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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, TrojanDad said:

    Shame IO...I'm proud to be part of the 4%.  Ethical hunters absolutely believe and practice conservation.

    You lost me on the insurance industry thing....I think the DNR does a marvelous job managing deer populations in Indiana.  Do you spend much time on their website or read their annual harvest reports?  Also disagree on your harvest comment. 

    Nothing against hunting, I'm all for it, just not my thang. 

    The insurance industry is the one pushing the agenda for more and more deer being harvested. The insurance industry, as Muda alluded to wants the deer gone. I believe we harvest too many deer in Indiana. I am vehemently opposed to the late bow/doe season. If you look at data on deer harvest between Indiana and surrounding states, our harvest are smaller and lower quality. I listen to Jim Strader quite a bit, https://www.jimstrader.com/index.htm , and he's of the opinion our management system is flawed as well. We have a customer who literally feeds his family with what he catches and kills, he often brings me stuff, the venison summer sausage is KILLER! At any rate, he was in a couple of weeks ago and this subject came up, obviously he has no data just his opinion, but he maintains his kills aren't the quality and the size they were, 10-12-15 years ago.

    One thing to keep in mind we live in different areas, and I'm sure you're not hunting in your back yard. In this area, there are MANY special programs for day/weekend deer harvest. Brown County State Park has/had one, Jeff Proving Grounds has/had one, there are several state and federal lands that had lotteries for non-standard deer stamps. 

    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.  

  2. ***I'm not a hunter, nor do I care to be***

    I whole heatedly agree with proper game management. That being said, Indiana's deer program is pretty much completely run by the insurance industry and is a detriment to the species in my opinion. We harvest too many deer. And the late season doe season, many of which have already been bred greatly exacerbates the situation. 

    I think the American Alligator is a prime example of proper management. While I don't have first hand knowledge, from what I've read and seen, it's a healthy mix of conserving the resource and maintaining healthy levels of animals in the wild. With gator leather goods being readily available commercially. 

    I think even a bigger issue looming on the horizon is invasive species. This applies across the board, flora and fauna. 


  3. I'm left scratching my head, what was the Steele Dossier, which was paid for by the HRC Campaign?

    Does listening to oppo research constitute foreign meddling in an election?

    Why would the FBI have any jurisdiction over foreign election meddling?

    If you receive the information and report everything to the FBI, is the information still fair game to use against your opponent?

    The state of California is wanting to give free healthcare to illegals, shouldn't these illegals' home countries have a say in our elections? I mean it does affect the welfare of their citizens. 

  4. On 6/7/2019 at 12:27 PM, Trojanmp52 said:

    ok after some thinking this is how I would add the weeks

    1season would start aug 9 not the 24

    2  move the start from  move start time back to 730 or 800 I think that is where i should be any with the state going to DLS I know it still would be hot but I think the sun would not bearing down the players

    3 in the add 2 more weeks one would be a bye week

    4 I would not start for 2 or 3 years so schools had time to work out all the kinks they would have


    1. So instead of getting home at 12-1, it'll be 1-2. An hour less sleep for me would probably mean I'm not working on Saturday morning, the F/JV DH's on Saturday morning after Friday night in the heat are already taxing enough.

    2. We've noticed many times as daylight feigns, it gets hotter. Usually some sort of a breeze during daylight hours that many times goes away as darkness falls. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    How do you get them into the country if they are illegal?

    You may for personal use, import Cuban Cigars that were purchased in another country. Commercial importation is still prohibited. 

    https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/82/kw/cuban cigars

    45 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    When I was on the Cathedral staff, one of the dads had bought Cubans for the coaching staff. They were outstanding. Maybe this perspective would help. Could you take a swig of 23 year old Elijah Craig whiskey? It's about $250 for a 5th. and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOD!!!!! 🙂

    I had a dad on my team who was pretty flush with cash, he offered me up some Pappy Van Winkle several times, I took a pass. 

    • Like 1
  6. 43 minutes ago, nmsu_aggie said:

    From what I have seen in games across the state, the QB playing defense is most prevalent at the 1A and 2A levels because of numbers.  It occurs occasionally at the 3A level on a situational basis.   I have not seen any QB's play defense at the 4A or 5A level.  At those levels, why would you put one of your most valuable and important players at risk?

    James Banks was a lone exception to that rule that I can recall. 

    • Like 3
  7. 25 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    America can have a role to play in Cuba’s economic revival, but it will do so by removing sanctions.

    SF could provide aid to the cigar industry in Cuba if the sanctions were lifted.......

    We were recently in Jamaica and they had Cuban's on sale everywhere. I was being pressured to buy,  but steadfastly refused. The dude kept telling me it was legal, which I understood, but I refused based US sanctions, which the dude just couldn't understand. 

  8. In the pros QB's put butts in the seats. They will have multiple back ups but they are not on the same level.

    In college, QB's putt butts in the seats. They will have multiple back ups that may or may not be on the same level.

    In high school, QB's are often the only option a team has for QB. Yes there are exceptions, but I'd much rather my QB got hurt scrambling than making a tackle. 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    Pretty much.


    Precipitation Most consecutive days with measurable (>= 0.01") precipitation

    13 - April 9-21, 1893

    12 - May 10-21, 2010

    11 - 9 times (1875, 1876, 1883, 1896, 1908, 1929, 1933, 1945, 1992) last time was July 7-17, 1992

    Most consecutive days with any (>= trace) precipitation

    22 - November 27-December 18, 1983 - April 6-27, 1893

    19 - January 6-24, 1995

    18 - December 29, 1998-January 1999

    15,- January 11-28, 1918

    The beautiful thing about the term climate "change" is no matter what happens, "change" has it covered.  

    What is the ideal amount of CO²?

    What is the ideal sea level?

    What is the ideal global temperature?

    What is the ideal glacial coverage?

    What is the ideal sea temperature?


    • Like 1
  10. I was supervising a travel softball tournament last year when the PU requested that all fans be removed from the backstop and moved to the opposite end of the dugouts. I went and told them they had to move, only had an issue with one fan, who "paid his money" and would sit wherever he wanted. After a brief discussion he saw things my way and moved. No problems for the "if" game. It's sad, why can't adults just act like adults and let kids play a game?

    • Like 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Chrysler Arena is north of 70, the boundary for many between north and south. Never let facts get in the way of taking pot shots.  

    My humblest apologies, it has come to my attention that New Castle removed some seats and now is #3 on the list. And there's no longer an edit function. I bow to your superior intellect.

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