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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Reducing the size, scope, and power of the federal government is mostly certain a viable, and very much needed, alternative. Do that and you and other liberals' hand wringing about this section of the 14th amendment effectively goes away. Wow, and you accuse me of reading your mind? I want everybody is who is legally eligible to vote to be able to vote if they so wish to.
  2. With Victoria Nuland Nomination, Biden Signals a Return to Bush-Obama-Era Foreign Policy https://mises.org/wire/victoria-nuland-nomination-biden-signals-return-bush-obama-era-foreign-policy Agreed. Such a nomination is just more fuel for the endless war and endless death of American soldiers. And we thought Mr. Biden was going to be different?
  3. The Education Establishment Fears You Might Teach Your Kids Unapproved Ideas https://reason.com/2021/03/17/the-education-establishment-fears-you-might-teach-your-kids-unapproved-ideas/
  4. How is presenting a viable alternative viewpoint derailing the topic? If anything it is you are doing the railroading, not I.
  5. Nice stretch, gonzo. YOUR original statement was: Are you denying you typed this, gonzo? I don't see the words "Indiana" in it. And I unequivocally proved it a false statement, no matter how much your want to dive, dodge, and deflect around it. The vaccine being approved for a certain age group and a state government prioritizing on when that age group should be given the vaccine are two different things. You obviously don't understand that. And no, that's a picture of you and your multiple spawn getting ready to play your favorite game.
  6. lol, classic attempt at moving the goalposts by gonzo. Perhaps you need to complain to Mr. Holcomb about that.
  7. Why yes gonzo, it's all lies!: https://www.courierpress.com/story/news/local/2021/03/05/indiana-covid-19-vaccine-children-moderna-johnson-and-johnson-pfizer/4581679001/ https://www.propublica.org/article/fauci-vaccines-kids https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/12/health/covid-vaccine-teens-cdc.html https://www.newson6.com/story/604aa4eb1333050bea71b1ab/osdh-says-16-17yearolds-eligible-for-pfizer-covid19-vaccine- https://abc11.com/covid-vaccine-nc-eligibility-can-teenagers-get-age/10400530/ https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/pfizer/downloads/standing-orders.pdf He's talking about Frankfort's Case Arena. It appears that he has sat in every seat in the upper level, either that or he needs better glasses. The seats I usually sit in the upper level have excellent visibility to the playing floor.
  8. No. It's here on the GID in perpetuity (or until the GID software/data crashes again or an admin deletes it).
  9. https://apnews.com/article/oddities-pensacola-florida-42d964a6a28387d6bf953b9fbd313145 High stakes hacking fail by a helicopter parent. She should have hired a competent haxor group to perpetrate this fraud. Then it would have been more difficult, if next to impossible, to trace.
  10. Sure. You elitist attitude towards a fellow high school football field is noted.
  11. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is it not? No fru fru amenities, just a quality grass field where a game played by children can be held. Bring a folding chair and watch the game.
  12. It could, yes. The best high school field in the nation is Fleur De Lis field in Greenfield, Illinois: Not a shred of fake grass to be seen. Simply perfect.
  13. https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/coronavirus-when-can-teenagers-younger-children-be-vaccinated/MCUEJWIIDVBDXB5I2SMRS7XFC4/
  14. No, do you? What exactly is your college degree in, Irishman? Wow, who is claiming to have the psychology degree now, I wonder? I have never stated that I just expect everyone to "follow along with my thinking". I like to believe I provide an alternative viewpoint on this forum, a forum that sorry, can frequently devolve into an echo chamber. And I welcome a challenge to my alternative viewpoints, Irishman. Yet I wonder if you really welcome challenges to yours? Challenge accepted. And nice to know you view most alternative opinions, especially those that challenge your leftist sensibilities, as automatically "stupid". It's none of my real business as well, meaning I can't force them to change what they have already decided. But I can voice my opinions on those choices in the hope it may sway future decisions. In exchange for a significant initial financial outlay and a statistical increase in the chance of injury versus a grass field. This as opposed to having deal with a little mud/dirt. Boo Hoo.
  15. I'm not, just presenting the more logical alternative. Your alternative would just perpetuate the status quo in Washington, mine would fundamentally change it for the better.
  16. Yes Irishman, you are angry. It comes out when you use words like "stupidity" and "fake libertarian" in your missives attacking my point of view. Not a lie, my perception based on some local data, that is all. Agreed, I have no issue with local communities getting to choose how to spend their tax dollars. I do however have issues with exactly what they choose to spend it on, and will voice my opinion as such. Sorry that you place such unadulterated faith in the government school edifice and your public sector union. I however, am not so naive and trusting regarding government institutions.
  17. Teachers’ Unions Make the Case for School Choice: https://www.cato.org/commentary/teachers-unions-make-case-school-choice
  18. Why not just reduce the overall size, scope, and power of the federal government back to the constitutional mandate envisioned by the founding fathers? This would greatly reduce the power and corruption surrounding the elected body and they could go back to serving their constituents instead of their political party.
  19. Your public section union buddies must be different than the teachers I know. Such anger over a simple suggestion, that turf fields are an EXTRAVAGENCE when you are talking about games played by children. Full stop. #truth.
  20. https://polimath.substack.com/p/why-i-am-obsessed-with-the-forbidden
  21. Dianne Feinstein's Latest 'Assault Weapon' Bill Is Just As Illogical As All the Previous Ones https://reason.com/2021/03/12/dianne-feinsteins-latest-assault-weapon-bill-is-just-as-illogical-as-all-the-previous-ones/
  22. The War on Free Speech Is About To Get a Lot Uglier https://reason.com/2021/03/16/the-war-on-free-speech-is-about-to-get-a-lot-uglier/
  23. And now I'm betting Mr. Wilson is now in the Saints crosshairs as well.
  24. Call me that skeptical reader. Because a U.S. Congressman no longer really representative his constituents, he represents voting power for his side of the uni-party and special interests. Precious votes that the uni-party wants to hold on to at all costs. If one side of the uni-party coin would really follow through on this section of the 14th amendment and actually strip a state of some it representative you can bet dollars to donuts when the other side other uni-party comes back into power the exact same tit-for-tat would then be attempted.
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