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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. My aunt was on the development team for Axiron. She said one of the environmental factors that wasn’t thoroughly tested on the first round of trials was how the drug interacted with women’s clothing; turns out, the formulation clung to yoga pants!
  2. Claudio Sanchez, although his stuff is very “out there”.
  3. They do; one of those places was Andre Agassi’s charter school.
  4. Blame sheep like @TrojanDad and @Impartial_Observer. They got us here.
  5. The recall was due to CONTAMINATION, not a fault with the drug itself. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/ranitidine-zantac-recall-expanded-many-questions-remain-2020040218044
  6. Or, we instead move towards biofuels and electric vehicles. That would be a lot smarter.
  7. No; although I’d be the 3rd person on my dad’s side to work for NASA.
  8. How many people can you name from any NCAA tournament champion team from more than 10 years ago?
  9. I’m a bigger fan of Cornell’s solo work than his stuff with Soundgarten.
  10. 1. *you're 2. The bloated pharmaceutical giant in Indianapolis (that I can now bad-mouth because my aunt no longer does drug development for them) doesn't produce "life-saving compounds", but rather superfluous crap for decrepit Boomers.
  11. If those cruise liners weren't allowed to pick up passengers in the USA at all, they would not be in business. I think the Jones Act should be expanded to include cruise liners.
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