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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. I'm curious, do the geographical boundaries for the Warsaw Community school district extend well past the city limits of Warsaw itself, and take up a considerable amount of surrounding Kosciusko County? It just find it curious that a city a little over 15k can have such a large high school. In contrast Frankfort is a city of 16k+ with a high school of only around 900. Thank you.
  2. Yes, I own a garage. However it's old and anything larger than a compact car will not fit inside of it.
  3. Correct. AFAIK Frankfort has one Tesla charging station, located behind a goverment funded/boondoggle apartment building. Approx. 1 mile from my location.
  4. ORANGE MAN BAD. We get it, Dante. No reliable place to quickly charge an EV.
  5. https://deadspin.com/hey-chicago-bears-could-you-not-screw-up-justin-fields-1846890667 I sure hope Mr. Nagy and the Bears get this right. And that quote about Mr. Mahomes never taking a snap from under center until he entered the NFL just boggles mind mind. Really.
  6. Don’t Be Fooled: Teachers’ Unions Remain a Public Menace https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/05/dont-be-fooled-teachers-unions-remain-a-public-menace/ Greed and avarice.
  7. https://reason.com/2021/05/13/stop-using-the-irs-to-subsidize-parenting/ If this boondoggle becomes law it is yet another spiral down to federal fiscal insolvency.
  8. The effective insolvency of the federal government, and the economic carnage that will follow.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/youth-football-drill-goes-viral Any experienced football coaches out there who have viewed this video? Comments? Concerns?
  10. https://www.cato.org/blog/jones-act-should-be-waived-more-substantive-changes-are-needed Unfortunately, only a relatively small number of tanker ships ideally suited to transport refined petroleum products are deemed coastwise compliant, meaning they meet the Jones Act’s requirements of being U.S.-flagged, U.S.-built and mostly U.S.-crewed and owned. Waiving the Jones Act would allow far more numerous—and significantly cheaper—vessels not compliant with the law to quickly move fuel from the Gulf Coast to where it’s needed. The transportation system requires maximum flexibility in an emergency or crisis, and a Jones Act waiver would help provide it. There is ample precedence for such a move. In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017, along with Hurricane Sandy in 2011, a lack of fuel supplies was deemed to be a threat to national security, thus clearing the way for the issuance of Jones Act waivers. If it was a good enough reason to justify a waiver then it should be a good enough reason now. But waivers should only be a prelude to more significant changes to the Jones Act. The law isn’t just a problem in times of pressing need, but also in everyday life. By limiting domestic waterborne transport to ships that are the world’s most expensive to build and operate, the Jones Act interferes with the efficient flow of goods within the United States. That’s particularly true of petroleum products where the law’s distortions are in abundance. For example: Refined products produced in the Gulf Coast are sent to Latin America instead of the East Coast. Refineries on both the East Coast and West Coast can find it more attractive to import oil from abroad than other parts of the United States. California can source gasoline more cheaply from distant Singapore than the Gulf Coast. At its worst, the Jones Act can even make domestic transportation outright impossible. While the United States is the world’s leading exporter of propane, Hawaii must buy it from as far away as Africa owing to a complete lack of Jones Act‐compliant ships capable of transporting it from the U.S. mainland. A similar absence of appropriate ships, meanwhile, means that Puerto Rico has no choice but to meet its bulk liquefied natural gas needs from foreign sources. These inefficiencies are not just a hit to the country’s economic pocketbook, but a threat to its security. Reduced transportation options or over‐reliance on a single method of transport can lead to significant problems when things go awry, as we are painfully finding out. Redundancy and flexibility are key to overcoming systemic breakdowns, and the Jones Act means less of both. So, what should be done? At a minimum this situation illustrates the need for a waiver system based on commercial considerations. Currently, waivers can only be issued by the Department of Homeland Security if they are deemed in the “interest of national defense” or by the Secretary of Defense in order to address an “immediate adverse effect on military operations.” That’s a high bar to clear, which helps explain why such waivers are rarely issued. Instead, Congress should create a new type of waiver allowing the use of non‐Jones Act ships if no vessel meeting the law’s requirements is available—no “national defense” justification required. Canada already has such a system. Other measures that should be on the table include a scrapping of the law’s U.S.-built requirement and permanent exemptions for parts of the United States that are uniquely dependent on maritime transportation such as Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. A Jones Act waiver could help ameliorate some of the Jones Act’s worst effects, but what’s urgently needed is the significant reform—if not outright repeal—of this failed and costly law. Bingo. Such a simple solution for an indeed failed and costly law.
  11. Since it is a U.S. citizens duty to blame the sitting U.S. President for negative economic developments: As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/541833-as-gas-prices-soar-americans-can-blame-joe-biden
  12. Vaccine Passports Will Outlast the Pandemic https://reason.com/2021/05/12/vaccine-passports-will-outlast-the-pandemic/ Yet another piece of security theater, ensuring the bureaucracy continues.
  13. I like "Ulrichs" or "Adolphas": https://www.perfectdogbreeds.com/wolf-names/
  14. Sources: Colts sign free agent left tackle Eric Fisher https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/colts-insider/2021/05/10/colts-sign-free-agent-lt-eric-fisher-according-source/4970377001/ Looks to be a decent signing if Mr. Fisher's achilles tendon is fully healed by training camp.
  15. The FBI Seized Heirlooms, Coins, and Cash From Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes in Beverly Hills, Despite Knowing 'Some' Belonged to 'Honest Citizens' https://reason.com/2021/05/10/the-fbi-seized-heirlooms-coins-and-cash-from-hundreds-of-safe-deposit-boxes-in-beverly-hills-despite-knowing-some-belonged-to-honest-citizens/ This was nothing more than a heinous crime perpetrated by the FBI. And they will get away with it.
  16. Hamilton County schools don't teach critical race theory, but it still angers some parents https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/hamilton-county/education/2021/05/10/critical-race-theory-controversial-but-not-taught-hamilton-county/4939175001/
  17. No, I haven't. Guess my life is incomplete. The late Tim Adams would agree.
  18. I never said they were a requirement, was just curious as to why they choose to wear tennis visors instead of traditional baseball caps.
  19. So girls softball is played with the players wearing tennis visors and not traditional baseball caps? Why?
  20. IMHO a better name and mascot than a generic, run of the mill Panther. Those are a dime a dozen.
  21. In the Name of Equity, California Will Discourage Students Who Are Gifted at Math https://reason.com/2021/05/04/california-math-framework-woke-equity-calculus/?itm_source=parsely-api Agreed. This is a bunch of horseshit.
  22. Teachers Unions Use Political Clout To Keep Classrooms Closed https://reason.com/2021/05/07/teachers-unions-use-political-clout-to-keep-classrooms-closed/
  23. As long as this new venue is privately funded and not a public (aka tax) funded boondoggle like Lucas Oil, U.S. Bank Stadium, etc. then I'm game.
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