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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Exactly. Lawyers for the Catholic church have enough experience with litigation that suing the IHSAA into submission should be child's play.
  2. That and the talk of a possible discrimination lawsuit brought against the IHSAA by P/P member schools if a multiplier was enacted.
  3. Which is why the IHSAA needs to stop screwing around with a success factor or multipliers and implement a true system of promotion and relegation.
  4. LCC now has more 9-12 students than it's former HHC "competition", the Clinton Central Bulldogs.
  5. https://mises.org/wire/juneteenth-and-secular-holidays-tool-regime Agreed. Juneteenth should never have become a federal holiday. Just yet another example of the Biden Administration capitulating to the woke. And George Floyd is no Saint.
  6. January 6 Was Not A Coup: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/january-6-was-not-a-coup/
  7. Bingo. It's all about emotion (Rah! Rah! Go Team!) and not about logic.
  8. Yep, may hurt some teenager's or coaches widdle feelings.......................
  9. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/lafayette/2022/06/10/purdue-president-set-retire-engineering-dean-named-new-president/7583603001/ A good run by Mr. Daniels. I wish him well in his retirement from Purdue.
  10. The elder Mr. Carr needs a larger shirt. Those button are a' straining.
  11. Agreed. Dante and other socialists see U.S. companies turning a profit and it enrages them. They seem to have some kind of threshold of what is "too much profit". The thing is they can never objectively and logically define what that threshold is.
  12. Have you recently, Dante? Don't you still live in or around Las Vegas, Nevada?
  13. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/analyst-high-gas-prices/
  14. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says People Charged With Violent Crimes Are Guilty Because Prosecutors Say So https://reason.com/2022/06/07/chicago-mayor-lori-lightfoot-says-people-charged-with-violent-crimes-are-guilty-because-prosecutors-say-so/?itm_source=parsely-api This is what we get when you have a judicial system where getting a plea deal out of a defendant, regardless of guilt or innocence, is the primary goal. This is because most prosecutors are too lazy or just don't want to take the risk of a jury trial. Most obviously hate or fear actual litigation. Makes you wonder why they got into the legal profession in the first place.
  15. https://reason.com/2022/06/09/social-security-running-toward-insolvency/ Yep. The entire edifice needs to be dismantled.
  16. Agreed. Exactly what is Geico's liability and culpability in this case? Did the boyfriend have a sexually-transmitted disease rider on his policy? 🙂
  17. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/courage-matt-walsh-scott-newgent-what-is-a-woman/ This is absolutely the case. I can think of no more important current issue on which radical Christian discipleship is needed than meeting and countering the trans propaganda that’s everywhere. As Walsh told us yesterday, no one can escape this. And he proves that this gender ideology garbage is flimsy; all it requires is what we conspicuously lack: people with the courage to ask the questions and demand the answers. As I said, yesterday Kale Zelden and I recorded an interview with Walsh. Here it is: If you haven’t yet seen the movie, see the trailer, and I hope our interview will encourage you to do so. It’s as good as you’ve heard. It’s very serious, but also, in the first half, very funny. In one passage, Walsh goes to visit Maasai tribesmen in Africa, and asks these people, who live far more primitively than we in the modern West do, what is a woman? These tribesmen realize that we in the West are insane: You should know that Walsh and his family are paying a price for his courage: he has had many death threats. You can’t take that lightly, not in a time when leftists are being arrested for showing up at a Supreme Court justice’s house with a gun, intending to kill him. It is not cost-free to live not by lies — but what is the cost to one’s own soul to live by the lie for the sake of safety? What is the cost to children? To the future of our society? Want to talk about courage? Matt Walsh calls Scott Newgent “the hero of the film,” and he’s right. Newgent is a biological woman who, at age 42, was convinced that she was really a man. She went through medical transition — and says the after effects were not at all what she expected. Here’s a clip with Newgent: Newgent is furious that nobody told her the medical risks of doing all this. She says, of the trans phenomenon, “It got me at 42. Your child doesn’t have a chance.” She is trembling with anger at what the medical profession, the media, lawmakers, and others are doing with the lives and bodies of children. In 2020, Newgent wrote a piece for Quillette about what medical transition is really like. Excerpt: More: Read it all. People like Matt Walsh and Scott Newgent are far too rare in our society — which is why we are in the trouble that we are in. Again, I urge you: watch the film, and watch it with your kids, and others in your church or other community. Talk about it. It’s far more important than you might think. Matt, Kale and I talked about how so many normies have no real idea at all how vulnerable their children are to this propaganda. They just hand them smartphones with Internet access, or let them have laptops with no restrictions, and hope for the best. And our churches are full of a leadership class which, even if it doesn’t support this stuff, is terrified of confronting it, because they don’t want to be called bigots, or lose middle-class respectability. To hell with that. Look around you. Look at what is happening. In “What Is A Woman?”, Walsh talks by phone to a Canadian father who is in criminal trouble because he “misgendered” his trans child. And this news today from California, via Wesley Smith: Wesley Smith goes on to point out that the bill, which is almost certainly going to become law, would mean that California cares so much about trans that it will refuse to cooperate with any other state whose laws conflict with its own regarding children and trans medical care. Smith: Who has the guts to stand up to this and say no, we are not going to live by this lie? We are not going to allow this to be done to children? In the end, the real question behind “What Is A Woman?” is, “What is truth?” These people assert the right to define reality, and to say that there is no such thing as truth, only power. This is where we are in America today. Matt Walsh sees it. Scott Newgent sees it. Why don’t the rest of us? These are kids. I didn’t bring this up explicitly in Live Not By Lies, but we are going to have to start putting together an underground railroad to protect children and dissenting parents from tyrannical authorities in places like California. What I do say in the book is that right now is the time to start forming resistance groups and networks for what is assuredly coming persecution. The trans exploiters cannot defend what they do, philosophically or otherwise — that’s clear from the Walsh film. They can easily defend it de facto, though, because they hold almost all the power in American society today. Every institution is on their side. Many others are cowed into silence by these terrorists. Not Matt Walsh. Not Scott Newgent. Not the others in this film who put their lives and reputations at risk to speak out against the Big Lie. And you? Where do you stand? Where does your pastor stand? I stand against this diabolical form of child abuse, and I hope you do as well. I'll be watching this documentary soon.
  18. Exactly! Nothing but a dog & pony show offered up by the dems.
  19. At least gas pumps are reliable: https://www.businessinsider.com/electric-car-charging-reliability-broken-stations-ev-2022-5
  20. Walmart heir Rob Walton agrees to buy Broncos in record deal: https://apnews.com/article/denver-broncos-nfl-sports-greg-penner-e83a58b014a9a6a3e00932a2340ff07e Wow. That's a lot of dough.
  21. https://mises.org/wire/respect-fed-no-end-fed Mr. Paul is right again. The Federal Reserve needs to go.
  22. California Court Rules That Bees Are Fish https://reason.com/2022/06/01/california-court-rules-that-bees-are-fish/ Yet another reason to stay the heck away from the state of California. Far, far away.
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