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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by psaboy

  1. You will if, and that is the questionable, you make regionals
  2. As you said, baby steps for Warsaw. They are the team on rise, but are still behind Carroll, Homestead, Penn and probably Valpo in region and then Jeff and Carmel for Semi. So they got a ways to go, so lets see what they can do in next 3-5 years. That will tell you if program is "stepping" up.
  3. So, you are saying they will switch Penn to play in Sectional 3 so Warsaw can stay in Sectional #2?? I doubt that will happen.
  4. Yea, your right on the SB Washington. I think also on the team against, I was going to guess them or Jimtown
  5. That was South Bend Washington I believe??
  6. I do think things have changed as well. I think the younger people (30 and below) are not as interested in attending, let alone follow/support sports in general. There are just more things to do these days it seems and different avenues to either watch or get information. In my day, early/mid 80's it was cool to go to game and socialize, don't think that is the case these days.
  7. I just don't know if Snider could pull off the "independent" status, year after year, etc. As they are one of the best programs in the state, I question if it is sustainable.. Could they schedule a few SAC teams (Dwenger, Homestead, Carroll, maybe Luers every year) then do a indy area team or two, Penn and then fill out with a team or two from MI and/or OH. I would expect travel would kill, need booster support, is that allowed??
  8. O line or D line? If O, G or T. If D is it a 3-4 or 4-3 set? Not enough info to answer question.
  9. I'm having a hard time loading page 2 on any thread. As I read thru page 1 and then try to go to next page, it takes for ever to load. Anyone else having this issue?
  10. Snider and Dwenger have ruled and will continue to rule the SAC, Sure, you will have an occasional team that catches lightening in a bottle for a year or two, but over the next 20 year span Snider and Dwenegr will own over 50% of the titles
  11. What does this have to do with the thread topic ??? You should receive a few demerits for that post.
  12. Very nice, old school all the way. Love the history and old pics, thanx.
  13. Man, I love those stadiums in TX. They are really nice.
  14. So, why can't Snider squeeze in a stadium on their land???
  15. They are building a stadium on campus I hear.
  16. So, will the logo be a panther in one end zone and bruin in the other? What about mid field??
  17. Well, his total guarantee as of today is 4.5 million, so I think he will be OK. Bigger one on the horizon.
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