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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. This is a biggie, because HRC $ucked at playing defense. A lot of things killed Clinton, but the over-reliance on this is one factor. He's not wrong.
  2. @DT instead of copying and pasting schedules from John Harrel's website into a post, would you please instead take a screenshot and insert it into a post as an image? It's more "mobile-friendly", just saying.
  3. So, what have you done to stop it? This is how it's billed, but not how it is. It's also a lie my government teacher parroted. This line is why I gave you the downvote.
  4. Madison made the mistake of staying in the HHC 5-10 years longer than what they should have.
  5. The KHSAA website is very informative, particularly on mobile. They even have all docs in PDF.
  6. Corporate market manipulation. BTW, Trump is responsible for COVID getting as bad as it got. It’s another Katrina.
  7. Yes, they should, since they cost the depreciation of an asset.
  8. No, because RSM is only done on actively driven vehicles.
  9. Most old people see being a grandparent as being a badge of honor. It means they raised their kids well.
  10. Will Week 3 still be a non-conference game after this year?
  11. Knowing this will give us evidence about who Madison is keeping.
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