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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. https://theconversation.com/random-testing-in-indiana-shows-covid-19-is-6-times-deadlier-than-flu-and-2-8-of-the-state-has-been-infected-138709 From the Article:
  2. He could have read up on Switzerland before he moved there. There were books about the Swiss government in Argentina before 1914.
  3. This quote shows how clueless Borges was about Swiss politics. No one knew the president’s name because Switzerland has no President.
  4. Pink Floyd. I've only ever purchased physical media of Pink Floyd. I'm also partial to- The Cars Dire Straits Steve Miller Band Depeche Mode Bon Jovi I've enjoyed some of the work of Blink-182 Nickleback (the good stuff isn't radio-friendly) Coheed & Cambria I also enjoy EDM and VGM, but that is nowhere near mainstream.
  5. Well then, fatty, I hereby propose that, in following the pattern set by 3 of the 13 colonies, Indiana be renamed New Bedfordshire.
  6. And I’m sorry that you live so high up in an ivory tower that you have no idea how the world works.
  7. How about no, because our country already has enough stupid people.
  8. When I’ve got the time, I’m going to link to the comments on reddit about this, since they have criticized this case in far greater detail than what I can do.
  9. Are they doing it in their capacity as an employee? Are they on company WiFi?
  10. The point proven would be to not disrespect the school district.
  11. Would you consider a Facebook post where a person said “Been at work an hour, thought about quitting twice, gonna be a great day!” to be egregious?
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