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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Titan32

  1. https://wsbt.com/news/local/indiana-department-of-education-discusses-plans-for-the-future-of-schooling
  2. I believe there is an immunity form what I have read...what is in doubt is how long. The TIME article I read was a couple weeks old but the experts they interviewed thought 1 to 3 years....with younger folks having a more robust immune response therefore a longer period of immunity.
  3. This is a great question that really goes to the larger issue which is Trojan Dad's point. This isn't the flu...so every time a kid tests positive in the building there will be contact tracing. Then I suspect ALL of the kids contacted will have to go home and self quarantine for 2 weeks? Seems like in high school buildings and on football teams there is a LOT of "contact". Feels like this is going to be very difficult to manage to me. Or...do some of you just think since it doesn't tend to affect young people as badly that there won't be contact tracing for this age group and fully expect asymptomatic kids to be all over the place anyway? Or...by August do we not care because enough people have had it that the health care system won't be over run?
  4. Just my opinion and you know what that is worth...but in a slow rolled return to normalcy...I believe we will see sports at all levels with zero or limited fans. Just like there could be a return to school but still maintaining social distance in other venues (particularly entertainment).
  5. True...but mitigating risk is what it is all about. 200 players and coaches at a HS football game is easier to swallow than 3,000 folks. I would support whatever it takes to get the games played.
  6. No I don't think all 50 governors use data....but they should. It's significantly more reliable than intuition. No country has implemented a test for every citizen only because it hasn't been possible....but it will be possible eventually and probably before a vaccine. I believe you are at least implicitly referring to economic data in your last sentence, maybe not, but if you are I agree. All data points should be used in every states decision making process and of course each state could interpret the same data differently. All that said, I believe we can be back in school in August and that HS football games can be played. I do think crowd sizes will be limited or eliminated.
  7. Thankfully the President basically has zero say the matter of when we go back to normalcy. Each state will decide that. And the only way to make that decision is with data. Data is king and none of what we have is accurate. With data we can start to get back to work without a vaccine....without data we are screwed. Having a fast and easy test available for every single american is the only way to obtain the data we need to make informed decisions.....without it we are guessing.
  8. I can see a scenerio where only parents/gardians etc. are allowed to attend football games.
  9. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/indiana
  10. Here is Coach Ralph's Twitter response: So apparently the article today has sparked some “excitement” from many people in the area. To be honest I normally am not interested in keyboard warriors opinions of me as they judge from behind their electronic screens. However, they’ve attacked my players integrity & mine... So, here is the reality: 1) This pandemic is serious, I understand that. I enforce the rules with my family. 2) That interview was documented & photos taken from BEFORE March 23rd. This was well before more pressing legislature was handed down. 3) I care about my players safety. Keyboard Warriors Rant Continued... 4) I NEVER ordered my players workout alone or in groups. Learn to read. It clearly states PLAYERS organized this. 5) I sent a Remind 101 message to parents stating “Use your own parental discretion as to what your son can do.” KW Rant Part III: 6) I will absolutely NEVER waiver in my comments to my pride in seeing teenage kids I’m the leader of rally within hours of school being shut down and develop their OWN answer to a potential problem. I love my players like sons & to see their resolve was unreal. KW Rant IV: 7) The players have transitioned with “social distancing” to working out in small groups or in isolation. Maybe we should applaud that sacrifice and not tear it down? 8. Comments of me being reckless & uncaring is disgusting. To say the same of my players is shameful. Final KW Rant: It’s all out here now. And I’m not taking it down because I will always stand behind my players & their actions good or bad. What they’re doing is what makes US great. Learn to gather facts before assuming. You have a problem come to me don’t hide behind a keyboard
  11. https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2019/10/21/check-out-88-yard-touchdown-pass-brady-allen-seth-delong-gibson-southern/4052316002/
  12. Is this thread only anti-RPO but also anti spread, tempo, read option? Many offenses are a combination of old school counter and power blocking schemes with a more modern mix of formations. I don't think 11 men in a phone both is necessary harder to defend than getting formationed to death...or any more entertaining.
  13. It's a term used to demonstrate/establish respect and common purpose. I think it is formal enough for network television.
  14. My Grandpa used to always say...."wish I made enough money to be a Republican".
  15. I think you read WAY too much into that. I just read a guys resume and thought....that sounds like a guy I would want on my staff!
  16. Gibson Southern rallies from 4-TD halftime deficit to beat Charlestown, 57-49 https://usatodayhss.com/2012/gibson-southern-rallies-from-4-td-halftime-deficit-to-beat-charlestown-57-49
  17. The article is a little confusing to me....How long as Fisher been there?
  18. Yeah...I did not mean to imply that it wouldn't include summer break. It looks like the CDC might just be saying...school should be closed until it's regular starting time in the Fall. My question was....is there a way to even start football "on-time" if that were the case.
  19. Haven't seen it myself yet but someone came in my office and said the new CDC recommendations are 20 weeks of no school. So can we fire off football with no summer preparation??
  20. If you like fishing for grain fed genetically modified fish in a quasi commune feeling mini-village. I recommend: https://santascottages.com/ Oh and....get this....HUGE BONUS...Jay Cutler grew up very close to there....YIPPIE!!
  21. EVSC will be closing all school facilities beginning tomorrow evening, March 13 at 5:00 p.m. School closure to continue through Sunday, March 29, with plans to reopen on Monday, March 30, following spring break. However, we will continue to stay in close contact with government and health officials to determine if it is necessary to prolong this school facility closure. Beginning tomorrow at 5:00 p.m., all extracurricular events and practices are cancelled until school facilities are reopened.
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