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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://mises.org/library/government-runs-ultimate-racket Yep. Social Security needs to end.
  2. I'm a Chicago Bears fan because there was no NFL franchise in the state of Indiana when I started to love and enjoy the game. My son however is a huge Colts fan. I tell him I will always root for the Colts to win, unless they are playing the Bears.
  3. A typical federal government ploy: if the common definition of a word or phrase make you look bad then change the definition. The CDC did it with the word "vaccine" and now the Biden White House is doing with the word "recession".
  4. I don't anything about Centerville but Oak Hill seems a little light on enrollment in regards to most of this bunch. It's used to playing mostly 1A & 2A competition:
  5. So if you have these celebrations after a "good" or "great" play, is there the expected apology or penance after a mistake? The wisdom of Lou Holtz concerning 'showboating' comes to mind:
  6. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! https://apnews.com/article/choco-taco-discontinued-1ce9f619c7f6edda75379b234c8818ba You are now dead to me Klondike. I will never buy again purchase any of your products.
  7. Report: YouTube is in the running for NFL Sunday Ticket: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/07/report-youtube-is-in-the-running-for-nfl-sunday-ticket/
  8. Ugghh. Those needs to be thrown in the trash heap. And quickly. Especially that helmet.
  9. The Law of Unintended Consequences rears it's ugly head again.
  10. FTA: This is just wrong. It is a game, played by children. It needs to be de-emphasized by the IHSAA, schools, and athletic directors statewide.
  11. I'll vote third party. Or not vote for POTUS at all depending on who the third party candidates are. Remember people, not voting is a valid choice.
  12. * Legt Standards für die Teilnahmeberechtigung, den Wettbewerb und den Sportsgeist fest und bietet gleichzeitig Schutz vor Ausbeutung von Schulen oder Schülern.
  13. • Establishes standards for eligibility, competition and sportsmanship while providing protection against exploitation of schools or students.
  14. • Establishes standards for eligibility, competition and sportsmanship while providing protection against exploitation of schools or students. Standards of competition promote fair and competitive balance. Really, this statement by the IHSAA is so vague, it is like the Commerce Clause in the U.S. Constitution, which the federal government abuses to force all kind of regulations upon the populace and business.
  15. Thank you, Mr. IHSAA Board Member. • Establishes standards for eligibility, competition and sportsmanship while providing protection against exploitation of schools or students.
  16. • Establishes standards for eligibility, competition and sportsmanship while providing protection against exploitation of schools or students.
  17. Competitive balance <> "hand out trophies to everyone". Please stop with that tired old canard.
  18. The DNC's plan is becoming clearer: 1. Mr. Biden needs to leave office before the 2022 mid-term elections. Either by death or medical incapacitation. 2. Under the 25th amendment, Ms. Harris would become POTUS. 3. Also under the 25th amendment, Ms. Harris will name Hillary Clinton as her successor for VP. This is where "before the mid-term election" becomes important, because such a nomination needs to be confirmed by a majority vote of both houses of Congress. 4. Ms. Clinton is confirmed and becomes VP before the mid-term elections. 5. Ms. Harris declines to run for POTUS in 2024. 6. Ms. Clinton, now VP, announces her candidacy for POTUS in 2024.
  19. https://spectator.org/withholding-tax-pay-by-mile/ This is insidious, and I have no intention on moving to an electric car. Luckily I'm of the age that ICE vehicles will probably still be readily available until I die.
  20. Pretty aggressive costs as well, providing limited bus service for all those other areas can't be cheap.
  21. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/3541613-biden-was-right-expanding-the-supreme-court-is-a-boneheaded-idea/ Politics.
  22. And why is that such a preferred situation? Do you have links explaining it? Educate yourself, educator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Originalism#:~:text=October 2020),the time it was adopted". https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/white-papers/on-originalism-in-constitutional-interpretation https://ces.sdsu.edu/sites/default/files/cc04-constitutionaloriginalist.pdf https://time.com/5670400/justice-neil-gorsuch-why-originalism-is-the-best-approach-to-the-constitution/
  23. Joe Biden Grovels to the Saudis: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/joe-biden-grovels-to-the-saudis/
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