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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Yes, Mr. Biden is too old to be POTUS. As is Mr. Trump, BTW. Neither will get my vote in 2020. Will you vote straight Democrat this November as your always do?
  2. Good breakdowns of meaningful games. A similar discussion and breakdown of the 8/23/2019 game against Kokomo would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  3. It's obvious that only "Trump Groupies" would want to be treated with hydroxychloroquine in the first place. Right?
  4. How much is Coach Ralph, and especially his staff, getting paid for all this off-season work?
  5. The COVID-19 Economic Collapse Is Absolutely Wrecking State Pension Systems https://reason.com/2020/04/24/the-covid-19-economic-collapse-is-decimating-state-pension-systems/ Sorry, I shouldn't have to have the federal taxes I pay go to cover the failures of the public pension programs in other states. They should succeed or fail on their own merits.
  6. You are not a true Hoosier if you dislike basketball. Just a humble opinion. In fact most of this dislike for our historic state sport is probably just some sort of inferiority complex.
  7. Who here on the GID has ever taken the recommendation of a sitting POTUS to heart, and actually acted on that recommendation? https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/politics/donald-trump-coronavirus-disinfectant-sunlight-science/index.html Hmm. Mr. Trump is a moron, but I don't see this quote as a "recommendation" that an individual ingest disinfectant into their lungs. TDS
  8. Michigan Gov. Whitmer faces protest outside her home as lawmakers mull curbing her powers https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-gov-whitmer-faces-protest-outside-her-home-as-lawmakers-mull-curbing-her-powers
  9. How so? Surely Michelle or Barrack wouldn't enthusiastically flout hydroxychloroquine or heroin as a miracle drug against Covid-19, as Mr. Trump has done.
  10. It's obvious. We need an Obama back in the White House to competently lead the country through this crisis.
  11. The laziness and fear mongering of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: https://reason.com/2020/04/23/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-vice-fighting-income-inequality-is-higher-priority-than-getting-people-back-to-work/
  12. The Destructive Effects of the Coronavirus Relief Package https://mises.org/wire/destructive-effects-coronavirus-relief-package Today, the policy of printing new money to hold up an economic and financial system that cannot last is being pursued again—as it has been in the past, on many occasions. The question is not whether money will lose its purchasing power. It is just a question of how much and how quickly. The best-case scenario is that the economic slump will be overcome quickly and, as a result, central banks will not have to monetize too much debt and issue too much newly created money. But even then the underlying problem will not be solved; it will merely be postponed, because the government-controlled unbacked paper money system will predictably lead to ever greater amounts of debt on the part of entrepreneurs, consumers, and, most importantly, governments. At some point, debtors will no longer be in a position to service their debt. This is the point at which the unbacked paper money system collapses altogether through payment defaults, or when governments begin to issue ever greater amounts of money in a last-ditch effort to fend off the inevitable. That said, economies that have become addicted to unbacked money will, at some point, be confronted with a “recession-depression” à la 1929 or a German hyperinflation à la 1923. Meanwhile, however, governments and central banks’ mega–bailout programs may very well succeed in keeping the artificial boom going—that is, in transposing the approaching economic and financial bust into yet another boom, thereby preventing the system from collapsing. One thing, however, is certain: the official currencies—be it the greenback, the euro, Chinese renminbi, or the Japanese yen—will most likely lose their purchasing power. The truth is that they have never been a reliable means to store wealth—and never will be.
  13. As more studies roll in, little evidence that hydroxychloroquine works: https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/04/more-reason-for-caution-with-malaria-drugs-as-covid-19-treatment/ Orange Man Bad.
  14. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/conferences/big-ten/2019-team-defense.html Purdue defense ranked 12th in the Big 10 for the 2019 season. Average yards given up per rushing attempt: 4.7. Sounds kind of weak and anemic to me...........................
  15. Go crawl back under your rock, troll. Let the adults who want to have real conversations talk.
  16. The meat-market talent grading systems out there have been doing this for decades, yet somehow it is verboten for such a discussion on a high school football forum. Incredible.
  17. lol. We have been ordering out more lately, while keeping the freezers well stocked, should restaurants start to close due to not be able to obtain product.
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