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Everything posted by DE

  1. Shhh. The sheep don't like facts.
  2. and the left saying this and that about phone records regarding 1/6/21......more fake news. cnn reporting it. to the people that believe all this 🐂💩 boy are you all gullible and need to check your critical thinking skills...
  3. No, but I am also not the one proclaiming that they ONLY need to use athletics to get out. Your ism is showing right through. That thinking is soooo 70s-80s-90s. Not very progressive of you. Bernie would not be proud of you now.\ Go look what is happening at West Side. Things are going GREAT over there. You are welcome in advance. Think Ivy League. But hey, facts don't matter to some. ✌️
  4. Don't play the victim card here. You were the one tossing that crap at me years back and got called out when your skin was chicken thin. THANK YOU!
  5. I was never a gun owner until the summer of 2020 when I was witnessing all the Burning. Looting. Murdering. Rioting going on all in the name of "social justice". I however, have ALWAYS been a supporter of the 2A. We have it for a reason. Check out all countries that have banned their 2A and tell me how that has worked historically.
  6. People are utterly clueless and can not think for themselves. Throwing the terms racist and all the other progressive buzz words around has totally blown back in their faces and lost all meaning. People that throw those words around are the true ones. They are using old Nazi techniques....blame others of what you are guilty of doing.
  7. You serious Clark? You do not think education is the most important? 😂 That's rich coming from such a smart guy who attended ND and IU. Or should I stay in may lane again? Facts do not see a political agenda Bob. Get your head out of your a$$.
  8. I do not think ANYONE is arguing this. Think we ALL agree on that. My question is.....if Tyler B is considered the "chosen one" and the TP/FA is so popular today, is the "chosen one" REALLY the "chosen one"? The answer is simple. No. No he is not.
  9. Which solidifies my point that Tyler B. is not "the chosen one".
  10. I agree, but I did not anoint a kid "the chosen one" which indicates, by the recruitment of a 5 star QB, he is not as sure of thing as some think. And with all the transfer portal/free agency in college football, is it a nice problem to have? Smart choice. Why would you be, if you have your picks?
  11. Saw 5 ⭐️ QB recruit, Dante Moore, was on campus at ND. Thought ND already had their “chosen one”. What say you @Bobrefif Moore inks with ND?
  12. But what does it really matter? Seriously, the radical socialists/some say communists, want to make college “free”/“erase” student debt, so all these points may be moot.
  13. All these benefits (playing a sport, traveling the world, NIL, free agency, “free” clothing, books, food, housing, etc) AND the most important is being tossed in the trash…..education.
  14. Which is not positive. Society has serious commitment issues.
  15. Funny part is, you make light of something that actually happening. The left is blaming the right for banning books, yet the leftie big tech folks are the ones censoring important, factual information.
  16. I am watching a video of Fauci on C-Span on a video clip shared with me. He discusses the importance of natural immunity. Ironic thing is, I can not find it on youtube. 🤷‍♂️
  17. I did read that each luxury box comes with 10 break away tables....
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