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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://reason.com/2022/04/13/a-federal-jury-delivers-a-rebuke-of-fbi-entrapment/ This is welcome news. Entrapment activities by both local and federal law enforcement agencies need to end, along with the unconstitutional scourge known as civil asset foretiture.
  2. Take it from me DE, the GID admins do not like any type of criticism when it concerns how the forum is managed/moderated.
  3. Ughh. Ethanol blended gasoline is crap and hard on engines, especially small engines. I've had to replace the carburetor on a leaf blower twice now because that garbage leaves a residue behind that clogs jets and gums up everything.
  4. They are building hundreds of million to billion dollar hospitals like weeds: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2022/03/24/iu-health-hospital-downtown-indianapolis-construction-projects/7147149001/ https://www.heraldtimesonline.com/story/news/2021/07/06/iu-health-new-bloomington-hospital-improve-care-cut-costs/7857022002/ https://www.ahd.com/free_profile/150173/IU_Health_Arnett_Hospital/Lafayette/Indiana/ That money has to come from somewhere.
  5. COVID Stimulus Checks Worsened Inflation https://reason.com/2022/04/08/covid-stimulus-checks-worsened-inflation/ MMT doesn't work. This is proof positive.
  6. I'm sure your progressive liberal crowd hates it.
  7. Or maybe non-profit healthcare really isn't "non-profit" like they say it is?
  8. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2022/04/08/iu-health-416-m-gift-iu-school-of-medicine-exceeds-all-iuhs-charitable-giving/7272056001/ (Note: story is behind a paywall) Things that make you go "hmmmmmmm". Sounds like the pandemic has been very, very good to IU Health.
  9. Classical charter school with ties to conservative college makes plans for Carmel location https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/hamilton-county/education/2022/04/08/valor-classical-school-makes-plans-hamilton-county-opening/7220933001/ (Note: Story is behind a paywall) Good for Carmel and Hamilton County. More school choice is always better.
  10. Thank you. I don't recall ever hearing about a public sector teacher's union advocating the banning of books from school libraries. Do you have a link(s)? Also I'm wondering if book banning and book burning are functionally the same thing. Never really thought about it........... And I really don't think teacher's union necessarily want what is best for kids, some of these union's actions during the pandemic really highlight that IMHO. And you have to look at what the core mission of a public sector labor union is. It's too protect it's members above all else.
  11. Meh, no thanks. Their views on America as a "Christian nation" and championing of book burning are a big negative for me.
  12. I don't think this particular tag was out of nowhere, Irishman. You have participated in this forum thread in the past have you not? Even if most of your participation is downvoting posts. And it is your decision to ignore the tag or not. If this forum functionality is so disruptive and invasive to the user receiving the tag perhaps it should be disabled? Purple for Parents? I am not familiar with this organization. At least it doesn't ring a bell.
  13. Of course. Authoritarians like to use fear and uncertainty to control the populace.
  14. *sigh* I meant college/university tuition. My apologies for not making that clear enough. Then I very much doubt those high school athletes will be courted to sign a high school NIL contract.
  15. When all high school students are OMG! Athletes then none of them will be. And I'm not begrudging the high school athlete who signs an NIL contract. Just don't pretend this NIL windfall will automatically go for an altruistic purpose like paying for tuition. Like a college athlete who signs one:
  16. Teachers union spends more on Dem causes than its own members, analysis finds: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/teachers-union-spending-democratic-causes-its-own-members-analysis Yep, definitely now a political organization masquerading as a labor union. It's dues-paying members should be proud of the subterfuge.
  17. Because of this statement that you made: As I pointed out, due to the skyrocketing cost of college tuition and room & board (thanks primarily to federal government interference that distorted the market) a high school student today thinking he can earn enough $ to fund this by working at primarily a part time job is a pipe dream. Therefore your attempt at comparing such a high school student to a high school student signing an athletic NIL contract to fund a college education is laughable at best. The caliber of high student athlete who would attract the attention of an NIL fund mostly likely already has at least one full ride scholarship offer. Therefore those NIL monies will not be used for college tuition, and probably only a marginal amount would be used for "living expenses".
  18. I don't recall espousing my opinion of high school level NIL's one way or the other.
  19. Thank you but simply stating a "deal worth $8 million+ for a 5-star recruit" is not the particulars of the deal. Does it mean this young individual will get paid $8 million by the time he enters a university? What if this young individual is injured while still in high school, and is no longer coveted by college recruiters? What if this young individual doesn't have the academic discipline to qualify for admission to the university of his choice? So many questions.........
  20. https://reason.com/2022/04/06/major-league-baseball-dont-nationalize-it-privatize-it/ Agreed.
  21. I don't know. I have yet to see the particulars of an active high school NIL contract. Have you?
  22. Practically impossible these days for a high school student, working a part time job during the school year and maybe full time or close to full time during the summer months, to earn enough to pay for even maybe two years of college tuition along with room & board. Won't earn that much working at a fast food joint or delivering pizzas. "Free money" courtesy of federal government student loan programs has caused huge inflation in the higher education sector. And saddled thousands upon thousands of millennials with loan debt they can probably never repay.
  23. I don't see how this can pass any sort of legal muster under discriminatory bounds.
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