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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. No, Chief. It says a lot about yours that don't choose to recognize technical talent and business intelligence. You want a real tech charlatan and shyster? Try the late Steve Jobs. His success was built on the back of primarily one brilliant and graceful individual: Steve Wozniak.
  2. Bullshit and you know it. Read your history. Who wrote the first viable BASIC for the Altair and the 6502 microprocessor? Mr. Gates and Mr. Allen did. And Mr. Gates was smart enough to make a savvy acquisition, 86-DOS – owned by Seattle Computer Products and written by Tim Paterson, and rename is MS-DOS. Sorry that you deride any individual who shows real intelligence and business acumen. But they again you are a champion of the "race to the bottom" paradigm.
  3. Justice Department Reportedly Asks Congress for Indefinite Detention Powers To Fight Coronavirus: https://reason.com/2020/03/21/justice-department-reportedly-asks-congress-for-indefinite-detention-powers-to-fight-coronavirus/\ "The DOJ proposal is deeply troubling and would raise a whole host of constitutional concerns," says Scott Bullock, president and general counsel for the Institute for Justice, a libertarian law firm. "History demonstrates again and again that governments use a crisis to expand power and violate vital constitutional principles. And when the supposed emergency is over, the expanded powers often become permanent." Clark Neily, vice president for criminal justice at the Cato Institute, says the Justice Department should not be trusted with more expansive powers. "If history is any indication, it's a near certainty that these powers will be abused and that DOJ will try to hide those abuses when they occur," says Neily. "This is simply not an agency that has earned the kind of trust implied by these requests for increased authority and discretion." It's also unclear how allowing indefinite detention would help fight the coronavirus outbreak. It seems more likely that the DOJ is learning from members of Congress and the president that the crisis provides a convenient excuse to ask for things it already wanted in the first place. "Congress must loudly reply 'NO,'" wrote Rep. Justin Amash on Twitter. If you think that those powers, once granted by Congress, would be used only in temporary or emergency situations—well, I have a 2001 Authorization on the Use of Military Force to sell you. Exactly. If the Justice Department and Mr. Barr get what they want here it will never go away. After all never let a good "crisis" go to waste. Police State.
  4. Why yes gonzo, a grown man and politician is going to make some kind of speech/comment/announcement, standing in what is most likely some kind of government building, with curlers in his hair. Grow up. You mean the "corporate paymasters" whose businesses and industries provide employment to millions of American and non-American individuals?
  5. *yawn* Lame attempt at humor using Photoshop. So 2000's...............
  6. Will you please share with us the source material(s) you used for your studies? So? I was raised with the mantra "The world's not fair. Get used to it. Make you own success." So the achievements and monetary success of someone like Bill Gates should be diminished because he was one of those who were in the right place at the right time? Or maybe he had the foresight and intelligence to see this little thing, in its infancy, called the "personal computer" was going to change the world? As for inheritance again so what? Shouldn't an individual get to choose to whom they give the money/resources that they own and control? What business is that of government? How so? Are you sure that these non-white entrepreneurs and businessmen will not just take their place among the "small families" that you so deride?
  7. And you know it's a perm how exactly? Why do you use the word libertarian in quotes in this context, Mr. foxbat?
  8. Mr. Johnson was a better candidate in 2016 than either Mr. Trump or Ms. Clinton. Go ahead and continue to be a lemming Gonzo, blindly voting for whatever uni-party candidate is put before you. Because hey if that candidate wins then you by extension are a "winner" as well, right? I didn't know Rand Paul was a member of the Libertarian Party.
  9. There hasn't been a uni-party candidate in decades that wasn't already effectively the puppet of the military-industrial complex, the CIA/Deep State, special interest groups, or a combination thereof. Here is the type of presidential candidate our uni-party system has devolved to producing:
  10. Singer, actor, ‘The Gambler’: Kenny Rogers dies at 81: https://apnews.com/34a33052994dd662c1a8b70751e03b30 A sad day. Truly an American icon, he will be missed.
  11. Yet most people treat treat their vote for the POTUS like it is some kind of horse race. And voting for the "lesser of two evils" is actually a valid choice. Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden is not really a choice, just voting for one side of the same uni-party coin. Vote third party and let your voice be heard.
  12. "Rainy day fund"? The federal government hasn't had such a thing for decades, unless you call quantitative easing "aka printing more money" a rainy day fund. And federal spending has risen to the level that I guess you are ok with at least 50% of your earnings going towards taxes? No, no level of taxation will fix this mess, only a true reduction in the spending and scope of the federal government.
  13. lol, you truly believe that? Stop playing the victim card. What is stopping you from being one of those "few families"? Have you every stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, these "few families" had the desire, the work ethic, the idea to build businesses that allowed them accumulate that wealth? That, in fact, they earned most of it through blood, sweat, and tears? And what right do you have to demand they share their success with you and your ilk?
  14. The "lack of social mobility" has a lot do with a lack of desire. "Just getting by" is now the accepted norm for entire swaths of the population, thanks primarily to the "War on Poverty" started by the LBJ administration. But you can look at how you'd like, that it's the fault of capitalism. It works. Evolution has taught us that.
  15. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/03/20/emmis-investigating-dan-dakichs-comments-scottsburg-coach-firing/2881793001/ Anybody familiar with the firing of Mr. Jameson like to comment on the situation and Mr. Dakich's insinuation? Sounds like Mr. Dakich won't be invited to court side seats at a Scottsburg basketball game anytime soon...................
  16. UPS Workers Report That UPS' Coronavirus Preparations Are Woefully Inadequate Or Nonexistent: https://jalopnik.com/ups-workers-report-that-ups-coronavirus-preparations-ar-1842420068 As one of the comments states this reads like nothing more than a hit piece aimed at UPS. Fed Ex and the USPS are probably no better. How about taking your safety in your own hands and misting your received packages with a bleach solution and letting it dry for like 24 hours before opening it?
  17. Only because we now have 3rd-4th generations of the "poor" sucking on the government teat. They have learned to accept it and live with it.
  18. Trump Temporarily Suspends Payments On Federal Student Loans: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahhansen/2020/03/20/trump-temporarily-suspends-payments-on-federal-student-loans/#cf1e59134912 Another good political move by Mr. Trump.
  19. Tax Day moving to July 15 amid coronavirus crisis, Mnuchin announces: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tax-day-moving-to-july-15-amid-coronavirus-crisis-mnuchin-announces Good move politically.
  20. Stop Looking for 'Leadership' During the COVID-19 Outbreak: https://reason.com/2020/03/20/stop-looking-for-leadership-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/ Agreed. I don't recall seeing in the U.S. Constitution where one of the defined duties of the POTUS is to be a "leader". Our own laziness, complacency, and cowardice have led us to that point.
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