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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. To a certain extent, this plays out like a Batman episode, you've got Carol, Daryl, Michonne, pretty much all of the badasses of the series that are left, with their pants down,  WHY DON'T YOU KILL THEM? This to me is where these shows kinda lose cred with me. Instead you leave the people who can kill you alive, and kill a bunch of kids. Makes zero sense to me. 


  2. I got a sense a little ways in, a bunch of people were going to die. It was just at different points I would think OMG Carol, OMG the King, OMG Michonne.....

    Frankly I was never a fan of Henry, tough break kid!

    I was kind of surprised they cut Enid loose, I guess with the emergence of Judith, they didn't see a future for her. I thought since she was kinda Carl's main squeeze, there might be future for her after his death. 

    Poor Brett Butler, the years have not been kind to her. She finally finds a steady gig, and they kill her off before she even gets settled in. 

    Obviously the signing of Ezekiel's "Constitution", and all the wheeling and dealing being talked about at the fair, add in Siddig's speech, and we can only assume the Highwaymen are on board as well for yet another war. Alpha and Beta are far too strong of characters to just go away, but I certainly can't see them living in the basement jail for the next season either. 

    What say you TWD Nerd, aka "Ref Ellenwood"?

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  3. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    I don't know how good the gun registration database/system is in NZ, but I suspect a lot of guns are going to be just hidden away somewhere, Unless the NZ government comes looking for them.






    Changes to firearms


    As of 3pm 21 March 2019 changes have been made by an Order in Council to ensure the immediate safety and peace of mind of New Zealand communities.

    The Order in Council [Arms (Military Style Semi-automatic Firearms) Order 2019(link is external)] will bring two additional groups of semi-automatic firearms within the definition of a Military Style Semi-automatic (MSSA) firearm:

    • a semi-automatic firearm that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine (other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges) that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges; and
    • a semi-automatic firearm that is a shotgun and is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges.

    Acting Superintendent Mike McIlraith explains the changes to the firearms classifications and what this means for firearms owners in the video below.

    What do I do if I have a firearm that will now be defined as a MSSA?

    Police encourages any person now in unlawful possession of a firearm, as it is now classified as a MSSA, to notify Police to arrange to hand over the firearm to our custody. The transitional period allows for people to do so without facing any penalties(link is external).

    How do I hand in my firearm to Police?

    Please fill out the online form. Once this form has been filled out and submitted to Police online, we will be in touch with you to make arrangements for you to bring your firearm(s) to Police at an allocated time, or for Police to come to you to collect the firearm.

    Hand in Firearms form

    You can call 0800 311 311 for help with filling out the form.

    Please ensure if Police organises for you to bring your firearm to us that you transport it using a firearm carry case or a non-descript bag.

    Next steps

    The Government has signalled there will be further changes made over the coming weeks to ban all military style semi-automatics and assault rifles permanently.

    As Police continues to develop processes we will continue to update information on this web page.

    Indicated buyback

    Government have signalled that their intention is to buyback impacted firearms. The details of this are being worked through, and will be made available as soon as possible.

    Amnesty statement

    On Thursday 21 March 2019 the Government took important steps to help make our communities safer by announcing a reclassification of some firearms.

    The changes were made to the definition of a military style semi-automatic by an Order in Council and means a number of firearms owned by New Zealander firearms licence holders are now unlawful, as ownership of these require an E category endorsement.

    The additional two groups of semi-automatics which now also fall under the MSSA definition:

    • a semi-automatic firearm that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine (other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges) that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges; and
    • a semi-automatic firearm that is a shotgun that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges.

    Firearms that are not affected by the Order in Council include:

    • rimfire 0.22 semi-automatic rifles,
    • semi-automatic shotguns with a tubular magazine that holds five or less rounds, and
    • pump action shot guns with a tubular magazine that holds five or less rounds.

    A buyback scheme is being considered by Government and details will be released in due course. The Government also has indicated they intend to ban all MSSA firearms in the coming weeks.

    In the meantime, because this takes immediate effect, there is an amnesty period in place for the foreseeable future. Once the legislation has been changed we will have more clarity around the period of amnesty for firearm owners.

    The amnesty allows for firearm owners to take the necessary steps to hand their firearms in to Police.

    The amnesty period applies to all firearms. This includes firearms which were unlawful before the changes announced on 21 March.

    Firearm owners can notify Police of their intention to hand in their firearms by filling in our online form or by calling 0800 311 311.


    Firearms changes FAQs

    Do you have any other questions?

    Please fill out the Hand in Firearms enquiry form or you can call 0800 311 311 if you have any enquiries.


    On the bright side of things, it appears my MKA1919 shot gun is still legal.


    • Thanks 1
  4. I heard on the radio NZ officials have no idea how they're going pay for all these guns people are suppose to surrender. By all accounts I've heard, there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 million guns involved, and the government is saying this could cost as much as 200 million. By my calculations that's about 100 bucks per gun. One of two things is happening:

    1) Guns are incredibly cheap in NZ.

    2) Not only is the government stripping gun rights from law abiding citizens, they're ripping them off as well. 

    Lastly, one single man, not even a citizen of NZ, has essentially stripped Kiwis from the ability to own modern sporting guns. 


  5. 45 minutes ago, foxbat said:


    Yes it would; however, one of the issues with the EC is that while it exists, it doesn't specifically state HOW the states must apportion their votes.  Most do it by winner of popular vote in the state; however, a couple of the states do it by popular vote in congressional districts, so that's why Maine and Nebraska sometimes end up with split votes in some elections.  There's been discussion recently about some states apportioning their votes based on the national popular vote as opposed to the state popular vote.  

    If I recall from government my senior year, about 100 years ago, one thing that the EC gives us, is a majority, which is also constitutionally mandated. Clinton won in 92 with like 42%-45% of the popular vote, with Perot siphoning votes away. I believe Reagan barely had a majority with slightly over 50% in 1980, with Anderson in the race. I'm sure there are other instances, but those two were both in my lifetime and I can recall them easily. I have heard on the radio, could be Warren not sure, someone championing the abolition of the EC envision 3, or 5, or 20 parties involved in the process. If we can extrapolate that out, it stands to reason we could have that many people running for president. So this create an unintended consequence? Look at the current D field for president, one can only imagine if we had multiple parties, one can only assume at least a handful of the 437 D running for president might consider another party. Look at quasi legit candidates, Bernie, Biden?, etc., if they took a third, fourth, or 20th party, they would legitimately take enough votes from other candidates to have a winner without a majority in popular vote, which ends up creating more chaos, anyone remember 2000?

    Personally I'm down with the EC. I think it's brilliantly designed to keep small geographic areas from dominating the political process. If we abandon the EC, nationally the only states that would matter to anyone are CA, TX, NY, IL, FL, and PA. Everything else will become irrelevant. As I understand it this is one of the reasons CA is considering a split into multiple states. CA being largely red, with the exceptions of most of the coast. Conservatives feel like regardless of how they vote, their voices are not heard, because SF, LA, and SD so dominate everything. 

    As with so many things, it seems today people only see today, they don't look at the big picture. There was some chatter about abolishing the EC after 2000, but the Internet wasn't quite the thing it is today. I really believe this movement is a knee jerk reaction to 1-2 events people came out on the wrong side of. And given the current political climate, I'd say amending the constitution has about a snowball's chance in hell of happening. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, JustRules said:

    Partial schedules exist because their opponents have submitted their schedule. If Carmel provides their schedule every opponent will have the Carmel game show up on their schedule because the opponent is tied in the database. I wonder how often teams submit conflicts and discover their opponent doesn't have the same game on their schedule.

    opponent is tied in the database

    Our resident DBaser addressed this earlier. Contrary to Jimmie's comments, there's a little more to spreadsheets than doing goesintas. 

    I wonder how often teams submit conflicts and discover their opponent doesn't have the same game on their schedule.

    I know it's happened to us, we think we have a game scheduled, only to find out they're on the road with a different school.

  7. 3 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    As I read about the "darkness" of this episode, many were saying it is as dark as 414 or 701.  

    Episode 914 was quite dark in it's own right.

    If I was comparing similarities, I would say 914 and episode 501 had a lot of eerie similarities.



    I'm going to give it another watch. Frankly I was so exhausted with the weekend's events, I barely stayed awake for it. I thought it was plenty brutal with the children and all, but gave some keen insight into Michonne's actions. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Irishman said:

    I love that the season finale the last few years has come while I watch from the beach in Florida 🙂

    No Florida trip this spring for us. I’m taking my wife on a surprise trip for our 30th anniversary. The only thing she knows is we had to get passports, and when we’re leaving. I believe the fall trip to Florida after Football season is going to be an annual thing, though. 

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