garner support from the middle of both parties and get it passed so you can move to the next issue. Speakers Mcarthy, Mcconnell, Schumer or Pelosi have no interest in solving any real divisive issues, they just want to keep the wedge issues flowing so they can continue to divy up the votes and stay in Washington. So again, the fact that they don't want him there tells me he is the guy.
    1 point
  3. Man, beyond frustrated....AD made decision about lack of resources without even discussing it with the city. Why do I think his department received a nice check to move the location of the Super Regional, putting his team on the road? BTW, media interviews with local hotels determine accomodations not the issue. https://www.wthitv.com/news/i-wish-it-would-have-been-a-collective-community-decision-city-leaders-former-isu-players/article_9750d2e6-04a6-11ee-b03b-f374dad58e58.html Listen to president of the university...dumps it on the AD. Again, never talks with city officials about staffing needed to pull it off. https://www.wthitv.com/news/isu-president-addresses-controversial-decision-to-withdraw-bid-to-host-super-regionals/article_09c51104-04c3-11ee-afd9-c76aa8256a7d.html Really disappointed in this administration...they sold out their team. BTW, when is the last time ISU has made the sweet 16 in anything with an opportunity to host a major event that would have exposed the school all over national TV?? Nice call jackwagons!!
    1 point
  4. The epitome of it wearing off was his pregame speech before the Purdue game. Man was that cringeworthy. Anything gimmicky just does not seem to work (row the boat comes to mind). Jusst the same, a coach who yells and screams all the time wears out too. It all just becomes noise.
    1 point
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