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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Titan32

  1. That has been discussed here as nauseam and is a splendid thought, particularly with the Southridge/Washington flip. That said, there is no way in Hades that the PAC membership gives two squats about what happens to the former Big 8 teams. Their conference isn’t broken in their minds, therefore why touch it.
  2. As a Coach I want to know if I can win today. If we are honest here Jasper (although a fine program) has been in a football decline for some time now. If I’m a young coach....history is “nice”, but how all the key indicators look TODAY are much more important in ranking criteria.
  3. Funny thing about conferences...NO one cares about anyone’s interest other than their own. Keep that in mind as we continue to blue sky solutions that have zero chance of coming to fruition.
  4. We lost 11 on defense going into 2016. That is never an issue at GS. Potent offense and some nasty kids stepping up to fill holes on defense. Get ur popcorn ready!
  5. That’s guys for getting us back up and rolling. Volunteerism in regards to football in our state is a Godly endeavor IMO!
  6. They can try...but it will be a cold day in Hades that the member schools would vote that in. It’s a geography thing more than anything else. Same reason they will never let Jasper in. Boonville might have a shot.
  7. There will never be a merger or reshuffle...old school PAC guys too pig headed. If Tell City ever happens to go independent or to the PLAC...the PAC would get about 4 applications from Big 8 schools over night. Really?!? They will keep plugging along one way or the other.
  8. I’m back!! Most of you guys probably don’t know that CJ made me an admin on the Facebook page years ago. If you have ever wondered which one of you post the GID Polls on the Facebook page...it’s me!
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