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dazed and confused

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Everything posted by dazed and confused

  1. not always.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/07/florida-carsyn-davis-coronavirus/?outputType=amp
  2. not arguing about the graph or the number of declining deaths but it is a little decieving as many of the high risk people are no longer here, meaning less high risk people to get it. The problem for me is I myself am not ready to be one of them and I'm sure there are lots of others that feel the same but don't see a lot of help from the younger crowd.
  3. yes you did.... so went from mutiple to one....dont know about you but thats a good thing IMO ! USA is going from mutiple to more mutiples with some hospitals at their limit now.... dont know about you but thats not a good thing IMO ! You also realize your link was from April so way outdated .... I am totally convinced what this pic shows is a big part(not the only) of why !!!
  4. China seems to have a grip on the virus. After intensly studying these photos of poeple frow US and China I wonder why ???
  5. while the death rate may drop, with the way the number of cases is exploding I can only see the number of deaths increasing significantly also.... JMO
  6. https://www.livescience.com/face-mask-visualization-droplets-covid-19.html dont know how well this link works but has a good video ....https://www.livescience.com/are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronavirus-spread.html?jwsource=cl
  7. I f we could get rid of DST would that get the whole state on the same time ?
  8. but you did say "Still have NOT worn a mask besides on the airplane." so I took the liberty to edit this comment to make it more truthful.
  9. I don't recall saying that ! I have to question your reading comprehension.
  10. I’d like to see things return to normal but there are way to many DannEllenwoods running around spiking the numbers for this to happen. Just like football, we need a team effort to make gains on the virus.
  11. Tim Adams of Gridiron Digest By BIGJOESCOUT, June 22, 2010 in Past Discussions BIGJOESCOUT Semi-State Qualifier Gorillas 0 186 posts Posted June 22, 2010 Tim Adams the administrator of Indiana Gridiron Digest Passed away today. Tim spent many years promoting football in Indiana, his passing will be a loss for the sport in our state. Since many Wrestlers also play football I thought everyone here would like to know.
  12. but you say estimated flu death rate is .001 but you use 0.1 in your senario. Thats a thousand times different.... confused as to why ?
  13. im confused.... wouldn't you use the 9k figure against the 1,675 figure ? not the 1,800 reported so fer....
  14. As far as your father goes, I thought considering his age, he is one of the lucky ones to survive... sorry if that offended you ! As far as the rest of your comments, thanks for clarifying what you think !
  15. I think he is saying social distancing is working and although his father catched it he was one of the lucky ones, thank goodness ! Everyone must keep in mind that stores new policy is No shoes, No shirt , No mask....NO SERVICE !!!
  16. do you really think making it law will make a difference ? Look at all the idiots that consume adult beverages and then get into a vehicle and risk the lives of innocent people driving the roads... laws don't stop them so then how will laws get idiots to wear a mask ? Very good Bobref....this needed repeated !!!
  17. I agree with this as long as my Constitutional right to be safe are not jeopardized by your actions. I read about someone bragging about getting by the "mask police" at Menards only to take it off once inside possibly endangering everyone in that store only thinking about himself and HIS rights. I'm sorry, but this guy is a tool !
  18. Nice....but you said nothing about Bobref spelling hole wrong !
  19. drives me crazy when defender goes for the strip instead of wrapping up resulting in extra yrds ...I think its gotten a little out of control
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