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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. So "Jack and Diane" would be out. That was a staple in the pre-game locker room during my ancient playing days.
  2. https://compass.doe.in.gov/dashboard/overview.aspx?type=school&id=0997 compared to: https://compass.doe.in.gov/dashboard/overview.aspx?type=school&id=3126 Not even close.
  3. Enough to make a difference, especially in economically depressed areas like Frankfort, Indiana.
  4. Too many carbs in the burrito, IMHO. Better to go with the bowl.
  5. What if the number of students forgoing high school athletics due to having to help provide for their family, some of them being OMG! Athletes, affects the overall numbers and competitiveness of the high school football team? Socioeconomic factors have to be a consideration when it comes to contraction. I live in Frankfort, Indiana. I've been aware of it for decades.
  6. This Obnoxious Drunk's Opinions Could Earn Him an Extra 59 Months Behind Bars: https://reason.com/2019/09/27/this-obnoxious-drunks-opinions-could-earn-him-an-extra-59-months-behind-bars/ Agreed. This is shameful conviction and highlights the asinine danger behind hate crime laws. A crime is a crime is a crime. Enough said.
  7. What if a student has to choose between helping to provide for his family (parents, siblings, etc.) and playing high school football?
  8. Rashida Tlaib Is Fundraising Off Of Impeachment Probe With New Apparel: https://www.dailywire.com/news/rashida-tlaib-is-fundraising-off-of-impeachment-probe-with-new-apparel Hmm, that's quite the opportunistic capitalist move by Ms. Talib, but then again I have said the main goal of every congressman is to get reelected. She need to turn in her Democratic Socialist card.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/tom-brady-popularity-tied-white-supremacy One would think a college professor would have more important topics to "research", but it's apparent Mr. Kusz has been triggered.
  10. No thank you. I don't choose to keep my head in the sand. Responding to your own posts now I see. Sanity must be slipping.
  11. So X's and O's, "Nuts and Bolts", are the only thing that should be discussed regarding Indiana High School football on this forum. Got it. You know Gipper if you don't want to read what I or DT type there is this handy "ignore" feature where you can keep yourself in ignorance for the rest of your GID stay. Go ahead and use it, something tells it wouldn't be the first time for you...... As for game insights: Frankfort at Western Boone: WEBO names the score, starters will play maybe one quarter. The Hot Dogs will struggle to to have positive yards on offense, with it looking like their starting QB, and one of their best athletes, will miss his second game. Eastern at Clinton Central: The 5-0 Comets simply have too much offensive firepower in this HHC contest. Eastern 48, Bulldogs 21. Delphi at Clinton Prairie: These teams look like somewhat mirror images of each other. CP gives up a lot of points but is scoring an average of 41 per contest. Delphi has a more stout defense, but their offense has struggled. I'll go with the home team: Gophers: 28, Oracles 21. Rossville at Delphi, Oct. 1. - Looks like a close contest this late in the soccer season between two struggling teams. The Hornets have struggled to score all season, so I'll take Delphi over Rossville 2-1.
  12. That's true. Maybe they can spend even more time on a congressman's highest priority: getting reelected.
  13. Here Is Why the Massachusetts Ban on Vaping Products Is Bad for Public Health: https://reason.com/2019/09/25/here-is-why-the-massachusetts-ban-on-vaping-products-is-bad-for-public-health/ Never mind the principle of freedom, that government has no business telling an adult what they can and cannot consume.
  14. Yet another huge waste of taxpayers money, and elected congressman's time.
  15. ? Why do you hate 2A sized schools? 1. Which is preferred, quality or quantity? Which is better for the sport of Indiana High School football? Because I'm sorry, in a state where basketball is still king you can't have both. Indiana is not Ohio, Florida, or Texas. 2. Correct, I don't. What is wrong with tackle football going the club route and becoming dissociated with the government schools? 3. So this place doesn't become an circle jerk echo chamber, which is what you appear to prefer. Political? In this forum of the GID? Please elaborate. The same for your "toning down the rhetoric" comment. You appear to really be saying "shut up and keep your ideas/comments to yourself if it has the chance to upset the status quo."
  16. So if an Indiana high school football program at say the 4A enrollment classification consistency has numbers in the 40-65 range for grades 9-12, consistently posts 2-8, 1-9, 0-10 season records, and consistently has point differentials of around 300 points allowed vs. 50 points scored then that is a "successful high school football program". Got it.
  17. Why yes, viewpoints which conflict with those of the masses must be locked and hidden away. They represent danger to the status quo.
  18. Hmm. And you accuse me of missing the point..................
  19. Again, why do these activities have to be official government school sponsored 'extracurriculars'?
  20. Man, You High School Football Coaches Just Can't Stop Doing Espionage, Can You?: https://deadspin.com/man-you-high-school-football-coaches-just-cant-stop-do-1838467220
  21. High School Football Participation Is On A Decade-Long Decline: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bobcook/2019/08/29/high-school-football-participation-is-on-a-decade-long-decline/#3404ecef33de
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