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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. I am well aware. However, any school that's worth its salt will have Chromebooks, and will issue them to students. Heck, some places have started using school buses as mobile hot-spots.
  2. I know it's not a shot 🙂 Last year was my 1st time teaching ELA, and we re-did curricular materials part-way through the 1st quarter. Part of the curricular materials was a computer-based literacy program, which the kids by and large hated. However, the ELA MAPS scores went up (my 8th Graders had 100% growth). Learning is happening, and we are able to measure it, we just need to align curricular materials correctly. Google Classroom is free for non-profits 🙂
  3. I taught my classes online last quarter. As long as my students have access to an Internet connection and a Chromebook, they will learn and I will teach. The primary purpose of school is learning after all.
  4. Do any schools have the capability to Twitch stream their football games?
  5. @Bobref I concur with both your observation and comment. To add my own comment: a lot of industries, excluding trucking and rail transportation, are hurting for revenue. This, unfortunately, is leading to a disregard for safety.
  6. With COVID-19, Medicare will probably be expanded.
  7. That’s called “Maryland Retrocession”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_retrocession#Proposed_Maryland_retrocession
  8. In other words, racism is about power. It is therefore possible for other races to be racist, but we nearly only see examples in Whites and Asians because they have traditionally held power.
  9. Fine; I'll have "peaceful demonstrators" show up outside your place of work with AR-15s, and we'll see how you like it.
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