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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Unfortunately the latest SSRS "Report Card" by state i can locate is from 2008: https://www.sss.gov/Portals/0/PDFs/Compliance Rates/CY 2008/ReportCard2008.pdf Bad, bad Indiana at only 79% compliance.
  2. Then why do we still have a mandated by law Selective Service Registration system?
  3. Hmm. Clinton Central now has an enrollment almost 100 less than rival Clinton Prairie. For decades these schools were nearly equal in enrollment. Bad school administrations and open enrollment has caused families to flee to surrounding districts like Rossville, Frankfort, Western, and even Clinton Prairie itself. Consolidation within the next 5-10 years is a distinct possibility.
  4. So the people need to be forced to defend it, at government gunpoint if need be? What a way to endear a sense of national pride in an individual.
  5. Do you have objective sources proving that just rolling back the recent tax cuts will pay for the Green New Swindle... errrr Deal?
  6. So there needs to be legislation preventing, or at least slowing down, the replacement of jobs with robots?
  7. In the good old days my government high school alma mater had a driver's ed classroom, another room with 6-8 of those driving simulator pod things, and an outdoor driving course surrounded by a chain link fence. The course also had a tower an instructor could climb to view the course from above. Quite the setup now that I think about it, especially for a little 'ole rural high school.
  8. Afraid of robotic competition Dante?: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2017-07-17/let-robots-teach-american-schoolkids https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/technology/robots-will-soon-become-our-children-s-tutors-here-s-n748196
  9. ‘Emotional support animal’ mauls 5-year-old at Portland Airport, lawsuit claims: https://www.foxnews.com/travel/emotional-support-animal-mauls-5-year-old-at-portland-airport-lawsuit-claims
  10. Yes. But why are government high school football programs classified as "cruise ships"?
  11. 1a. South Newton 2a. Lake Station 3a. Hammond Clark 4a. Gary West 5a. Greenfield-Central 6a. Jeffersonville
  12. Or go back to a single class basketball tournament, like <insert your deity here> intended, but I digress.
  13. https://mises.org/wire/student-loan-debt-seniors-it’s-becoming-more-common Another bubble getting ready to burst, and it sounds like it is already leaking.
  14. Yeah, this story of SJW's run amok at Harvand illustrates that: http://reason.com/blog/2019/02/26/ronald-sullivan-harvey-weinstein-harvard Harvard administrators must be concerned about possibly losing some of that sweet liberal parent cash.
  15. https://deadspin.com/a-former-football-player-told-congress-how-the-ncaa-mis-1832902014 Kudos to Mr. Borland for making the right personal decisions, and now speaking out.
  16. Uptight HOA Threatens Fine After Car Leaves Dick Shape in Snow: https://jalopnik.com/insane-hoa-threatens-fine-after-car-leaves-dick-shape-i-1832906729
  17. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/02/bernie-sanders-health-care-rhetoric-rights/ Agreed. A fantastic commentary. Health care can never be a "right". That is not how the world, or the American concept of freedom, works.
  18. http://reason.com/blog/2019/02/26/house-votes-to-terminate-trumps-national
  19. Thank you for all you do DK. What exactly changed with this shiny new version?
  20. Conservative Christians Just Retook the United Methodist Church: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/02/united-methodists-fracture-lgbt-plan-rejected/583693/ Talking to relatives and acquaintances of mine who are members of a UMC congregation this battle is far from over. And the question of "picking and choosing" what to believe, aka "interpret" from the a 2000 year old book and what to discard is always good for a laugh.
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