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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Disney Drives Conservatives Into Closet: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/walt-disney-conservative-employees-closet-dont-say-gay/ These disgruntled employees changed an entire industry that engineers the imaginations of children around the globe. And to be clear, “Don’t Say Gay” is a lie. The bill is called “The Parental Rights In Education Act,” and you can read its details here, in the primary document. The thing that has opponents so upset is that the bill forbids classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade. That’s it. That’s what liberals are so angry about. So devoted are they to the cause of making little children sexually aware and undermining their psychological stability around sex that they are throwing a massive tantrum over a law that says teachers can’t introduce this stuff to children under the age of ten. Within Disney, activist employees organized on company Slack channels a staged walkout this week to protest Disney brass, including CEO Bob Chapek, for supposedly not doing enough to fight the bill. The crybullies blame Disney leadership for making its LGBT employees feel, yes, “unsafe” by not fighting the bill. Here, from their website, are their demands — which, if enacted, would make Disney even more of a woke-capitalist, culture-war behemoth. Can you imagine what it’s like to work at Disney as a political, social, or religious conservative under the reign of this mob of tyrants? You don’t have to. Today a group of anonymous Disney employees have released the following “open letter” begging the company’s leadership to keep the company politically neutral. The letter points out that these slacktivists have created a hostile work environment for anyone who doesn’t go along with their demands. Here’s the open letter text (which a Disney employee leaked to me): Why does Disney force its conservative employees into the closet, where they have to live in fear, for the sake of appeasing this woke mob that wants to sexualize children? Has Disney forgotten who and what it is supposed to serve? And what about you, Mom and Dad? Do you really want to support a company that treats its religious and politically conservative employees like this — and that empowers a woke internal mob to compel it to interfere in politics to disempower parents’ control over the sexual education of their children, and to turn popular art into culture-war propaganda? I stand with the internally silenced and persecuted Disney employees, and with the Florida legislature that is not allowing woke capitalist bullies to tell parents to sit down and shut up and hand their children’s minds over to activist teachers. I hope you will too. Trying to stop activists and woke capitalists from queering little children through the schools is a fight worth having. Yes, it is.
  2. Indy Star reporting: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2022/03/21/colts-land-matt-ryan-trading-third-round-pick-falcons/9454899002/ So the best the Colts could get was a 37-year old? Sounds like Mr. Rivers all over again...............
  3. https://mises.org/wire/how-agriculture-bureaucrats-are-manipulating-food-prices-and-our-diets Agreed. It is the government that has caused the epidemic of obesity in America.
  4. SCOTUS And Affirmative Action: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/scotus-and-affirmative-action/ Agreed.
  5. Tears and Tension as the NCAA Awards a Women’s Championship to a Male Swimmer https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/tears-and-tension-as-the-ncaa-award-a-womens-championship-to-a-male-swimmer/ Outside, a female Virginia Tech swimmer spoke with a reporter about her teammate who was brought to tears after being bumped out of the finals by Thomas. Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered “five,” Lincoln told them that the answer was four. The fact that you called the tail a leg did not make it a leg.
  6. Yep. I have posted this quote numerous times and I'll post it again: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist." - President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  7. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/03/18/indiana-libertarian-party-green-party-lawsuit-secretary-of-state/7089595001/ This lawsuit is welcome news. Democracy is more effective the more choices there are, and the uni-party has basically created an election duopoly. It needs to stop.
  8. Facing Unpleasant Facts: What You aren’t Supposed to say about the War in Ukraine https://mises.org/wire/facing-unpleasant-facts-what-you-arent-supposed-say-about-war-ukraine-0 Yep, a great number of conflicts around the globe are at least partially caused by U.S. meddling.
  9. Thank you for truly caring about the education of children. I take it you are not a card carrying member of the ISTA?
  10. Mr. Winston then?: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2022/03/17/colts-jameis-winston-viable-but-risky-option-quarterback/7079528001/ (note: story is behind a paywall)
  11. I wouldn't be surprised then if Mr. Mayfield holds out and doesn't report to training camp.
  12. Baker Mayfield’s not as bad as you think: https://deadspin.com/baker-mayfield-s-not-as-bad-as-you-think-1848668336 A compelling argument for Mr. Mayfield becoming a Colt?
  13. I thought that became American Tackle Football at least a couple of decades ago? At least according to many on this forum.
  14. If you have some prime examples of waste and fraud in Indiana's government school hegemony then please share it.
  15. Why doesn't the game just get rid of pitchers and use a pitching machine? Possibly a lot more hits, aka "action", that way.
  16. Probably. I'm sure there is no waste or fraud in that 85%, do you?
  17. Cutting spending would be nice. Something I am sure you find abhorrent.
  18. Yesterday Mr. Mayfield sent out a tweet "thanking all the Cleveland fans". Does that sound like a QB who is comfortable with his future with the franchise?
  19. Agreed. The passage of the 16th amendment was an act of greed and avarice.
  20. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2022/03/16/indiana-gov-eric-holcomb-signs-income-tax-cut-into-law/7059127001/ Good. Indiana: Land of (slightly lower) taxes. Too bad they don't cover the growing cost of living via inflation.
  21. No, but they must all have a similar modus operandi. What is it that according to you is making them want to try and "run the school"?
  22. https://deadspin.com/baseball-is-back-but-the-dh-is-everywhere-and-that-s-1848642336 I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I am a purist when it comes to the game. This is a travesty, the abomination that is the DH should have stayed in the inferior American League.
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