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Posts posted by MarshallCounty

  1. 1 hour ago, TIFootball said:

    You are correct. I think they CHOOSE not to seed based on how the pairings come out historically (disrupts the ping pong balls :) ). What I'm discussing is how can we change the entire system to have more competitive play.

    I fail to see how your idea would be more competitive. You're plan encourages tanking to get into a lower tier tournament. If school A knows it has no shot against the top 2A teams because it is ranked 63 in the class, but has a shut at winning a 1a title against teams of similar caliber, why not lose the last 2 regular season games.

  2. 1 hour ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    The folks on North Meridian hang their hat on the fact we are the only state in the nation that has an all-in tournament in every sanctioned sport. I get this exercise every year, but the bottom line is that's not going to change in any of our lifetimes. 

    It is a fun debate, but you are correct. The IHSAA  loves the all in system.  Most of the state is fine with it.  Going to take a tremendous amount of change in leadership and motivation to see anything different happening.  It is fun internet fodder, but those who want change, are not connected to leadership roles.

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  3. 1 hour ago, TIFootball said:

    Week 9 would be my thought - let the conference schedules play out - so post season.

    If I am a borderline team, what is stopping me from playing younger players the last two weeks to give them experience and resting my starters. In a round about way, they are intentionally losing so that they would be a 2a school rather than a 3a school. It would help the young players get playing time and let the older kids be 100% healthy for a tournament run.

  4. 1 hour ago, TIFootball said:

    I totally agree with this. I think having a statewide ranking system would be a better fit. Rank all teams, regardless of class 1-317 (or whatever that number is) and divide them up into 6 tourney's. Just for fun, I used the Saragin Ratings (which would need to be improved) and the results were very interesting. Keep the tourney sizes the same as they are now: 6A 32 teams, 5A 34 teams, 4A 61 teams, 3A 64 teams, 2A 63 teams, and 1A 63 teams. The breakdown was a much more competitive route than either M or SF.

    In regards to open enrollment, kids are being recruited as early as middle school - especially from the elite middle school teams such as Team Indiana, Indiana Select, FBU Indiana etc. I know Cathedral recruiting was extended to personal invites for these teams to check out the campus and speak with coaches. East Central draws players from Cincinnati. Players from Indy gravitate to Warren Central that's outside their "district". Additionally down south, Columbus schools pull from area schools as they are the power schools in this region. ISHAA will never stop this practice, and open enrollment will always pull serious kids to these power programs which further divides the balance. I see this ranking system, or something like it, the only real way to balance the tourney's.

    When would you divide them up? Prior to the season, mid season, post season?

  5. 2 minutes ago, johnny U said:

    The overall quality of basketball in the NIC would drop without Riley, Washington, and Adams.  Riley, Washington, with the addition of Marian have dominated the NIC.  You would be taking away 2 of the 3 best teams in the conference.  

    Agree... On this board we are all very centric, but every school brings something positive in a few sports. 

  6. On 10/2/2019 at 4:57 PM, Boilernation said:

    1. Alabama

    2. LSU (giving them credit for winning at Texas and the rejuvenated offense)

    3. Ohio State (I would take Saban vs. Mike Day on a neutral field, which we could very well end up seeing)

    4. Georgia

    5. Oklahoma (Riley's offense will demolish the Big 12 and put up at least 25 in a playoff game. The question is can Hurts complete the big passes against an Elite secondary in the Playoff?)

    6. Wisconsin (In typical Wisky fashion they play down to Northwestern)

    7. Clemson (Honestly, could just be going through the motions and would look like #1 if playing a Top 10 team)

    8. Auburn (True Frosh QB. Guz is always coaching for his job. Not a good recipe for an undefeated season) 

    9. Notre Dame

    10. Texas














    I would put Ohio State ahead of LSU, but tend to agree with everything else.  I am an ND fan, I think they are Top 10, but not Top 5 and way behind Top 3.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Ben Downey said:
    The talent wasn't drying up fast. SJ returned an athletic senior class, a scrappy, unselfish junior class, and a talented sophomore class. This was in '15 when 3 SB teams won 8 games, just b4 many of SB's finest players were convinced they should go elsewhere; this has made things much harder for SB coaches. I also didn't bolt; after years of struggling to find balance in my life I slowly walked away with a heavy heart considering SJ football meant and still means more to me than anything other than my faith, family, and friends. Speaking of family, the "age old excuse of spending time with my family" was as real as it gets for me and is/was for every single football coach that's ever picked up a whistle (and their wives). Coaches that find a way to continue coaching, coaches that step down, coaches that step down and return later, etc. all deal with an intense internal conflict that shouldn't be second guessed. A year ago I investigated the Mishawaka job, and their administrative support and overall resources were jaw-droppingly good, but my family wasn't ready, so I couldn't stay in the running. I'll investigate other positions as well, but I will only return to the sidelines if I can swing it with my family (the day I read your post each of my 3 kids had a practice in diff. locations). If that day comes I hope people that comment on it are more informed than you have been.




    Hmmm, how do you feel about the color green? Never know, down the road. 

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