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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. How the Next President Could Declare a National Emergency Over Climate Change: https://earther.gizmodo.com/how-the-next-president-could-declare-a-national-emergen-1832636899
  2. Report: The AAF Needed A $250 Million Bailout After Just Two Weeks Of Games: https://deadspin.com/report-the-aaf-needed-a-250-million-bailout-after-jus-1832723865 Doesn't sound good.
  3. U.S. states sue Trump administration in showdown over border wall funds: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-challenge/u-s-states-sue-trump-administration-in-showdown-over-border-wall-funds-idUSKCN1Q8022 Isn't this pretty much what Mr. Trump predicated would happen when he issued his bogus emergency declaration?
  4. http://reason.com/archives/2019/02/19/a-guide-to-surviving-your-15-minutes-of Sounds like mostly sensible steps to me.
  5. Those Lone Star ticks are nasty. Their bite can cause you to become allergic to meat. What a tragedy that would be.
  6. Bernie Sanders makes is official: https://www.npr.org/2019/02/19/676923000/bernie-sanders-enters-2020-presidential-campaign-no-longer-an-underdog Mr. Sanders is now probably considered the Democratic front runner, until HRC throws her name in the ring again.
  7. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/430526-schools-shut-down-in-wva-as-teachers-go-on-strike Scofflaws who demonstrably care nothing about the children under their charge. Yet another example while public sector unions themselves should be illegal.
  8. And how can the debt be paid off if spending continues to rise and rise and rise? Exactly what is "your share"? 40% of your gross income? 50%? 75%?
  9. And exactly how long can that go on? How much more in taxes are you personally prepared to pay?
  10. If We Can't Cut Entitlements, What Can We Do?: http://reason.com/archives/2019/02/19/if-we-cant-cut-entitlements-wh Agreed. The goals should be to cut the size, scope, and spending of the federal government by at least 25%. Eliminating unconstitutional cabinet-level agencies like Agriculture, Commerce, and Energy is a good start.
  11. And the politicking and calls for softening up the rules begins: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-pol-eagle-scout-sydney-ireland-carolyn-maloney-state-of-the-union-20190205-story.html So this young lady tagged along with her brother while he was in a Boy Scout troop and claims to have completed the same rank requirements (ranks in Boy Scouts are Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Star, Life, Eagle). The national BSA is basically saying "sorry, since you couldn't officially join a scout troop until 2/1/2019 everything you did previously is null and void. You have to start over from scratch." Now there is whining, complaining, and probably a lawsuit, due to a troop, and it's adult leadership, basically going rogue. All so a young lady could try and be the "1st female Eagle Scout". *sigh* Never mind that she's wearing a political button on her uniform in complete violation of BSA policy.
  12. Again, nice dodge. Questions for Those Who Believed Jussie Smollett: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/02/jussie-smollett-beating-case-question-for-believers/
  13. Respect: Clinton Central Bulldogs. Cannelton Bulldogs. Animosity: Peru Tigers. Lebanon Tigers.
  14. Washington Imperialists Fret Over Trump's Troop Withdrawals: http://reason.com/archives/2019/02/18/washington-imperialists-fret-o It sounds like the military-industrial complex has not been able to control Mr. Trump as much as they thought they could.
  15. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/02/18/rfra-same-sex-marriage-indiana-discrimination-russiaville-mike-pence/2903487002/ Private parties should be able to consort with whomever they please. Individuals and business owners should be able to serve, or not serve, anyone they please, guided by the marketplace and constrained by competition. Customers who object can take their business elsewhere. Usually, although not always, that process leads to fair outcomes. As it did here.
  16. https://mises.org/wire/our-disastrous-obsession-equality Agreed. Socialism destroys freedom.
  17. Leftist Tax Schemes Bash the Rich, but Depend on Their Success: http://reason.com/archives/2019/02/15/leftist-tax-schemes-bash-the-rich-but-de
  18. or by socialists like Dante Estonia. Crony capitalism at work. Reducing the size, scope, and power of government will eliminate most of this.
  19. Sure. My bad, I didn't know this topic has already been created.
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