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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, swordfish said:


    So thankful for this generation - Nuff Said......

    I can remember when I was a kid, these folks were mid-late 40's...early 50's, they were old people to me, who seemed to be living in history. It's only come to me over time the sacrifices that were made. Fortunately as I have grown older, I've been able to be antiquated with several of this generation and had the opportunity to hear some of the stories, not necessarily of the war itself, just the times. It's sad that most of this generation are now gone, and with them the stories, the lives, the history and the lessons of the great war.  

    I think now more than ever, it is important that we remember and learn from, not only what happened on the coast of northern France 75 years ago, but from the entire time in human history. 

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  2. 26 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    Thanks for the explanation. I am certainly not a fan of subsidies. For anything. I also don't think an abortion is a right, but I feel that a woman's right to choose whether she wants one or not IS a right. If you consider Medicaid paying for one or partially paying for one as a subsidy, I can see your point there also. Medicaid money is administered by the States, so that should be able to be controlled by them. Write your State Representative, maybe they can take care of it.


    I have no problem with a woman's right to choose, once again I think I have been pretty consistent I'm pro-choice. Personally I feel like abortion is murder, but your right to choose is between you and whoever you answer to. 

    On the issue of subsidies, Cummins did a fairly large office construction/plant renovation here a few years back, sold the city/county a bill of goods. For their property taxes on the property for 2018 pay 2019 they are getting a 3.8 million dollar abatement. From what I can see there are no new employees in Jackson County, a high end apartment complex was built to house all of these "new workers" privately that received no abatement. The apartment complex has struggled to fill apartments, meanwhile Cummins charters buses to the Seymour plant from Greenwood and Franklin. Two buses a day run back and forth. My point being, if Cummins were hiring locally, or employees were moving to Jackson County, I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with the abatements, but that's clearly not the case. Jackson County is giving away this year 3.8 million to help Cummins bottom line. This I have an issue with. 

  3. On 6/2/2019 at 1:05 AM, SEAL_63 said:

    Pretty much any pizza place in Vincennes. Both Bobes, Procopios, Old Chicago’s.

    For Mexican cuisine, El Corral is the full package. A wonderful atmosphere with margaritas to die for. 

    Back in the day, there was a pizza place that was closed after the game, but they fed the officials after the game. I can't recall the name of it. Had some fine pizza in there. 

    19 hours ago, Olympian06 said:

    Columbus - Zwanzigs or 450 North... 2 amazing, locally owned Brewery’s/restaurants 

    Zwanzigs is da bomb. We eat there a lot after games. 

    Closed after games, but if you're near Oldenburg, the Brau Haus is killer.

    If you're down south, hustle up, they close fairly early, The New Albanian in New Albany rocks. Great pizza.

    McQ's pub if you're near Roncalli.....if you can get in after the game.

    In New Castle you HAVE to go to The Ice House and get the steak sandwich with onions. One of the best dive bars in Indiana. 

    San Pedro Mexican in Charlestown is pretty good, a word of caution they quit selling alcohol an hour before closing time. 

    Rubbin Butts near Sellersburg, reasonably priced BBQ that's really good. 

    I'll be honest over 36 years, there's a bunch!

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  4. On 6/1/2019 at 8:35 PM, gonzoron said:

    Is your opposition to subsidies used for abortion based on moral grounds, or simply the use of your tax dollars used for subsidies in general? The dollar amount of subsidies used for abortions is quite small compared to government subsidies used for other purposes.

    I get your point, subsidies are subsidies period. 

    In my original comment, my thoughts are how can anything be a right, when someone else's rights are infringed upon? If abortion is a right, someone has to perform it. Expanding on the gun issue, US citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, but if I can't afford one, the government doesn't subsidize me purchasing a firearm. As far as subsidies to businesses, I have mixed emotions. I don't necessarily oppose all subsidies on the face of it. But a for instance our local government recently granted an abatement for a warehouse that added no new employees. That in my opinion is a government handout. 

    I never said I necessarily opposed subsidizing abortions. I think I have pretty consistent in my opinion that government's place is to aid it's citizenry with things they can't do for themselves. In Bob's example of a broke 17 year old girl taking a bus three states away for an abortion. There are a myriad of thoughts that come to mind with this situation. It no doubt fits my opinion of government's role in our lives, but first and foremost, how is a 17 year old kid in this situation where she has no where to turn other than an abortion clinic.?

    • Kill me now 1
  5. 1 hour ago, gonzoron said:

    Using subsidies paid for by taxpayers. Which was the point made originally. The reason for the subsidies makes a difference somehow? They all cost taxpayers money. We don't get that back. Period.End of story.

    The article in my opinion is long on accusations and short on content. It uses the word subsidies and taxpayer funds, but only mentions one time a grant. Most of it is tax abatements which locally are handed out like candy. 

    The article also mentions 100-120 million over a given time period, which kinda pales in comparison to Amazon’s recent deals.

    We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Bobref said:

    There are places, like Planned Parenthood, for example, that are heavily subsidized. But I don’t know that it’s ever completely free. There are 15 states where Medicaid pays for abortions. Can you guess whether Indiana is among them?

    To be honest, the Krispy Kreme comment was in jest. This subject has been done to death from every angle. I find it interesting that when it comes to attaining a state issued ID to vote, it’s too burdensome and should be abolished. If one has to cross a state line to get an abortion, the cost is too burdensome. But having to pay a fee to the state, $125 in Indiana, to have a handgun on your person, isn’t considered too burdensome.

    To the subject at hand, we currently have clamoring over women’s right to reproductive healthcare. So if it’s the woman’s right, why are taxpayers forced to subsidize it?

    Lastly I cringe at the fact that we all know Indiana GOP lawmakers are already planning their next anti-abortion bill for the 2020 session and the $hit show that will ensue. Unfortunately with lousy leadership from North Meridian, it’ll be a circus.

  7. I believe FTWD begins Sunday evening. Does anyone even remember last year's cliff hanger?

    I'm UIC'ing this weekend, so I'm not sure if I'll even be home to see it and if I am I'll be too tired to watch. Thank god for DVR. 

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  8. Not much different than recent John Wayne revelations. Probably important in a historical sense. But in all likelihood, most people involved are gone. So justice can't be a motive. What is it we hope to gain by publicizing such stuff. We know MLK is certainly not around to defend himself against such allegations. Should these revelations taint a person's legacy and what work they accomplished during their lives? I don't know. But I do know this is another racially charged issue that could potentially keep FB going for a month or so with memes. No different than, Lee, McCain, or Wayne, why do we feel the need to pee on these men's grave? Why don't we move forward and leave the past in the past? 

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  9. I just did my second spraying of the season around the yard on Monday. I wore no protective equipment other than my "old" flip flops that I mow in. 

    My opinion is Roundup is safe, I think one of the biggest issues with it is pre-harvest usage on row crops. It aids in the drying process. I would question it's residual levels on crops that are about to be harvest. 

    Virtually all farmers in our area use Roundup Ready beans, and even a few use Roundup Ready corn, though you don't see a lot of it. It's got a be a huge savings in fuel and time. 

  10. On 5/23/2019 at 2:47 PM, Bobref said:

    I wonder how many people weighing in on this subject have ever read - much less understood - the Court’s opinion in Roe v. Wade. Here’s what the Court said, in a nutshell:

    Previous cases have established the existence of a constitutional right of privacy, and the Court ruled that allowing a woman to control her own body,  including the decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, falls within this right of privacy. Therefore, until the point where the fetus could not survive outside the womb, i.e., “viability,” the mother’s right of privacy trumps any other decision. However, once viability is established, the state’s interest in safeguarding the well-being of its citizens, including its unborn citizens, starts to become more important, and more restrictions on the mother’s decision-making process are justified.


    I don’t expect the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. In fact, I look for them to reaffirm the basic principle. But as always, the devil will be in the details. Technological advances since Roe have pushed the threshold of “viability” back. I expect this conservative court to give states a little more leeway in determining when the state’s interest trumps the mother’s. But that’s all.

    So given Roe is a "privacy" issue. We have seen states run in opposite directions on this issue. Do you see a legal issue with states determining an age of viability for the unborn and limiting abortions after that age? As I see it, shouldn't states be free to make their own laws, so long as they do not contradict federal law?

  11. 4 hours ago, Fkfootball said:

    When you can come and criticize me face to face, than I’ll accept your ridicule. People have opinions man. And nobody is right 100% of the time. I can’t really give much of an opinion on Floyd Central anymore because they have coaches on here that will correct anything I say wrong.

    I have offered both opinions and the numbers to back it up. You’re the one who claimed I had no common sense, if I didn’t agree with you, there was nothing left to say. 

    Next time I’m at FC I’ll let you know, I’ll buy the first round.  My real identity is about the worst kept secret on the GID, ask anyone who knows me, and I’m sure they’ll agree I haven’t said anything on here I wouldn’t say face to face. I have no problem calling BS when I see it. And whether you accept it or not, I stand by what I have posted. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Fkfootball said:

    The bottom line is, Silver Creek has better athletes, coaches, and just overall athletic program than Madison. Not a shot at Madison. It’s just facts. Is Madison good in anything? I know being in the HHC hurts them. But it does seem like they struggle in almost every sport. Silver Creek might be 3A, but they are capable of beating the New Albanys, Floyd Centrals, and Jeffersonvilles of the world in some Athletics.

    Any numbers or is this like your opinion man?

    Because your opinion ain't worth spit:

    5/14/18 “I think Jeffersonville will be 2nd place.

    5/15/18 “Jeff upgraded their coaching significantly. They have a ton of talent”

    8/5/18 Jeffersonville wont be any good this year......."

    7/15/18 "“He (Glesing) absolutely is the 2nd best coach in this conference."

    8/31/18 But this Floyd Central team is pretty good. They're bigger. They're faster. And I honestly feel like they are coached better defensively. And I like their offense.”

    8/24/18 Providence won't have 4 first downs”

    8/25/18 Great adjustments by coach Bragg. Good win (over Providence).”


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  13. 18 minutes ago, Fkfootball said:

    Maybe. But their is common sense in play here. Lol.

    In Football since their inception they are 56-32 in the MSC, with a couple of 6-2 records in the MSC. So what happens to their conference record when they replace Eastern (Pekin), Scottsburg, Clarksville, Corydon, etc., with Columbus East, Floyd Central, Jeff, BNL, etc.?

    They have competed favorably in the last several years, with a strong 3A team that won a state championship in Basketball this year. But take away a couple of anomaly years, and there are a lot of 1-4/2-3 seasons against HHC opponents. 

    I never said they didn't have athletes, They are a growing school system and I'm sure there's a lot of school shopping that goes on in the West Clark system, but I stand by my comments, if they join the HHC, across the board, year in and year out, they don't fare much better than Madison does. 

    So I'll call your common sense, and raise you with some actual records. 

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