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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Friday Night Lights. Just read the best and be done with it.
  2. Georgetown Suspends Ilya Shapiro, Student Protesters Demand Place to Cry https://reason.com/2022/02/01/georgetown-suspends-ilya-shapiro-student-protesters-demand-place-to-cry/ This level of emotional opposition to Shapiro might make Treanor inclined to fire him; it is not easy to go up against students on an issue like this one. Nevertheless, retaining Shapiro would be the right move—indeed, Georgetown's stated commitments to free speech preclude any other outcome. More than 100 law professors have signed an open letter calling on Georgetown to abide by its principles and end the investigation in a manner favorable to Shapiro. "Academic freedom protects Shapiro's views, regardless of whether we agree with them or not," they write. "And debate about the President's nomination, and about whether race and sex play a proper role in such nominations more generally, would be impoverished—at Georgetown and elsewhere—if this view could not be safely expressed in universities. Indeed, to the extent that people do think it's proper for a President to promise to fill a position with a member of a particular group, they can only have real confidence in that conclusion if they know that the contrary view can be freely supported and discussed, and has been found unpersuasive on the merits rather than silenced by fear of firing. That is famously the way academic discourse about science operates. And it is true for moral and political judgments as well." The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education rightly described Georgetown's investigation into Shapiro as an "embarrassing capitulation" and "antithetical to the tenets of liberal education." The best way to resolve this matter is for Georgetown to end the investigation and reinstate Shapiro so that everyone can move on. Boo Hoo, the sheltered and fragile snowflakes need a place to cry because words made them cry. Please, just grow up.
  3. Hispanic Students Were Forced To Learn Critical Race Theory. They Hated It. https://reason.com/2022/01/31/critical-race-theory-taught-in-classroom-california/
  4. https://indianhillbraves.org/news/2022/1/31/indian-hill-announces-john-rodenberg-as-head-football-coach.aspx
  5. But why does Mr. Biden have to use the criteria "minority females" as the starting point for a supreme court justice search? Why is Black Women A automatically included in this search and White Woman B is discounted, when both are "highly qualified"? Why can't just Person A and Person B both be the pool of potential candidates?
  6. Italy's Covid Despotism Just Got Worse https://mises.org/wire/italys-covid-despotism-just-got-worse
  7. No, not at all. Time on the bench would suffice. I would not go that far.
  8. It's already happening, with the free market, aka parents, voting with their feet: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/children-playing-youth-football-is-declining-says-a-new-survey https://www.forbes.com/sites/bobcook/2019/04/19/the-slow-drip-of-footballs-youth-participation-decline-continues-apace/?sh=5ff4b97165ce https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2019/12/11/youth-football-participation-decline/ https://www.axios.com/local/twin-cities/2021/11/16/youth-participation-tackle-football-minneapolis-st-paul https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/children-playing-youth-football-is-declining-says-a-new-survey https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/11/08/sports/falling-football-participation-in-america.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/youth-tackle-football-declining-health-concerns/
  9. You were not here during the GID's glory days, during the public vs. p/p wars. Not all Roncalli folk from that era were excellent people. Rome wasn't built in a day. Might as well enjoy the carnage while I can. Do you play? Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  10. And of course I'm sure this canard will be thrown out here in the near future to refute other studies: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2021.647314/full#h8 One only has to look at the Ethics Statement of this study to raise some major flags: One needs to take statements like: "These organizations were not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article or the decision to submit it for publication." and "The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest." with a huge grain of salt. The NFL has to be willing to throw millions of dollars at studies that are designed to refute other studies showing that concussions have adverse effects to players later in life. If threatens their livelihood.
  11. Wow, nice channeling of the great RebelDad of the Roncalli Horde. He as well thought that if one did not have at least a PhD in a given field along with about 20+ years of experience their views and opinions of that given field were automatically null and void. He must have been a real buzzkill at parties, probably just like you.
  12. It is? Do you have a quote from a GID moderator? Because I can assure you that used to not be the case. The late, great Tim Adams was completely against profanity on this forum. If what you say is true then it is too bad the GID Admins have thrown away that portion of his vision. Yes. If the player is a starter then sit on the bench for at least the first 3 defensive or offensive series of the next game. Repeat offender sit on the entire bench for the next game.
  13. Stephen Breyer's Retirement Is Good News for the Fourth Amendment https://reason.com/2022/01/27/stephen-breyers-retirement-is-good-news-for-the-fourth-amendment/
  14. I have? And I believe that is a reaction provided by our very own GID administrators, so the use of it must be condoned. But since it hurts your widdle feeliing so much I'll just stick to the good old fashioned down vote for most of your non-value-added drivel and complaints.
  15. And you are open-minded on this issue, Bash? Really? So nothing punitive. Got it.
  16. So much for the once-vaunted GID profanity filter. Anyway, he's a good doctor though. And that is what matters. Nice to know white trash like yourself enjoys putting your children at risk of concussions that could greatly diminish their quality of like decades after their HS playing days are over. Would it have been worth the risk?
  17. Yep. Mr. Biden has fully embrace the progressive leftist scourge of identity/race politics. What a person looks like and how "woke" they are comes before their objective qualifications. Most of academia has succumbed to this regarding their hiring practices.
  18. Muda69

    Matt Eberflus

    I don't know. We'll see how it goes. After getting burned by the last few Bears HC hires better to not get that excited.
  19. It should. And I believe many, many youth today are not playing tackle football completely of their own free will but are doing so under duress and pressure from parents, other family members, educational professionals, and peers. And they are putting their bodies and minds at risk. Risks that don't become apparent until maybe decades down the line. There are medical professionals and former professional football players out there who won't let their under-18 children take that risk, and champion other parents do the same, because they have either seen the results of taking that risk are currently living with those results. And it is not pretty. But hey, Friday Night Lights! What can beat it? Right? The rest of your response? tl;dr
  20. There you go Mr. Grover. Getting closer! I asked simple questions in this thread. I find it puzzling why they can't be answered simply and directly.
  21. So what? If you want that kind of compensation then why aren't you a CEO?
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