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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. 'Not convinced' Covid-19 developed naturally, says Dr Fauci https://in.news.yahoo.com/not-convinced-covid-19-developed-052826869.html Changing their tune.
  2. Biden's Jobs Plan: How Some Jobs Destroy Wealth https://mises.org/wire/bidens-jobs-plan-how-some-jobs-destroy-wealth
  3. A New Study Confirms That Reopening Texas '100 Percent' Had No Discernible Impact on COVID-19 Cases or Deaths https://reason.com/2021/05/21/a-new-study-confirms-that-reopening-texas-100-percent-had-no-discernible-impact-on-covid-19-cases-or-deaths/
  4. Head of AOS commits to ‘changing exclusionary or harmful bird names’: https://www.birdwatchingdaily.com/news/science/aos-commits-changing-exclusionary-harmful-bird-names/ <rolleyes>
  5. Of course we did Dante. But what does that have to do with the inability of any POTUS since to get the U.S. military effectively out of Afghanistan?
  6. The Price of Conforming to Critical Race Theory: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/the-price-of-conforming-to-critical-race-theory
  7. The Deep State Thwarted Trump’s Afghanistan Withdrawal https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-deep-state-thwarted-trumps-afghanistan-withdrawal/ An ugly picture, to be sure, but those making these claims were the same people who had blocked troop withdrawals earlier in the Trump’s presidency. No one would have been talking about a hurried exit at the end of his term had the military not earlier resisted his clear wishes. By making a measured withdrawal impossible, and then using that failure to oppose any pull out, the hardline “remainers” sounded a bit like the defendant who murdered his parents and then asked the judge for mercy as an orphan. Any peace-minded president also will inevitably face what amounts to the Senate’s warmonger caucus. It concocted the worst arguments on behalf of endless war. Alas, Trump’s own failings made him uniquely susceptible to such claims. Wrote Swan and Basu: This is a terrible reason to illegally occupy another country and insert U.S. military personnel into a war zone involving multiple hostile forces. But regarding North Korea, Graham had earlier dismissed the risk of nuclear war since any conflict would be “over there.” Preserving peace was never his concern. Ultimately, the president is elected by the people to decide the toughest issues. That includes issues of war and peace. In failing to enforce his will he failed the American people. Wrote Swan and Basu: “As passionately as Trump apparently felt about pulling America out of the Middle East and Afghanistan, he avoided giving an order to force the military’s hand.” It his responsibility to do so, to force the Pentagon to act after he decided that U.S. troops should come home. In the end, he could blame no one but himself for not pulling American forces out of multiple conflicts abroad. Afghanistan is a tragedy. But it no longer should be America’s tragedy. Now Biden must fulfill Trump’s promise to end the conflict.
  8. Shhh, you'll just confuse Dante, who believes that people are stupid and need to shepherded by the US Government. For their own good of course.
  9. That is in dispute: https://www.businessinsider.co.za/ap-contradicts-israel-says-no-indication-hamas-used-gaza-building-2021-5
  10. U.S. labor shortage? Unlikely. Here’s why https://www.epi.org/blog/u-s-labor-shortage-unlikely-heres-why/ So are you staying home, suckling off of the government teat?
  11. But what "better pay" and "benefits" really are should be dictated by the state, right Dante? Or at least a labor union?
  12. Does America Need To Be Involved in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? https://reason.com/2021/05/19/does-america-need-to-be-involved-in-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict/ All U.S. support of any kind to Israel needs to stop, they are big boys now and take care of themselves. Of course virtually any criticism of Israel and it's policies tends to get the critic labeled as anti-Semitic, which is an ignorant accusation. Israel is not Judaism or ethnic Jews, after all one does not have to be "Jewish" to be a citizen of Israel, right?
  13. Yet another slow step to a full UBI, and the ruin of the country. "FrEe mArKeT" ? What exactly should the Free Market "offer" Dante?
  14. https://reason.com/2021/05/19/unemployment-benefits-coronavirus-labor-shortage-american-rescue-plan/ Agreed. But this is just another step toward the progressive utopia, aka hell for those of us who value individual freedom and responsibility.
  15. Knitting Group Offers Plush Prosthetic Penises Transgender Children Can Wear in Their Panties: https://redstate.com/alexparker/2021/05/18/knitting-group-offers-plush-prosthetic-penises-transgender-children-can-wear-in-their-panties-n382230 For those moms or dads who would rather their youngster have a firmer appendage, they’re out of luck: But also, they’re in luck: The Studio ensures, “Each Bitty Bug® is handmade to order.” And don’t let the presumption of size limitations put you off: Considering our societal evolution, one might say it’s a natural occurrence. In a relatively short time, the concept of binary sex appears to have been all but replaced by the notion of open-ended gender identity. As I covered in March, per its official educational standards, Nebraska was eyeing instructing kindergarteners on sexual identity and schooling 11-year-olds on pansexuality and demigenderism. For more on that last term, here’s Cosmopolitan: In California, officials have decided insurance companies can’t deny transgender mastectomy based on age. And as of April, New Jersey offers three options for “gender” on drivers licenses: As for educating children on the possibilities, Cartoon Network recently released a PSA explaining, “We can’t tell someone’s gender just by looking at them, and shouldn’t assume we know. There are many gender identities beyond ‘girl’ or ‘boy.’ Some people don’t identify as any gender!” Knitted genitals seem par for the projected course. Back to Stitchbug, it does make clear the intended age for its creations: The webpage also profiles its owners: Customers can pick from many colors (pink, barley, hummus, brown, chestnut, black, white, blue, purple). Perhaps more notably, progressive parents can choose a length: -ALEX I'm speechless on this one. This is basically child abuse, pure and simple.
  16. Doesn't any p/p playing a government school team create the same opportunity?
  17. Interesting that all this strife and violence in the middle east flairs up when Biden becomes POTUS. The military-industrial complex must completely own the dems.
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