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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Fkfootball

  1. Just saw this man. Idk how I missed it. Point blank. We did not play well in the 1st half. Played better in the 2nd half after I’m sure a (very encouraging) halftime rant. Our Tailback is terrific. Still have to get better in areas but like every team, I am sure they’ll work on it. The interesting thing, is of the quartet of FC, BNL, NA, and Jeff, which team will improve the MOST before October? That is the benchmark for the HHC outside of East.
  2. Oh I know. North is a really good program too. I tell people all the time, that I think kids in Columbus are given footballs in their crib at birth. It has to be. So much talent up there.
  3. Do you feel that North is that much of a better team than East is? Does East look similar or better/worse than last years team? Does this change your expectations for East in Tournament play? I’d be interested to hear those thoughts.
  4. I can’t get rid of the quote box. Anyways. Floyd Central 28 Providence 7. I feel that Floyd has much room for improvement. Wenkers Wright had 348 yds and 4 TDs. Just a special kid. He’s fun to watch.
  5. It will be a good game. You guys will like our stadium and atmosphere.
  6. We play you guys in Week 3. I’m really looking forward to it.
  7. We play at Providence. It will probably feel like a breeze compared to last week.
  8. Bro, this is over. I DM’d him. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut on here. I’m not trying to start crap with anyone. Just want to discuss football. That’s it.
  9. Glesing started this at Floyd. It’s a good offense. It will work.
  10. Bro. I know East is good. I know they’ll beat us by double digits. I’m not that delusional. I just thought we did a lot of good things tonight compared to years past. It may not matter against East. But it will matter against a lot of other teams. I’d be fine with 2nd place. I realize that’s the bar. Lol.
  11. I’m done. I’m not saying another word about this crap. I thought this was an opinion board?
  12. I will bro. For sure. Hell, just for the free food. Lol.
  13. Can I meet you? I want you to say this to me face to face. That’s all I ask. You won’t.
  14. Floyd is better than the NA team that almost beat East last year. I know East is better. We won’t beat them but I doubt it will be that embarrassing. If it is, I’ll never post on this board again.
  15. East can’t beat Male! It’s laughable that you think they can. It would take Warren Central, Carmel, Center Grove, teams like that to beat them.
  16. You don’t know that. They just played the best team in Kentucky.
  17. I wouldn’t be so sure. You guys are really good but you aren’t Male. Only down 29 right now. Lol.
  18. 35-6. Males 6”4 Kentucky Commit Izayeah Cummings is killing Floyd. We won’t see another team like this all year.
  19. Floyd down 21-6 to Male at Half. This is the best Floyd has played them in years. Playing extremely hard.
  20. If this is the case, a 3 hour drive sounds better than playing the Kentucky 6A State Champions.
  21. I heard that, this is the last year that Floyd will play Male. I hope that’s true. We will have to replace Male, Providence, and Vincennes Lincoln. Supposedly they are picking up a Terra Haute school.
  22. There was some sarcasm there. That’s not a “literal comment”. You’re feeding it that way because it fits your narrative. I’m just asking why they do it? Lol.
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