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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Citations please. And this story about Mr. Biden just goes to show that the vast, vast majority of male uni-party politicians are sexist creeps, not deserving of anyone's vote.
  2. If people don't start social distancing on trails, more may be shut down: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2020/03/26/coronavirus-indiana-social-distancing-parks/2916559001/ "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - U.S. Constitution "No law shall restrain any of the inhabitants of the State from assembling together in a peaceable manner, to consult for their common good; nor from instructing their representatives; nor from applying to the General Assembly for redress of grievances." - Indiana State Constitution :
  3. Wake Up! Your Fears Are Being Manipulated: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/wake-up-your-fears-are-being-manipulated/ Rack this commentary.
  4. 3.3 million seek US jobless aid, nearly 5 times earlier high: https://apnews.com/1bae3794481cc9d02fc670480cfcb800 A recession/depression 100% caused by local, state, and federal governments.
  5. White House, Congress agree on $2 trillion virus rescue bill: https://apnews.com/edd230801c0e181169915e67b1fd64c6 Wonderful. A massive amount of more government (aka taxpayer) debt used for a government "solution". The irony is this pending massive recession was 100% caused by the government (local, state, & federal) in the first place. The words "Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." spoken by Mr. Reagan at his inaugural address have never been more true than they are now.
  6. No. I'm a realist. You used the phrase Chief, not I. Read the commonly accepted definition of the phrase. No stretch there.
  7. So far politicians have been acting as if only one side of the ledger matters.: https://reason.com/2020/03/25/trump-is-right-to-worry-about-the-cost-of-aggressive-covid-19-control-measures/ Agreed. We can't continue like this much longer. Tremendous economic damage has already been done.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_the_Kool-Aid My apologies. I ran out of caffeine this morning.
  9. U.S. Needs Billions of New Masks to Combat Coronavirus. Feds Say It'll Take Up To 90 Days to Approve New Mask-Making Facilities.: https://reason.com/2020/03/24/america-needs-billions-of-new-masks-to-combat-coronavirus-federal-regulators-say-itll-take-months-to-approve-new-mask-making-facilities/ Go Big Government!
  10. No repercussions from Mr. Dakich's employer, after all he did apologize: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/2020/03/24/what-dan-dakich-said-stupid-but-not-actionable-experts-say/2912013001/
  11. Nice. Now certain GID members are advocating individuals kill themselves. Is this what COVID-10 has driven the American populace to?
  12. Why the STATE. Isn't that your socialist answer to just about everything?
  13. Officials field complaints as Liberty students return: https://apnews.com/326b67255b5436bd2a6bf2443ae5be96 Should Mr. Falwell be arrested then fined or imprisoned for these actions?
  14. Free speech, my friend. Free speech. Note that I did not say there shouldn't be consequences to this particular free speech. That remains to be seen.
  15. Frankfort Utilities Urging People to Not Flush Disinfecting Wipes: https://clintoncountydailynews.com/frankfort-utilities-urging-people-to-not-flush-disinfecting-wipes/ Thanks Mr. Trump.
  16. Up over 6% on the NYSE as of the writing of this post. I would buy if I had any $ to invest at the moment. Wouldn't you?
  17. That is the obvious and logical implication from the blanket and utopian statement "Life is better when we’re all successful." Whoever accused me of not wishing people success? I'm not. Has the business you currently own contracted due to the coronavirus scare?
  18. Doctors hoard unproven COVID-19 meds by writing prescriptions for selves, families: https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/03/doctors-hoard-unproven-covid-19-meds-by-writing-prescriptions-for-selves-families/ The power of the U.S. Presidency, ladies and gentlemen.
  19. So I guess FDA approval is the pinnacle of safety and efficacy when it comes to medications. “FDA approval is based on evidence — provided by the company that makes the medical product — that the benefits of the product outweigh the risks for most patients for a specific use. It doesn’t necessarily mean the product is safe.” - Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Center for Health Research
  20. And like I said the world isn't fair, it never will be. Therefore not everyone will reach the level of "success" they may personally reach to attain.
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