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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. The Origin of the Income Tax https://mises.org/library/origin-income-tax
  2. Bears LB Roquan Smith requests trade out of Chicago https://www.nfl.com/news/bears-lb-roquan-smith-requests-trade-out-of-chicago Yet just another example of the cheapo McCaskey family? Or is Mr. Smith really just a middling defender and not worth a top-tier LB deal?
  3. https://reason.com/2022/08/09/mobile-homes-are-a-crucial-source-of-affordable-housing-politicians-are-trying-to-zone-them-out-of-town/ Agreed. State and local government need to get out of the way.
  4. The leftist MSM doesn't really want Trump gone. His four years in office were a ratings bonanza for the likes of CNN and MSNBC.
  5. FDA Can't Stop Harassing Distillers Who Made Hand Sanitizer During the Pandemic: https://reason.com/2022/08/08/fda-cant-stop-harassing-distillers-who-made-hand-sanitizer-during-the-pandemic/ Agreed. Doing business with the federal government and expecting largesse from them is indeed a "no good deed goes unpunished" scenario.
  6. ESPN runs college sports in era of nil transfer portal realignment: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2022/08/09/espn-runs-college-sports-in-era-of-nil-transfer-portal-realignment/65382245007/ (Note: commentary is behind a paywall)
  7. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2022/08/09/travel-ball-officials-the-crisis-facing-aau-referees-umpires/65386081007/ A good read, but disturbing. It's about travel baseball and AAU basketball but thought the GID brethren would enjoy it as well. I'm so glad my children never had any interest in travel sports.
  8. Yes, that is in effect what the success factor does when you have an enrollment based classification system.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/08/entertainment/olivia-newton-john-obit/index.html A sad day.
  10. Yeah, so? For every one government school who wins a football state championship, there are hundreds more who aren't competitive in many of their other athletic programs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_and_relegation
  11. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/americans-are-correct-to-be-instinctively-terrified-of-the-irs/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign=right-rail&utm_content=corner&utm_term=second The IRS is the very definition of government totalitarianism.
  12. Metallica Faces Being Canceled by Many Young Fans Who Just Discovered Them https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/metallica-faces-being-canceled-by-many-young-fans-who-just-discovered-them/ar-AA10rTvm?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=42e0f4ed9d494b029a80bf5fbfabf964
  13. Interesting that you don't present the flip side of that argument. Have p/p's from 1A-5A won a "fraction" of the state championships over the last 20-25 years?
  14. Both the GID and Indy Star, primarily. Also local television, newspaper and radio outlets like WLFI, WILO, The Frankfort Times, Lafayette Journal & Courier, Kokomo Tribune, etc. Yet you are a current booster for the GID.
  15. https://mises.org/wire/germany-can-save-itself-and-possibly-world-abandoning-four-failed-policies Sounds like good plan to me. Germany needs to stopped being yanked around by the EU and the USA.
  16. https://reason.com/2022/08/05/he-was-arrested-for-promoting-jury-nullification-a-federal-court-says-that-was-illegal/ The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled correctly. Mr. Picard's first amendment right was violated.
  17. No, it is way too severe a sentence for the crime she committed. At least in the United States.................
  18. Indiana abortion ban goes into effect in September: What you need to know https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/indianapolis/2022/08/06/indiana-abortion-bill-ban-law/65394328007/
  19. So she must not be a "political prisoner" as you claim. Just an American citizen who broke the laws of another country, got caught, was tried under the judicial system of that country, and is now paying the price. Frankly she should receive no special consideration by the Biden administration and the State Department, aka making her a "political prisoner."
  20. House passes Indiana abortion law, final vote could come late Friday https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/05/indiana-abortion-law-passed-final-vote-to-come/65391000007/
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