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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. I’ve made sure I’ve never used employer WiFi when I’m on this website. God’s filtering system.
  2. The last teacher on here who spewed “I earned my health insurance” spent a lot of time posting on here, probably when he should have been teaching. The aforementioned individual is no longer in the profession.
  3. Every time you post here, you give me reasons not to trust Eli Lily drugs.
  4. Statistically speaking, with a 50% failure rate, it'll be the person of your nightmares.
  5. Sources, please. 9-11 also happened during Bush 43's term. My mom's parents were alive during the Hoover years; their stories weren't great.
  6. I have watched TWO economic meltdowns happen in my lifetime- both were under GOP leadership. Then ALL the individuals connected to the slave-owning South will be eradicated. The Germans don't put up statues of Hitler, or put Swastikas on their flag. The South, and those who ally with the South, are along overdue for the score to be settled.
  7. You are hilarious, or delusional. Metro's officers top out at $40/hour- https://www.lvmpd.com/en-us/Finance/FACAgendas/PPA Agreement.pdf
  8. 1. The Hennepin County Sheriff's Office is still around; many of the cities that border Minneapolis in Hennepin County simply contract with them. 2. There are apparently a lot of bad ones to be weeded out since all of this has been going on.
  9. I like this proposal- https://qz.com/357823/america-needs-to-have-just-two-time-zones-and-the-world-should-follow-suit/
  10. Not the property of random people, no. My grandpa’s Crown Vic sure took a beating from me 🙂
  11. Well, I don't take orders from Rome, so it's the "leftist radical" by default.
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