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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Hmm, NightHawk. American Vision, the organization in question, is not a church. They seem more like an organization that champions the turning of American into a de-facto Christian theocracy. But perusing their website at https://americanvision.org I see nothing where they advocate for the killing of homosexuals. If you find such evidence please share it with us. Now if we do want to include traditional churches that also claim they 100% follow the teachings found in the Christian Holy Bible, and therefore according to you must also be advocates for the killing of homosexuals, should these following churches make the SPLC list as "hate groups"? The Church of Jesus Christ Argos United Methodist Church Parkside Community Church Cornerstone Church Gilead Church Walnut Church of the Brethren
  2. The Left's Demand For Oppression Has Exceeded The Supply: https://www.dailywire.com/news/43790/walsh-lefts-demand-oppression-has-exceeded-supply-matt-walsh
  3. According to Mr. Doyel they did have a choice: Now I can understand such a petition for relief being granted in something like the death of a close relative. But relief because you were suspended earlier in the season? I don't think so.
  4. Another Dot on the ‘Hate Map’: https://spectator.org/another-dot-on-the-hate-map/
  5. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2019/02/22/fishers-high-school-swimmer-suspension-botched-hse-school-board-ihsaa/2949529002/ Disgusting. All Around. And have pretty much lost all respect for the governing aspect of the IHSAA.
  6. https://apnews.com/19254313af36441395cec4123f5e89a8 Uh oh. Shouldn't be a crime though. Mr. Kraft is a consenting adult, and most likely the individual whom he allegedly solicited for sex was a consenting adult as well.
  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/02/22/will-nations-third-largest-church-split-up-over-lgbt-debate-leaders-try-reach-an-answer/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.faa7a2add26e I expect a split as well. Probably along the lines of a "United States UMC" and then the rest of the world. My spouse and I are good friends with a homosexual couple that was forced out of an area UMC church by a minority of hateful parishioners, afraid that somehow these two individuals would "infect" the youth of the church or something. It was all quite sad.
  8. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/02/catholic-church-sex-abuse-scandal-pope-francis-weak-response/ Strong words. And he is probably right; this summit will go nowhere. When will the vast majority of members of the Roman Catholic church rise up and demand real change?
  9. Meh. I hear the University of California at Berkeley is where its at: http://reason.com/blog/2019/02/22/uc-berkeley-student-punched-face-conserv
  10. In a time of dwindling resources government school corporations have to focus those resources on their core mission.
  11. It was down slightly yesterday, but I'm guessing would take some kind of pending legal action for any significant movement in the stock price: https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/zion-williamson-injury-nike-stock-down-after-duke-star-blows-out-shoe-suffers-injury-in-loss-to-unc/
  12. A ‘KKK’ twist in the ‘Keep Dayton Small’ saga riles town just east of Lafayette: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/2019/02/21/bangert-kkk-twist-keep-dayton-small-saga-riles-town-just-east-lafayette/2936438002/ IMHO yet another example of people looking for something to offend them. I have driven by the billboard in question literally hundreds of times since it was put up and never even once thought about what Mr. Dilkes is implying. Perhaps if the letter K in each sentence was highlighted, bolded, in a larger font, etc. then yes, one could make the connection.
  13. Nike Fires 8-Year-Old Shoemaker Responsible For Zion Williamson Injury: https://sports.theonion.com/nike-fires-8-year-old-shoemaker-responsible-for-zion-wi-1832801206
  14. Depends on the group. Do you take the "hate group" designation handed out by the SPLC as sacrosanct? Why or why not?
  15. I question whether some groups identified by the the SPLC as "hate groups" really are as such.
  16. https://reason.com/blog/2019/02/21/nick-sandmann-covington-lawsuit-libel This strikes me as potential grounds for a libel claim. It may indeed be considered a statement of fact rather than opinion, and one that was incorrect. The false assertion certainly portrays Sandmann in a negative light, and The Post made little effort to corroborate it before the author went ahead and subjected a previously unknown teenage boy to all the negative publicity that comes with being the subject of hit piece in a major media outlet. But this is far from open and shut, as the media's failures in the Covington case, while substantial, are more open to interpretation than Rolling Stone's failures in the Virginia story. Of course, there's a broader philosophical problem with trying to resolve the Covington debacle via lawsuit, even if Sandmann may have a case (albeit an extremely narrow one): It raises serious free speech concerns, and it could have significant repercussions for the media. ....
  17. Bingo. With the power/influence of the KKK pretty much eliminated (thank goodness) the SPLC had to find other groups to attack in order to justify it's continued existence, and of course bring in the cash.
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