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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. America Doesn't Have Enough Hospital Beds To Fight the Coronavirus. Protectionist Health Care Regulations Are One Reason Why.: https://reason.com/2020/03/13/america-doesnt-have-enough-hospital-beds-to-fight-the-coronavirus-certificate-of-need-laws-are-one-reason-why/ Common sense. Too bad we the people have given all levels of government so much power that corruption/cronyism/protectionism like this is rampant.
  2. Interesting that most of the USA now believes the office of POTUS is some magic, mythical position where one can just wave his hand and voila! this or that problem is taken care of. No friends, that kind of power shouldn't be in the hands of one person, not unless you a believer in true monarchies. That power belongs in Congress.
  3. COVID-19 Is Not a Good Reason to Enact a Permanent Federal Paid-Leave Entitlement: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/03/covid-19-is-not-a-good-reason-to-enact-a-permanent-federal-paid-leave-entitlement/ Agreed. Fear frequently results in bad long-term decisions.
  4. Community Schools of Frankfort, Clinton Central, Clinton Prairie and Rossville Schools will all close Monday, March 16 and plan to open back up on Monday, April 6. Spring Break for all schools is scheduled for the week of March 23rd. E-learning days are scheduled for the week of March 16 and March 23 for CSF, not sure about the other schools. Also the CSF Food Service Dept. will provide meals for pickup at three locations between the hours of 11am-1pm during the E-learning days.
  5. Pentagon to “reconsider” parts of controversial $10 billion JEDI contract. Amazon says it lost deal because Trump hates Bezos; DoD will now review.: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/03/pentagon-to-reconsider-parts-of-controversial-10-billion-jedi-contract/ I wouldn't put such behavior past Mr. Trump.
  6. Why so sensitive, Chief? Just own up to it: Sounds like an agenda to me............................ And interesting that you didn't address the other point that I made concerning traditional grass fields.
  7. All Tippecanoe county government schools closed from March 16th until April 1st.: https://www.wlfi.com/content/news/WLCSC-TSC-LSC-closing-starting-March-16-568771511.html
  8. Mud and muck should be part of the Indiana H.S. football experience. Random elements such as field conditions give the game character, and force coaches and players to adapt to the elements. With every single football field in Indiana going to artificial turf, part of your agenda IIRC, that random element is removed. And the game overall suffers.
  9. China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs: https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-deny-americans-coronavirus-drugs lol. Now that is has been proven that Russia had nothing to do with the manipulating the 2016 elections the MSM, particularly Fox News, has to find another boogeyman/enemy to scare the American public. China is now on the block.
  10. The Sagamore Conference has cancelled Saturday's conference wrestling championship event at Southmont H.S. and next week's conference swimming championships at Crawfordsville H.S. These events will not be rescheduled.
  11. Markets vs. Socialism: Why South Korean Healthcare Is Outperforming Italy with COVID-19: https://mises.org/wire/markets-vs-socialism-why-south-korean-healthcare-outperforming-italy-covid-19
  12. School Canceled Because of Coronavirus? A Homeschooler Offers Some Tips: https://reason.com/2020/03/12/school-canceled-because-of-coronavirus-a-homeschooler-offers-some-tips/
  13. Why not? Why don't you have season tickets for this once in a lifetime opportunity?
  14. And acquaintance of mine and her spouse cancelled their cruise scheduled for the week 3/15. They couldn't get a refund on their flight to Florida so now they are thinking of going to Key West for the week..................
  15. That "ban" of gatherings of more than 100 people may be just a teensy bit unconstitutional. Just saying..............
  16. Estimated $5k-$9k hit for Frankfort and Lafayette Jeff: https://www.jconline.com/story/sports/2020/03/12/basketball-tournaments-frankfort-lafayette-jeff-affected-ihsaa-announcement/5031921002/ I guess no field turf for the Hot Dogs this year........................
  17. The Constitution Isn’t Suspended Because of Coronavirus: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-constitution-isnt-suspended-because-of-coronovirus/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign=river&utm_content=featured-content-trending&utm_term=first Bingo. And once those rights are chipped away the state doesn't want to give them back. Ever. See Patriot Act and FISA.
  18. https://www.indystar.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2020/03/11/indiana-nursing-home-patients-suffer-medicaid-money-diverted-hospitals/2517834001/ (Note: Story is behind a paywall) What a sad, sad, story. And it only highlights the utter incompetence, arrogance, and corruption that is endemic when we the people let government control much of an industry.
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