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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Did you guys hear about the Jussie Smollet hate crime? Fake Noose
  2. Yes, they were altered by a GID administrator. Not at my personal request however. And again, please elaborate on how I was "obfuscating story content by going after the source" when I was simply pointing out the bias behind the SPLC? Funny how when somebody starts whining about or questioning the reputation +/- and you then ask why it is so important to them the answer is invariably "but it's not".
  3. I personally did not game them. Why is this number so important to you, foxbat?
  4. I don't understand how my statements concerning the definitions of hate groups and hate crimes are obfuscating. Please enlighten me. Goes to show how meaningless those 'upticks' really are.
  5. I don't recall ever stating that we should ignore FBI statistics, or input from this CSU entity. If you want to talk about contradicting/contrary numbers, we first have to all agree on the definition of "hate group", don't we? One may also have to support the concept of a "hate crime" in the first place.
  6. Meh, the SPLC has it's own biases: https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/03/southern-poverty-law-center-bias-hate-group-labels-scam/ https://www.dailywire.com/news/8967/7-things-you-need-know-about-southern-poverty-law-aaron-bandler The Hitler comments are a reference to when Carson said, "The likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed." This is hardly an extreme comment, in fact it's accurate. Carson's opposition to gay marriage is also not a viewpoint worthy of being put on an extremist list. .... 6. The FBI removed the SPLC as a "resource" in 2014 for their "hate crime Web page." The FBI refused to comment on it, but according to The Blaze, the move came "after 15 conservative groups lobbied Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director James Comey to end the endorsement." 7. The actual hate group is the SPLC. As Human Events concluded in 2011:
  7. https://deadspin.com/zion-williamsons-knee-is-stable-but-he-should-pack-it-1832782881 Yep. It's nothing but a giant meat market.
  8. Bernie Already Won. So Why Run Again?: http://reason.com/archives/2019/02/21/bernie-already-won-so-why-run-again
  9. Trump’s Tariffs May Classify Imported Cars as National Security Risks: http://reason.com/archives/2019/02/21/trumps-tariffs-may-classify-imported-car Possible bad news here in Indiana, where Japanese-owned automakers like Honda, Subaru, and Toyota are major employers with large manufacturing facilities. And also count in the myriad of smaller parts suppliers that have cropped up around these facilities.
  10. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2019/02/20/time-talk-pacers-colts-downtown-and-pro-sports-public-subsidies/2914062002/ Sorry Mr. Doyel, that irritating question you posit is the most important one. And yet the question Mr. Doyel dodges is why do these owners expect, no demand, public dollars, use their franchises as a bargaining chip?
  11. Gentle? I often find them cutting but insightful, and written in a prose that a mental midget like myself can only dream about. It may be that elite Wabash education vs. my lowly Indiana State education................
  12. Nick Sandmann Sues Washington Post for $250 Million: http://reason.com/volokh/2019/02/20/nick-sandmann-sues-washington-post-for-2 Other claims involve failure to investigate and use of biased sources, among others. Some expert practitioners are skeptical of the lawsuit's merits. They emphasize, for example, that who got in whose face between Sandmann and Phillips is a matter of opinion rather than a verifiable fact. What happened during the encounter is a story that developed over several days, with more video footage and testimony surfacing along the way, and I would be surprised if the court held the Washington Post to the standard of knowledge and investigation that Sandmann's lawyers seem to expect. It is also not too clear who the "unbiased" witnesses (is there such a thing?) are that the Post should have interrogated before printing any story. To this day, the Internet debates what exactly happened on that day. It is doubtful that a newspaper will be held liable for essentially failing to take the plaintiff's side in the controversy. Yeah, this will be a tough one for Mr. Sandmann to win.
  13. Detroit City Council Bans Autorama Bandit Jump Over Seemingly Nonexistent Confederate Flag: https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2019/02/detroit-city-council-bans-autorama-bandit-jump-over-seemingly-nonexistent-confederate-flag/#more-1662610
  14. Thank you for the update Bob. This is indeed good news. Supreme Court Delivers Unanimous Victory for Asset Forfeiture Challenge: http://reason.com/blog/2019/02/20/supreme-court-delivers-unanimous-victory
  15. Good point. However I am a believer in the ZAP (zero aggression principle). I do own a firearm for self defense however.
  16. Contact information, including a mailing address and telephone number can be found here: http://drp.stparchive.com/Archive/DRP/DRP12132018p02.php
  17. Congress Is Complicit in Trump’s Power Grab: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/02/trump-national-emergency-declaration-congress-diminishing-role/ Agreed. As Mr. Madison warned we now have had a series of "elected despots".
  18. https://www.cato.org/blog/cfpb-payday-lending-regulations Agreed. Nobody is forcing individuals to use payday lenders. They are adults, free to make their own financial choices.
  19. https://mises.org/wire/lending-standards-fall-worries-new-bust-rise The bust/crash is coming. I suggest buying gold, and seeds.
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