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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. Here's a better one- https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/30/michigan-protests-coronavirus-lockdown-armed-capitol
  2. https://www.whsv.com/content/news/Protesters-gather-at-Virginia-Capitol-to-demand-end-to-states-closures-569694311.html
  3. I rest my case with @TrojanDad's post- It's a pity I couldn't go back and put "brave" in air quotes...
  4. Reagan-funded groups. How circular. And I'm now going to pull a @Howe; my dad graduated from high school in Libya, so I'm allowed to refer to the people of the Middle East as "brown people".
  5. If we weren’t spending so much $$$ on the F35, we’d have more money for ammo. Also, if taxes were higher, we’d have more $$$ for ammo. If your son doesn’t like those realities, he can quit the armed forces. Your loss. A majority of Americans will see the cost advantage.
  6. Of note, I rode in a Chevy Bolt in SLC a week ago, and I was impressed by the efficiency of the vehicle. I’m really surprised that the taxi companies of Vegas haven’t gone to EVs; most taxis in Vegas are hybrids or natural gas.
  7. 1. Buy a Tesla, and your gas price issues will go away. 2. The USAF doesn’t need the F35. 3. The Tories in the GOP give out handouts left and right, but they just go to your pet causes.
  8. It’s about which cities a candidate wins. If Biden wins a city in 2020 that Krysten Sienna won in 2018, he will win Arizona and 10 electoral votes.
  9. HRC won the popular vote overall, and would have won the electoral vote had she campaigned better in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. Since 2016 Arizona elected a Democratic US Senator for the 1st time since 1995, and Michigan and Wisconsin elected Democratic Governors. Those policies might not be so unpopular after all...
  10. Yes, and a similar one was passed back in 1978, but wasn’t ratified in time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_Voting_Rights_Amendment Note: I oppose DC Statehood, but I support DC Congressional Representation.
  11. And Strom Thurmond was welcomed by the GOP with open arms. You’d think you would have remembered this from all the times @AbsenceOfempathy spewed this.
  12. Looks like gent whom you quoted read “The Road to Wigan Pier”.
  13. Fine then; I’ll commission a statue of Hitler in Newberry.
  14. Considering that the estates of two plaintiffs continued their fights, this is also a win for dead people.
  15. Obama fixes what Dubya broke, and Trump rode the wave until he got lax on COVID.
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