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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. Or, that these States had schools that put more emphasis on basketball than football.
  2. Then you should negotiate your own pay, benefits package, and discipline plan separately from your local union members.
  3. I’ll give some clarification regarding what I mean by participation- Pahranagat Valley HS in Nevada has 120 students in grades 9-12; they will dress 40+. Mountain View Christian Academy in Las Vegas has 150 HS kids, and they will dress 20 kids, tops.
  4. How many kids participate in football, on average, at 1A schools in Indiana?
  5. You have never learned to appreciate small school football, apparently.
  6. https://www.nevadacurrent.com/2020/06/29/lv-charter-school-alleges-it-paid-1-6m-to-utah-management-company-for-nothing/ From the Article: Hooray for pilfering CMOs.
  7. Now you are just dodging responses. You too will go the way of @AbsenseOfempathy.
  8. I am aware; and what I am saying is that what you have was delivered to you courtesy of unionization efforts done in the past, and that private sector employees, particularly those who aren't in unionized jobs, don't have anywhere near the health insurance that you have. No school, whether public or private or charter, will play by the same rules as another school.
  9. Last year I coached an 8-man team. It was fun, but personnel management is a much bigger part of the game than in a larger school.
  10. Nope; I called in sick to work one morning and interviewed for a job at a different school.
  11. There always is. I’ve never had a non-union job in the private sector where there was an employer contribution. When I taught at Andre Agassi’s charter school, we had to pay a minimum 5% of our salary into a health plan, and we were the only school district equivalent in all of Nevada to do that.
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